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Set::Functional - set operations for functional programming


Version 1.04


This module provides basic set operations for native lists. The primary goal is to take advantage of Perl's native functional programming capabilities while relying solely on Pure Perl constructs to perform the set operations as fast as possible. All of these techniques have been benchmarked against other common Perl idioms to determine the optimal solution. These benchmarks can be found in this package (shortly).

Each function is provided in two forms. The first form always expects simple flat data structures of defined elements. The second form expects a BLOCK (referred to as a choice function) to evaluate each member of the list to a defined value to determine how the element is a set member. These can be identified by the suffix "_by". None of these functions check definedness inline so as to eliminate the costly O(n) operation. All functions have been prototyped to give them a native Perl-ish look and feel.

Example usage:

    use Set::Functional ':all';

    # Set Creation
    my @deduped_numbers = setify(1 .. 10, 2 .. 11);
    my @deduped_objects_by_name = setify_by { $_->{name} } ({name => 'fred'}, {name => 'bob'}, {name => 'fred'});

    # Set Operation
    my @all_permutations = cartesian \@arr1, \@arr2, \@arr3, \@arr4;

    my @only_arr1_elements = difference \@arr1, \@arr2, \@arr3, \@arr4;
    my @only_arr1_elements_by_name = difference_by { $_->{name} } \@arr1, \@arr2, \@arr3, \@arr4;

    my @unique_per_set = disjoint \@arr1, \@arr2, \@arr3, \@arr4;
    my @unique_per_set_by_name = disjoint_by { $_->{name} } \@arr1, \@arr2, \@arr3, \@arr4;

    my @unique_elements = distinct \@arr1, \@arr2, \@arr3, \@arr4;
    my @unique_elements_by_name = distinct_by { $_->{name} } \@arr1, \@arr2, \@arr3, \@arr4;

    my @shared_elements = intersection \@arr1, \@arr2, \@arr3, \@arr4;
    my @shared_elements_by_name = intersection_by { $_->{name} } \@arr1, \@arr2, \@arr3, \@arr4;

    my @odd_occuring_elements = symmetric_difference \@arr1, \@arr2, \@arr3, \@arr4;
    my @odd_occuring_elements_by_name = symmetric_difference_by { $_->{name} } \@arr1, \@arr2, \@arr3, \@arr4;

    my @all_elements = union \@arr1, \@arr2, \@arr3, \@arr4;
    my @all_elements_by_name = union_by { $_->{name} } \@arr1, \@arr2, \@arr3, \@arr4;

    # Set Predicates
    my $is_all_of_arr1_distinct_from_arr2 = is_disjoint \@arr1, \@arr2;
    my $is_all_of_arr1_distinct_from_arr2_by_name = is_disjoint_by { $_->{name} } \@arr1, \@arr2;

    my $is_arr1_the_same_as_arr2 = is_equal \@arr1, \@arr2;
    my $is_arr1_the_same_as_arr2_by_name = is_equal_by { $_->{name} } \@arr1, \@arr2;

    my $are_all_sets_mutually_unique = is_pairwise_disjoint \@arr1, \@arr2, \@arr3, \@arr4;
    my $are_all_sets_mutually_unique_by_name = is_pairwise_disjoint_by { $_->{name} } \@arr1, \@arr2, \@arr3, \@arr4;

    my $is_all_of_arr1_in_arr2_but_not_the_same_as_arr2 = is_proper_subset \@arr1, \@arr2;
    my $is_all_of_arr1_in_arr2_but_not_the_same_as_arr2_by_name = is_proper_subset_by { $_->{name} } \@arr1, \@arr2;

    my $is_all_of_arr1_in_arr2 = is_subset \@arr1, \@arr2;
    my $is_all_of_arr1_in_arr2_by_name = is_subset_by { $_->{name} } \@arr1, \@arr2;

    my $is_all_of_arr2_in_arr1_but_not_the_same_as_arr1 = is_proper_superset \@arr1, \@arr2;
    my $is_all_of_arr2_in_arr1_but_not_the_same_as_arr1_by_name = is_proper_superset_by { $_->{name} } \@arr1, \@arr2;

    my $is_all_of_arr2_in_arr1 = is_superset \@arr1, \@arr2;
    my $is_all_of_arr2_in_arr1_by_name = is_superset_by { $_->{name} } \@arr1, \@arr2;



Given a list, return a new set. Order is not guaranteed.

    setify 1 .. 10, 6 .. 15 => 1 .. 15


Given a choice function and a list, return a new set defined by the choice function. Order is not guaranteed.



Given multiple set references, return multiple sets containing all permutations of one element from each set. If the empty set is provided, no sets are returned since the number of sets generated should be the product of the input sets' cardinalities. If no sets are provided then none are returned.

    cartesian [1 .. 3], [1 .. 2] => [1,1],[1,2],[2,1],[2,2],[3,1],[3,2]
    cartesian => ()
    cartesian [1 .. 3], [] => ()


Given multiple set references, return a new set with all the elements in the first set that don't exist in subsequent sets.

    difference [1 .. 10], [6 .. 15] => 1 .. 5


Given a choice function and multiple set references, return a new set with all the elements in the first set that don't exist in subsequent sets according to the choice function.


Given multiple set references, return corresponding sets containing all the elements from the original set that exist in any set exactly once.

    disjoint [1 .. 10], [6 .. 15] => [1 .. 5], [11 .. 15]


Given a choice function and multiple set references, return corresponding sets containing all the elements from the original set that exist in any set exactly once according to the choice function.


Given multiple set references, return a new set containing all the elements that exist in any set exactly once.

    distinct [1 .. 10], [6 .. 15] => 1 .. 5, 11 .. 15


Given a choice function and multiple set references, return a new set containing all the elements that exist in any set exactly once according to the choice function.


Given multiple set references, return a new set containing all the elements that exist in all sets.

    intersection [1 .. 10], [6 .. 15] => 6 .. 10


Given a choice function and multiple set references, return a new set containing all the elements that exist in all sets according to the choice function.


Given multiple set references, return a new set containing all the elements that exist an odd number of times across all sets.

    symmetric_difference [1 .. 10], [6 .. 15], [4, 8, 12] => 1 .. 5, 8, 11 .. 15


Given a choice function and multiple set references, return a new set containing all the elements that exist an odd number of times across all sets according to the choice function.


Given multiple set references, return a new set containing all the elements that exist in any set.

    union [1 .. 10], [6 .. 15] => 1 .. 15


Given a choice function and multiple set references, return a new set containing all the elements that exist in any set according to the choice function.



Given two set references, return true if both sets contain none of the same values.

    is_disjoint [1 .. 5], [6 .. 10] => true
    is_disjoint [1 .. 6], [4 .. 10] => false


Given a choice function and two sets references, return true if both sets contain none of the same values according to the choice function.


Given two set references, return true if both sets contain all the same values. Aliased by is_equivalent.

    is_equal [1 .. 5], [1 .. 5] => true
    is_equal [1 .. 10], [6 .. 15] => false


Given a choice function and two sets references, return true if both sets contain all the same values according to the choice function. Aliased by is_equivalent_by.


Given multiple set references, return true if every set is disjoint from every other set.

    is_pairwise_disjoint [1 .. 5], [6 .. 10], [11 .. 15] => true
    is_pairwise_disjoint [1 .. 5], [6 .. 10], [11 .. 15], [3 .. 8] => false


Given a choice function and multiple set references, return true if every set is disjoint from every other set according to the choice function.


Given two set references, return true if the first set is fully contained by but is not equivalent to the second.

    is_proper_subset [1 .. 5], [1 .. 10] => true
    is_proper_subset [1 .. 5], [1 .. 5] => false


Given a choice function and two set references, return true if the first set is fully contained by but is not equivalent to the second according to the choice function.


Given two set references, return true if the first set fully contains but is not equivalent to the second.

    is_proper_superset [1 .. 10], [1 .. 5] => true
    is_proper_superset [1 .. 5], [1 .. 5] => false


Given a choice function and two set references, return true if the first set fully contains but is not equivalent to the second according to the choice function.


Given two set references, return true if the first set is fully contained by the second.

    is_subset [1 .. 5], [1 .. 10] => true
    is_subset [1 .. 5], [1 .. 5] => true
    is_subset [1 .. 5], [2 .. 11] => false


Given a choice function and two set references, return true if the first set is fully contained by the second according to the choice function.


Given two set references, return true if the first set fully contains the second.

    is_superset [1 .. 10], [1 .. 5] => true
    is_superset [1 .. 5], [1 .. 5] => true
    is_subset [1 .. 5], [2 .. 11] => false


Given a choice function and two set references, return true if the first set fully contains the second according to the choice function.


Aaron Cohen, <aarondcohen at>

Special thanks to: Logan Bell Thomas Whaples Dibin Pookombil


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-set-functional at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


  • Add SEE ALSO section


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Set::Functional

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2011-2014 Aaron Cohen.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.


fast lightweight functional interface to common set problems






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