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ajjames edited this page Aug 18, 2012 · 20 revisions

Welcome to the EZGit wiki!

EZGit is a command-line interface based on Ruby. The goal of EZGit is to simplify all the daily git tasks used in a multi-team enterprise development environment. With EZGit, committers at all levels of Git knowledge can work in the repo with confidence and consistency.

EZGit abstracts away many Git concepts that are easy sources of confusion. Such as...

  • Where do branches live? On my local machine or on the remote? Who cares? EZGit handles it for you.
  • What's the difference between the working directory, the stage(or index), and the local repo? I could tell you, but if you don't really want to know, EZGit is here to make all that stuff go away.

EZGit replaces git's complex and overloaded commands with simple, intentional, ruby-styled names.

In future updates, EZGit will implement and abstract a branching strategy that has been refined over the last two years in a large agile enterprise development setting.

Best of all, EZGit is still Git. So if you are a Git-Fu master, you can go back to using your favorite, obtuse git commands at any time. They'll always be there waiting for you. You haven't lost anything. Really.

To intall: gem install ezgit

Once installed, take a look at the help menu: ez -h

To update existing installs, you can use gem update ezgit, or you can use EZGit's self-update command: ez update

Cheers, AJ

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