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Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos edited this page May 7, 2020 · 7 revisions

Akeeba Engage

Comments for Joomla!™ articles made easy


WORK IN PROGRESS! Akeeba Engage is currently in beta. Limited support through GitHub issues will be provided through the beta period but support will be paid after that..

What is Akeeba Engage

Akeeba Engage is an extension for sites powered by the Joomla!™ CMS. It makes it possible to submit, display and manage user comments on Joomla! core content (articles).

Downloads and support

You can find the download links at the top of the page.

While downloads, documentation and even access to the code is free of charge we do charge a fee for technical support. This makes the development of Akeeba Engage sustainable. Please do not file support requests via GitHub issues, email, our contact page, direct messages etc. Thank you for your understanding.

First steps

Akeeba Engage is a Joomla package and uses Joomla core features for most of what it does. Please read the Main Concepts page to get an idea of how Akeeba Engage puts everything together. Then follow the Installation and Setup Guide to install Akeeba Engage and set up comments on your site.

You can dive deeper into the available features from the pages listed on the right hand site of this documentation Wiki.