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NeuroImaging My Brain = NIMB (Pipeline for Automated Structural, Funcitonal resting state and Diffusion MRI analysis wih FreeSurfer, Nilear and Dipy)


    • processing is automated for these databases. Download the MRIs from the LONI website (the zip file contains a folder names PPMI or ADNI). put this zip file in the folder that will be used to read the source data (NIMB_SOURCE).

    • use commands:

      ** python3 -process run -project loni_ppmi ** python3 -process run -project loni_adni

    • nimb will ask for a new BIDS folder, materials folder, and others. nimb will install freesurfer (if not installed; will ask for freesurfer license) and will perform the processing of all data.

  • For individual projects use the commands:

    • to classify the MRI data: ** python3 -process classify
    • if the new_subject.json is created (based on the classified file nimb_classifier.json), freesurfer processing can be started: ** python3 -process freesurfer
    • data post-processed with freesurfer can be used to extract the freesurfer stats: ** python3 -process fs-get-stats -project PROJECTS_NAME
    • once MR data is processed with freesurfer and a file with groups is provided, the freesurfer glm analysis can be performed: ** python3 -process fs-glm ** alternatively: cd $NIMB_HOME/processing/freesurfer python3
    • after the freesurfer-GLM is performed, images can be extracted ONLY on a computer that allows screen exportation. Image is saved using freesurfer tkmedit and freeview: ** python3 -process fs-gl-image ** alternatively: cd $NIMB_HOME/processing/freesurfer python3
    • once an xlsx/csv file is provided, that includes the groups and data, stats can be performed: ** python3 -process run_stats -projets PROJECT_NAME


  • Module CLASSIFIER: ("$NIMB_HOME/classification")

    • cmd: python -process classify
    • takes the content of the $NIMB_tmp/new_subjects or any other user-defined folder
    • verifies the voxel parameters of all T1 and (using FreeSurfer's mri_info): ** classifies the T1 images based on sessions ** keeps in the same session only the T1 with the same voxel parameters
    • if there are T1 images: ** searches for Flair images and if present and if Flair images have the same voxel parameters as T1, adds them for the analysis ** if there are no Flair images: *** searches for T2 images; if present and T2 have the same voxel parameters as T1, adds them for the analysis ** searches for DWI images and if present adds them for the analysis ** searches for rsfMRI images and if present adds them for the analysis
    • if the user defined a SOURCE_BIDS_DIR folder:
      • cmd: python -process classify_dcm2bids ** uses the app to convert the subjects from the SOURCE_SUBJECTS_DIR folder into .nii.gz format ($NIMB_HOME/classification/ ** classifies the MR files into BIDS format
    • saves the dictionary as $NIMB_HOME/tmp/new_subjects.json
  • Module PROCESSING :

    • reads the $NIMB_tmp/new_subjects.json file:
      • if analysis is performed with slurm scheduler: ** creates the corresponding batches (#NIMB_HOME/processing/ ** sends the batches to the scheduler ** verifies that the analysis is done by the scheduler
      • if analysis is performed in a tmux environement: ** sends the processing commands to the tmux environement ** verifies that the analysis is done in tmux sub-MODULE 'freesurfer-processing':
    • cmd: python -process freesurfer
      • uses $NIMB_tmp/new_subjects.json file to access subject name, session and corresponding .dcm files
      • registers all subjects with at least 1 T1, 1 T1 and at least 1 Flair, 1 T1 and at leat 1 T2 in the FS_SUBJECTS_DIR
      • runs the FreeSurfer steps: autorecon1, autorecon2, autorecon3, brainstem, hippocampus, thalamus, qcache
      • if user requested extraction of masks: ** extracts the masks for the corresponding subcortical structures and puts them in the processed_folder/masks
      • once the processing is done, moves the processed subjects to the $PROCESSED_NIMB/processed_fs folder
    • cmd: python -process fs-get-stats -project PROJECTS_NAME
      • extracts subjects-based from stats folder and puts all in one excel file
    • cmd: python -process fs-glm (alternatively: cd $NIMB_HOME/processing/freesurfer python
      • performs FreeSurfer GLM using mri_glmfit, for all contrasts and for infinite number of variables; requires that $NIMB_HOME/example/example_table.csv file is provided with variables for the glm and groups. Variables are defined in ($NIMB_HOME/setup/credentials_path/nimb/local.json; ../projects/json)
    • cmd: python -process fs-get-masks -project PROJECTS_NAME
      • extracts masks for subjects-that were already processed with FS, puts the masks in SUBJECTS_DIR/SUBJECT/masks (alternatively: cd $NIMB_HOME/processing/freesurfer; python
    • cmd: python -process fs-gl-image (alternatively: cd $NIMB_HOME/processing/freesurfer python
      • if FreeSurfer glm is performed, extracts and saves FDR corrected images + MonteCarlo corrected images; Must be run in an environment that allows screen export. Uses freeview. Tested in linux. Not tested on Windows WSL, but provided screen is exported - should work. sub-MODULE 'nilearn-processing':
    • cmd: python -process nilearn
      • uses $NIMB_tmp/new_subjects.json file to access subject name, session and corresponding .dcm files
      • uses rsfMRI data, applies nilearn pipeline to extract Desikan-based ROI Fisher's connectivity values sub-MODULE 'dipy-processing':(NOT READY, requires more adjustments)
    • cmd: python -process dipy
      • uses $NIMB_tmp/new_subjects.json file to access subject name, session and corresponding .dcm files
      • uses DWI data, applies dipy pipeline to extract Straford-based ROI track connecvity values.
    • if user wants the data archived: ** archives with zip the each subject in the $PROCESSED_NIMB/processed_fs folder
  • Module DISTRIBUTION : (works on the local computer as GUI or terminal or on the remote computer in the terminal) (folder "$NIMB_HOME/distribution") (NOT READY, requires more adjustments)

    • cmd: python -process check-new
    • checks that all folders and variables are defined
    • checks if with the processing app is installed on the local or remote computer ** if not -> tries to install the requirements with pip or miniconda3 ** installs processing app
    • if there are subjects in the SOURCE_SUBJECTS_DIR folder (archived zip or .gz): ** verifies if all subjects have the processed data, located in the $PROCESSED_FS_DIR ** if not: *** makes the list of subjects to be processed *** checks for available space on the computer that has the processing app *** defines the volume of subjects that will be sent for processing depending on the available space *** checks the volume available on $NIMB_HOME/new_subjects folder * if content of the SOURCE_SUBJECTS_DIR folder is archived: ** unzips each subject and puts it in $NIMB_HOME/new_subjects, populating the folder up to the defined available space *** if processing is performed on a remote computer: **** deploys all MR data from $NIMB_HOME/new_subjects to the remote computer in the $NIMB_RHOME/new_subjects folder *** initiates the CLASSIFIER module on the computer with the processing app *** once the $NIMB_RHOME/tmp/new_subjects.json file is created: **** initiates the PROCESSING module for the processing app *** checks if data is processed in all folders in the PROCESSED_NIMB folder *** if there is data in any of the folders: **** moves the subjects to the local or remote $PROCESSED_FS_DIR folder **** if SOURCE_BIDS_DIR is provided: **** moves the processed subjects to corresponding SOURCE_BIDS_DIR/subject/session/processed_fs folder
  • Module STATS : (works on the local computer as GUI or terminal or on the remote computer in the terminal) (folder "$NIMB_HOME/stats") (cmd: nimb stats)

    • cmd: python -process run_stats -projets PROJECT_NAME
    • extracts all FreeSurfer-based stats for all participants in the storage folder or based on a csv/excel file provided by the user and creates one excel file with all values (currently >1500 values)
    • checks data/ resuls for inconsistent values, errors, missing values -> if the user provides a csv/excel file with the groups:
      • performs t-test between the groups for all parameters and creates another excel/csv file with the results (scipy.stats: ttest_ind, f_oneway, bartlett, mannwhitneyu, kruskal)
      • provides a distribution graph for the groups for the requested variable (seaborn.distplot; seaborn.jointplot)
      • performs correlations between FreeSurfer variables and other variables provided by the user (pandas.DataFrame.corr(pearson, spearman, kendall))
      • performs linear regression for all variables provided by the user and the FreeSurfer variables (seaborn.lmplot)
      • performs logistic regression for all variables provided by the user and the FreeSurfer variables (sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression())

=== USER-defined variables: SOURCE_SUBJECTS_DIR = 'path' folder that has the raw MRIs of the subjects in archived or non-archived format PROCESSED_FS_DIR = 'path' # to local or remote folder that has the data processed with FreeSurfer NIMB_HOME = 'path' where the local nimb folder was downloaded archive_processed = True # if True the processed subjects must be archived with zip; if False subjects are NOT archived masks = [] # list of masks for which the user wants FreeSurfer to create masks flair_t2_add = False # defines if Flair or T2 images should be used for the FreeSurfer processing

  • REMOTE COMPUTER specific variables: (tested on;; with slurm and on local with tmux) address = '' # address to access the remote computer, can be an IP user = 'username' # username to access the remote computer. Password will be asked by nimb and stored in sqlite NIMB_HOME = 'path' on the remote computer where nimb will be downloaded processing_env = 'slurm' or 'tmux' # is the environment used for processing data

python3_load_cmd = '' # command if python is used as module, can be: 'module load python/3.8.2' python3_run_cmd = 'python3' # is the command used on the local or remote computer that is used to initiate python 3 cusers_list = [] # if the number of users on the remote computer are more than 1, can be: ['user1','user2',]

  • COMPUTE CANADA specific variables: supervisor_account = 'def-supervisor' # variable used on compute canada clusters to create the batches

=== USER-defined STATISTICAL ANALYSIS variables: GLM_file_group = "PATH to the file.csv or file.xlsx" that has the subjects, groups and variables for statistical analyis id_col = "name" of the column in the file.csv that includes the names of the subjects similar to the names in PROCESSED_FS_DIR group_col = "name" of the column in the file.csv that includes the groups variables_for_glm = ['variable1','variable2',] # a list of variables from the columns in file.csv file for statistical analysis GLM_dir = 'pat' # to the folder were the glm analysis will be made. GLM_measurements = ['thickness','area','volume',]#'curv'] # cortical parameters that will be used for FreeSurfer GLM analysis GLM_thresholds = [10,]#5,15,20,25] # threshold levels for smoothing in mm, used for FreeSurfer GLM analysis GLM_MCz_cache = 13 # level of FreeSurfer GLM MCZ simulation threshold 13 equals to p=0.05

=== DEFAULT variables that can be changed:

  • PATHs: SOURCE_BIDS_DIR = '' # path to a folder that, if NOT blank and user chooses to do this, pipeline will convert SOURCE_SUBJECTS_DIR to BIDS format; for many subjects can take quite some time PROCESSED_NIMB = $NIMB_HOME/processed_nimb # path to folder where the processed subjects will be stored temporarily

  • Processing variables: SUBMIT = True # or False, defines if the scheduler batches are submitted to the scheduler. Is used to verify the batches max_nr_running_batches = 100 # number of batches that can be sent to the scheduler at the same time. max_walltime = '99:00:00' # waltime maximal for the scheduler batch_walltime_cmd = '#SBATCH --time=' #this command differs between schedulers batch_output_cmd = '#SBATCH --output=' # command used in the batch to define the path of the output file submit_cmd = 'sbatch' # command used to submit the batched to the scheduler batch_walltime = '03:00:00' # walltime maximal for the pipeline to reinitate itself; 3 hours is the duration that is used by the scheduler to quickly deploy the script

  • LONGITUDINAL analysis: DO_LONG = False # True or False, if longitudinal analysis needs to be made base_name = 'base' # the name of the base subject that will be created during the longitudinal analysis with FreeSurfer

  • FREESURFER specific variables FREESURFER_HOME = '$NIMB_HOME/../../freesurfer' # path to the freesurfer folder. If OS is Linux/Mac by default freesurfer is installed in $NIMB_HOME. If OS is Windows, pipeline will ask the credentials for a remote Linux/Mac. FS_SUBJECTS_DIR = '$FREESURFER_HOME/subjects' # path to the folder where the subjects are being processed by FreeSurfer. long_name = 'ses-' # abbreviation used to define the longitudinal time points for subjects export_FreeSurfer_cmd = 'export FREESURFER_HOME='+FREESURFER_HOME # in some cases this command has to be adjusted source_FreeSurfer_cmd = '$FREESURFER_HOME/' # command might be different if FreeSurfer is used as module freesurfer_version = '7.1.1' # default is 7 (for 7.1.1) but pipeline should also work with versions 6 and 5 process_order = ['registration','autorecon1','autorecon2','autorecon3','brstem','hip','tha','qcache'] #list of processing steps in FreeSurfer. For FreeSurfer version lower thatn 7, "tha" must be remove; Instead of autorecon1, autorecon2 and autorecon3, the commmand "recon" can be used (which will use the command 'recon-all' for freesurfer processing), but it will take more time for processing and this can be limited by the scheduler

works on ADNI, PPMI, NACC, CIMAQ, CaPRI data. For individual data requires adjustments in order to create the classifed new_subjects.json file