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ajjames edited this page Aug 19, 2012 · 20 revisions



(This project is currently under development)


I like the Git source control system. It's truly awesome. And like the first time you disassembled your dad's VCR only to be stumped by all those gears and wires, Git probably gave you a bit of a brain-bending whirl when you first looked at it too. There is so much that Git can do, but only so little that you really need it to do. EZGit wants to help.

EZGit is a command-line interface based on Ruby. The goal of EZGit is to simplify your daily source control use cases without the need to fully gaze upon the complex beauty that is Git. With EZGit, committers with any level of Git knowledge can work in the repo with confidence and consistency.

EZGit abstracts away many Git concepts that are consistent sources of confusion. Concepts such as...

  • Where do branches live? On my local machine or on the remote? Who cares? EZGit handles it for you.
  • What's the difference between the working directory, the stage(or index), and the local repo? I could spend hours explaining it to you, but if you don't really want to know, EZGit is here to make it so you don't have to know.
  • When would I need to do a 'git reset --hard', as opposed to '--soft' or '--mixed'? If you're asking about staging files, stop thinking about that. You have better things to do. Just make your files and folders look the way you want and EZGit will take care of the rest.
  • But I'm confused about the differences between git checkout, reset, revert, and other commands. Do some of these do more than one thing?? I know. I hear your pain. That's why EZGit replaces git's complex and overloaded commands with simple, clean, intentional, ruby-styled names. If any single git command has multiple, yet different common uses, rest assured that EZGit provides an unique, easy-to-understand command for that task.

Ready to try, EZGit? Hold on, Cowboy. It ain't done yet. Go ahead and use it, but be sure to check back often for updates. In future updates, EZGit will implement a branching strategy that has been honed and refined over the last two years by a large agile enterprise development shop. The concepts of merging (and rebasing) will be equally simplified so that you can concentrate on your code, and not on, "how the heck do I merge these changes?!" And, hey, while you're checking things out, drop an occasional line if you find a bug. That'd be nice.

Best of all, EZGit is still Git. So if you are a Git-Fu master, you can always go back to using your favorite, obtusely overloaded Git commands at any time. They'll always be there waiting for you at those times when you absolutely need to cherry-pick your fixes from branchB onto branchA, interactively rebase & squash directly from branchC in your buddy's repo, and finally, ours-merge them into master ...and other stuff like that.

If you try EZGit and find that it doesn't quite work for you, drop me a line and let me know why. I'm happy to look at other use cases and consider including them in future updates.




To intall:

gem install ezgit

EZGit changes a lot (especially during this development phase). To update your existing installs, you can use gem update ezgit, or you can use EZGit's self-update command:

ez update


Once installed, take a look at the help menu:

ez -h

EZGit is a simple interface for working with git repositories.

        ez [<options>] <commands>

  commands are:
    clean!	Wipes all untracked and ignored files.
    clean	Wipes all untracked files, but allows ignored files to remain.
    clone	Creates a copy of a repository.
    commit	Creates a commit for all current file changes.
    create	Create a new branch in the current state.
    delete!	Completely delete a given branch.
    goto!	Move to the location in the tree specified by a commit id. All changes will be lost.
    info	Shows files status and current branches.
    move	Switch and move changes to the given branch.
    pull	Pulls the latest changes from the remote.
    push	Pushes the current branch changes to the remote.
    reset!	Deletes changes in all tracked files. Untracked files will not be affected.
    switch!	Abandon all changes and switch to the given branch.
    switch	Switch to the given branch if there are not changes.
    tree	Shows git tree history for the current branch
    update	Attempts to self-update from

   options are:
  --dry-run-flag, -n:   Forces all commands to be passive.
         --debug, -d:   Shows command level debug info.
       --version, -v:   Print version and exit
          --help, -h:   Show this message


~/git/test_repo > git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/AJ/git/test_repo/.git/

~/git/test_repo > touch file1 file2 file3 .gitignore

~/git/test_repo > ez info

REPOSITORY TREE(last 5 commits)
There is no history yet.


     Add  .gitignore
     Add  file1
     Add  file2
     Add  file3

  Your master branch does not yet exist on the remote.
  (Use 'ez pull' to update the remote.)

~/git/test_repo > ez commit "initial commit"

[master (root-commit) e315617] initial commit
 0 files changed
 create mode 100644 .gitignore
 create mode 100644 file1
 create mode 100644 file2
 create mode 100644 file3

REPOSITORY TREE(last 5 commits)
* e315617 (0 seconds ago) AJ James initial commit (HEAD, master)

  No changes.

  Your master branch does not yet exist on the remote.
  (Use 'ez pull' to update the remote.)


To report issues at:


This project makes use of Trollop (Copyright 2007 William Morgan). An excellent light-weight command-line parser.

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