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184 lines (134 loc) · 6.57 KB

File metadata and controls

184 lines (134 loc) · 6.57 KB

wasabi in action

turns readable text 📄

  bowser.json # mario's least favorite package manager

    helper.js # be familiar with it's brother main.js
              # first, this file houses a good bit of
              # sugar for the core features

    main.js   # the core of the app, supports x, y, and z

    build.js      # link to me for testing
    build.min.js  # tiny and obfuscated, for production

    project-name  # run this to generate a new instance
                  # of my-project on your machine

into an intuitive interface

wasabi in action


Directory structures are first thing everyone sees in every project. First impressions and smooth introductions matter.

There are a handful of one-off approaches from wikipedia, apple,, laravel, the linux documentation project, apache maven, and many, many, more.

But it turns out ascii-art popular enough to be the de facto standard (, readthedocs, github's jekyll, and tutorials point ) — did you think you'd ever read that sentence?

here's a breakdown of some of the approaches:

the solution developer/author experience user experience
picture your dev environment is ms paint :finnadie: either huge and detailed or too small to be useful
ascii-art easy ugly in a browser
html table okay no impression of hierarchy
html list hard to patch awkward to navigate
random mix probably easy(ish) chaos
wasabi readable and maintainable 👓 a friendly, intuitive browser interface 💡



Getting started

  1. pick a format
  2. generate it for your project
  3. load it in a browser

format options

either a tree: indent children and use # for comments

  bowser.json # mario's least favorite package manager

    helper.js # be familiar with it's brother main.js
              # first, this file houses a good bit of
              # sugar for the core features

    main.js   # the core of the app, supports x, y, and z

or a list: the full path for each entry and indent comments

    mario's least favorite package manager

    be familiar with it's brother main.js first,
    this file houses a good bit of sugar for the core features
    the core of the app, supports x, y, and z

the latter is good for heavily commented larger projects with the added bouns of being text searchable by path (grep -A10 'src/main' overview.wasabi anyone?)


here are two one-liners

print a list:

printf "YOUR_PROJECT_NAME/%s\n" `git ls-tree -r master --name-only` | \
   sed 'p;s#[^/]*$##;' | \
   sort -u

or a tree!

printf "YOUR_PROJECT_NAME/%s\n" `git ls-tree -r master --name-only` | \
   sed -n 'p;s#/[^/]*$#%%#p;' | \
   sort -u | \
   sed 's#[^/]\+/#    #g;s#%%#/#'

feeling fancy? launch a demo page for your project!

# this modifies your filesystem (albeit safely) just an fyi
curl > && \

in a browser

paste this where you want you demo loaded (and eventually update the url for your project)

<script id="wasabi-location">

    // replace the url to use your own wasabi file
    var my_file = '';

    var this_id = 'wasabi-location';
    var W=window.Wasabi=window.Wasabi||{};W.from=my_file;;
    var s=document.createElement('script');s.src='https://s3.amazonaws.'+


If your project is sushi, this is wasabi: It won't make a bad project good, but it will make it more appealing.


Jumping 🏃 into a new project should be easy — as a contributor or user, for work or for fun — it helps tremendously to know what's where.

  • when contributors start out with a full picture of your project, they'll hunt down bugs 🐛 faster and more readily
  • when users understand your framework's structure before it's on their machine, they'll be more likely to choose it ☺️
  • when new employees :neckbeard: don't need to "have a look around" the system to get familiar they'll be able to start what they were hired 💵 for (and want to do) sooner


Projects, maintainers, and users are diverse; wasabi should be convenient for anyone:

  • using a docs site? the rendered interface is awesome
  • writing docs? the source is simple, and rendering it is a breeze
  • github pages fan? easy to integrate: here's a demo!
  • brosing github? the source looks good monospaced
  • viewing source? the source looks good monospaced
  • old scool user? the source looks good monospaced

issues and pull requests are welcome.