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UW Coffee 'N Code Projects

This is a collection of all UW Coffee 'N Code Past Projects. Each project is organized into 5-7 lessons that are taught once a week. If you are interested in creating one of the projects on your own time feel free to follow our lessons! Here is a summary of all the projects.

Winter 2020 Project List

Game Development - John Lemon’s Haunted Jaunt

You'll learn how to use Unity 3D and beginner C# scripting to create an explorable mansion using Prefabs. No experience required!

Intermediate Javascript - Space Comp

Sharpen your Javascript and learn how to interact with an API to create a bot to compete in a competetive game! Previous experience in javascript recommended!

Game Development - Beginner Python

Learn python or sharpen your skills by creating a retro style game. No experience required!

Web Development - Entertainment Tracker App

Learn the basics of web development by creating a website using Vue.js, Node.js, javascript and MongoDB! No experience required!

Intermediate Python - Algorithmic War Game

Sharpen your skills in Python by learning object oriented programming while creating an Algorithmic War Game. Previous experience in python recommended!

Spring 2019 Project List

Game Dev

React Snake Game: Snake has kept its position as one of the most renowned classic games of all time. We’ll teach you the basics of modern web development and teach you how to re-create a timeless classic.

Data Science

Heart Disease Classifier: Data science is revolutionizing many industries and its use in healthcare has opened tremendous advances. In this project for all experience levels, we will create models to predict the likelihood of heart disease based of off features from real world hospital data.

Web Dev

Personal Website Portfolio: With the co-op term coming up, you want something to set you apart from the other candidates. Join us in creating your very own interactive resume and website!


Vu Meter: Learn how to use an Arduino to take in inputs and produce outputs. Then we'll build a robust volume meter that detects sound with a microphone and lights up a row of LEDs to represent the volume. No experience with hardware or programming required!

Winter 2019 Project List

Game Dev 1

Unity 3D Space Shooter: A fun, old school arcade style scrolling space shooter. We will be making the game from scratch, and learning how to program gameplay elements, import and use art in our game, and make UI all inside of the Unity engine!

Game Dev 2

Colorbound: A fast-paced rougelike 2d game and engine created from scratch using JavaScript and HTML5. We will be using an incremental approach to simultaneously build a fun and engaging game as well as an engine which you can customize and use to create your own games in the future!

Back-End Web Dev

SMS Morning Newsfeed: Learn how to use Python to collect information from the web and text yourself a daily newsfeed. In this completely beginner friendly project we'll first start out with getting the local weather, but then help you find other info you might want to get for your own custom newsfeed.

Machine Learning 1

Credit card fraud detection: It is important that credit card companies are able to recognize fraudulent credit card transactions so that customers are not charged for items that they did not purchase. We will be using python build a machine learning model based on a 284,807 transactions dataset.

Machine Learning 2

Hate Speech Detection Engine: We will be diving into the world of machine learning and natural language processing to build a model that can classify harmful text. We will be exploring an impactful problem that social media giants such as Facebook and Quora are currently working on.


Automatic Coffee Stirrer: Build, from scratch, an automatic coffee stirrer powered by your very own Arduino system. No need to bring your own hardware as Coffee ‘N Code will lend you kit. Learn to read circuit schematics, design a complex electronic system, and use external libraries to control an Arduino.

Fall 2018 Project List

Web Development

Code your own blog forum with login and simple post functionalities using Ruby on Rails. Basic knowledge of HTML/CSS/JS is recommended.

Machine Learning

Train a Reddit bot to detect cyberbullying, recommend books, suggest music, or summarize posts using Python and Scikit-learn.


Create your own Slack bot to help you check the weather, display your class schedule, and set reminders and notifications using Elixir and Phoenix.


Design and code your own automatic coffee stirrer using an Arduino microcontroller, sensors, and circuit design.


Learn the basics of a mobile app design process, from ideation and wireframing to prototyping, while using InVision Studio and Figma.

Spring 2018 Project List

Web development

Learn the basics such HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery and Bootstrap to get you started on your personal portfolio website.

Game Development

Build a 2D game engine to run a virtual ecosystem of creatures using Machine Learning.

Machine Learning

Create a virtual facial recognition algorithm and learn about neural networks and how to train one using Keras.


Construct a secure container using an Arduino-powered locking mechanism.