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Andres J. Diaz committed Feb 3, 2012
1 parent e12afbb commit f4cd1eb
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Binary file added favicon.ico
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Binary file added images/background.png
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Binary file added images/blueprint.png
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Binary file added images/logo.png
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230 changes: 142 additions & 88 deletions index.html
@@ -1,88 +1,142 @@
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<h1><a href="">whistler</a>
<span class="small">by <a href="">ajdiaz</a></span></h1>

<div class="description">
Whistler Bot is a XMPP bot with MUC (multi-user-conference) support, easy to extend, written in python, using xmpppy.

<p>Andres J. Diaz (<br/>Adrian Perez (<br/> </p>

<p>Andrés J. Díaz (<br/> </p>

You can download this project in either
<a href="">zip</a> or
<a href="">tar formats.
<p>You can also clone the project with <a href="">Git</a>
by running:
<pre>$ git clone git://</pre>

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get the source code on GitHub : <a href="">ajdiaz/whistler</a>


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<h1>The Whistler Bot</h1>
<p><a id="download" href="">Download v1.0 (stable)</a></p>
<p>The Whistler bot is another jabber bot with <acronym title="Multi-User Chat">MUC</acronym> support,
<strong>designed to be easy to extend</strong>, and it's built on the top of the
<a href="">SleekXMPP</a> library.</p>
<p>Whistler is a generic framework to build MUC bots. The MUC rooms are the new
<acronym title="Internet Relay Chat">IRC</acronym> channels. Although exists
many differences and, of course, many people still prefer the old and good
IRC channel, the true is that the MUC rooms offers a number of new
posibilities and utilities.</p>
<p>Whistler works using <strong>mixins</strong>. The mixins implements a bot
<em>personality</em>, and of course you can mix a number of mixins. Sounds cool eh?!</p>
<h2><a id="install" href="#install" class="headerlink">Installation</a></h2>

<p>Whistler is written in <strong>python</strong>, so you need almost a 2.7 version of python
and the <a href="">SleekXMPP</a>
library (which is installed as dependency).</p>
<p>Whistler has an entry in <a href="">pypi</a>,
so you can install whistler using <a href="">pip</a>
or <a href="">setuptools</a>:</p>
<pre>$ pip install whistler
$ easy_install whistler</pre>

<h2><a id="usage" href="#usage" class="headerlink">Usage</a></h2>

<p>The bot is designed to work in foreground, you can use
process monitoring tool to keep it running in background,
like runit, daemontools or dmon.</p></p>
<p>To start the bot create a config file with required data,
usually you need a server to connect to, a port, an username
and a password, and of course a MUC channel to join in. The
example config file is self explanatory.</p></p>
<p>To start the bot just type:</p>
<pre>whistler <em>config.file</em></pre>

<p>Whistler is designed to be modular, once the bot is started without load any mixin,
bot does nothing. Its a zombie without will.</p>
<p>Mixins give personality to the bot, so loading the <code>log</code> mixin
converts the zombie bot into a logger bot; loading the <code>help</code>
mixin gives the bot the ability of know itself and so on.</p>
<p>There are a list of mixins, but you can easy create new one.</p>
<p>To load a mixin just type in the config file an entry
like that:</p>

<h2><a id="extend" href="#extend" class="headerlink">Extend</a></h2>

<p>The real power of Whistler is the abaility to be
extended. With mixins you can give to your bot
a unique function or personality, and you can create
easily new commands.</p>
<p>To create new mixin just create a new python file in
<code>mixins/</code> directory, and put there a new
class (none parent class is required). Any method which
starts with "cmd_" prefix will be threated as a bot
command. For example just type a single mixin which give
us the current date, so we create the file <code></code>:</p>
import datetime

class DateMixin(object):
def cmd_givemedate(self, cmd, args):
now =
return now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")

<p>Now just edit your config file and add the mixin:</p>

<p>Now you can run the bot and enjoy your new command! That's easy, innit?</p>
<h2><a id="contrib" href="#contrib" class="headerlink">Contribute</a></h2>

<p>The main code is store on github, so you can clone it and make your changes
as git usual way:</p>
<pre>git clone git://</pre>

<p>Also, bug reports/fixes, enhancements proposals, new mixins or, in general,
any comment about the bot are welcome.</p>
<p>Happy botting! :)</p>
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<p>Web design based on <a href="">coffe-script web site</a>.</p>
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions scripts/bar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
// Awesome scrollbar navigaion

POI = function(anchor, title, options) {
// Create a Point-Of-Interest, a named position within the document.
// @param anchor is the point of interest (HTML or jquery node). This MUST
// have an ID attribute.
// @param title is the name of the POI (string)

//: Number of pixels the handle should be visible
options = options || {};
this.peak = options.peak || POI.peak;
this.delay = options.delay || POI.delay;
this.css = options.css || POI.css;

this.pinned = false;
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// Show the handle
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this.node.stop(true).animate({'right': '0px'}, 250);
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POI.prototype.hide = function() {
// Hide the handle
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'right': '-'+(this.node.outerWidth()-this.peak)+'px'
}, 250);
this.visible = false;

// Static attributes and methods.

POI.all = Array();
POI.peak = 30;
POI.delay = 2000;
POI.css = 'sidelegend';
POI.hide_timeout = null;

POI.refresh = function() {
// Refresh all at once
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// Show all at once
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POI.hide_timeout = null;
jQuery.each(POI.all, function() {;

POI.hide = function(delay) {
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POI.hide_timeout = null;
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jQuery.each(POI.all, function() {

POI.whereami = function() {
// Show and pin the currently viewed POI
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jQuery.each(POI.all, function() {
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// Global events that affect all POIs
$(document).ready(function() {
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var lnk = $(this);
var title = lnk.parent().text().replace('¶','')
var anchor = lnk.parent().parent()
new POI(anchor, title)

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