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Releasing the gem

Credentials set up

Make sure you have access in and that your Ruby Gems tokens are set in ~/.gem/credentials.

In order to generate the required changelog entry, define an environment variable GITHUB_READ_TOKEN with a Github API token that has READ access to repo:public_repo. You can generate a Github API Token here.

Create a new Github Milestone with the version name prefixed with v. i.e. v4.10.2. Assign every Issue and Pull Request to be included on this release to that Milestone, and tag them with the CH:xxxxxx labels, depending on the type of change fixed or introduced there.

Finally, follow the next steps:

# Install gems for exec commands
bundle install

# Run all tests
bundle exec rake test

# Create a release branch
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout -b release-X.X.X
git push --set-upstream origin release-X.X.X

# Update the version number
# This will create a commit with the new version
bundle exec gem bump --version X.X.X

# Make sure the Gemfile.lock is up-to-date
bundle update
git commit -am "Update gems"

# Generate the changelog
github_changelog_generator -t $GITHUB_READ_TOKEN
# ... or similar.
# Review the changelog
# Remove "unreleased" section
# Make sure the tags are ordered

# Commit, push, and create a PR for this release
git commit -am "Update"
git push

# Add related milestone
# Create PR on GitHub and assign for review
# Merge/rebase and delete branch once approved

# Create and add a tag
git checkout master
git pull
bundle exec gem tag
git push origin vX.X.X
# Create a new release from this tag on GitHub using markdown from the changelog

# Make sure you are an author for this gem here
# Rubygems token can be updated in ~/.gem/credentials
bundle exec gem release

The steps above were tested with Ruby v2.5.7.