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TabSwapper - a basic tabs widget

Handles the scripting for a common UI layout: the tabbed box. If you have a set of DOM elements that are going to toggle visibility based on the related tabs above them (they don't have to be above, but usually are) you can instantiate a TabSwapper and it's handled for you.



How to use


new TabSwapper(options);


  1. options - (options) a key/value set of options


  • selectedClass - (string) the css class for the tab when it is selected; defaults to 'tabSelected'
  • deselectedClass - (string) the class for the tab when it isn't selected; defaults to empty string
  • mouseoverClass - (string) the class for the tab when the user mouses over; defaults to 'tabOver'
  • rearrangeDOM - (boolean) arranges the tabs and sections in the DOM to be in the same order as they are in the class; defaults to true.
  • tabs - (array) a collection of DOM elements for the tabs (these get the above classes added to them when the user interacts with the interface); can also be a $$ selector (string).
  • clickers - (array) a collection of DOM elements for the clickers; if your tab contains a child DOM element that the user clicks - not the whole tab but an element within it - to switch the content, pass in an array of them here. If you don't pass these in, the array of tabs is used instead (the default). Can also be a $$ selector (string).
  • sections - (array) a collection of DOM elements for the sections (these change when the clickers are clicked); can also be a $$ selector (string).
  • initPanel - (integer) the panel to show on init; defaults to 0 (zero)
  • smooth - (boolean) use opacity effect to smooth transitions; defaults to false
  • smoothSize - (boolean) smoothly resize the sections from one section to the other; false is default
  • cookieName - (string) if defined (it isn't by default), the browser will remember the user's previous tab selection using a cookie
  • cookieDays - (integer) how many days to remember the user's tab selection with the cookie; it's ignored if cookieName isn't set; defaults to 999
  • effectOptions - (object) the options to pass on to the transition effect if the "smooth" option is set to true; defaults to {duration: 500}


  • onBackground - (function) callback executed when a section is hidden; passed three arguments: the index of the section (integer), the section (element), and the tab (element)
  • onActive - (function) callback executed when a section is shown; passed three arguments: the index of the section (integer), the section (element), and the tab (element)
  • onActiveAfterFx - (function) callback executed when a section is shown but after the effects have completed (so it's visible to the user); passed three arguments: the index of the section (integer), the section (element), and the tab (element)


<ul id="myTabs">
	<li><a href="1">one</a></li>
	<li><a href="2">two</a></li>
	<li><a href="3">three</a></li>
<div id="myContent">
	<div>content 1</div>
	<div>content 2</div>
	<div>content 3</div>

var myTabSwapper = new TabSwapper({
	selectedClass: 'on',
	deselectedClass: 'off',
	mouseoverClass: 'over',
	mouseoutClass: 'out',
	tabs: $$('#myTabs li'),
	clickers: $$('#myTabs li a'),
	sections: $$('#myContent div'),
	smooth: true,
	cookieName: 'rememberMe'


  • you don't have to specify the classes for mouseover/out
  • you don't have to specify a click selector; it'll just use the tab DOM elements if you don't give it the click selector
  • the click selector is NOT a subselector of the tabs; be sure to specify a full css selector for these
  • you can initialize the class without any tabs or sections and add them subsequently with addTab

TabSwapper Method: addTab {#TabSwapper:addTab}

Adds a tab to the interface.


myTabSwapper.addTab(tab, section[, clicker, index]);


  1. tab - (mixed) A string of the id for an Element or an Element reference to the tab
  2. section - (mixed) A string of the id for an Element or an Element reference to display when the element clicks to change tabs
  3. clicker - (mixed, optional) A string of the id for an Element or an Element reference to the element (typically within the tab) that the user clicks to switch tabs
  4. index - (integer, optional) where to insert this tab; defaults to the last place (i.e. push)


TabSwapper Method: removeTab {#TabSwapper:removeTab}

Removes a tab from the TabSwapper; does NOT remove the DOM elements for the tab or section from the DOM.




  1. index - (integer) the index of the tab to remove.


TabSwapper Method: moveTab {#TabSwapper:moveTab}

Moves a tab from one location to another (ie it changes its index).


myTabSwapper.moveTab(from, to);


  1. from - (integer) the index of the tab to move
  2. to - (integer) its new location


TabSwapper Method: show {#TabSwapper:show}

Shows a given section (as if the user clicked the tab).



  1. index - (integer) the index of the tab to show
