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Fluent plugin for Amazon Kinesis

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A fluentd output plugin to send events to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon Data Firehose. The plugin also supports KPL Aggregated Record Format.

This gem includes following three output plugins:

  • kinesis_streams
  • kinesis_firehose
  • kinesis_streams_aggregated

The plugin is also described in official Fluentd document.

Note: This README is for the latest v3. Plugin v3 is almost compatible with v2. If you use v1, see v1 README.


Simply use RubyGems:

$ gem install fluent-plugin-kinesis --no-document

If you would like to build by yourself and install, you can build and install as follows:

$ git clone
$ cd aws-fluent-plugin-kinesis
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake build
$ bundle exec rake install

# If using fluent-package (td-agent), use td-agent-gem
$ td-agent-gem install pkg/fluent-plugin-kinesis


fluent-plugin-kinesis fluentd ruby
>= 3.5.0 >= 0.14.22 >= 2.4.2
>= 3.2.0 && < 3.5.0 >= 0.14.22 >= 2.3
>= 3.0.0 && < 3.2.0 >= 0.14.10 >= 2.1
>= 2.0.0 && < 3.0.0 >= 0.12.35 >= 2.1
< 2.0.0 >= 0.10.58 >= 2.0

Getting Started

When you run this plugin on Amazon EC2 instances or container services, use instance profiles to assume role. If you want to use specific credentials, see Credentials.


In your Fluentd configuration, use @type kinesis_streams. The configuration would look like this:

<match *>
  @type kinesis_streams
  region us-east-1
  stream_name YOUR_STREAM
  partition_key key  # Otherwise, use random partition key

For more details, see Configuration: kinesis_streams.


In your Fluentd configuration, use @type kinesis_firehose. The configuration would look like this:

<match *>
  @type kinesis_firehose
  region us-east-1
  delivery_stream_name YOUR_STREAM

For more details, see Configuration: kinesis_firehose.


In your Fluentd configuration, use @type kinesis_streams_aggregated. The configuration would look like this:

<match *>
  @type kinesis_streams_aggregated
  region us-east-1
  stream_name YOUR_STREAM
  # Unlike kinesis_streams, there is no way to use dynamic partition key.
  # fixed_partition_key or random.

For more details, see Configuration: kinesis_streams_aggregated.


Configuration: Plugin

Configuration: kinesis_streams

The following parameters are kinesis_streams specific configurations.


Name of the stream to put data.

As of Fluentd v1, you can use placeholders for this stream_name parameter. Note that chunk keys are required in your buffer section attributes for placeholders to work.

The following configuration shows kinesis_streams output plugin that applies extract_placeholders on stream_name:

# chunk_key: tag
# ${tag} will be replaced with actual tag string
<match *>
  @type kinesis_streams
  stream_name ${tag}-stream

  <buffer tag>
    # ...

The value of timekey in buffer chunk keys can be extracted using strptime placeholders like this:

# chunk_key: tag and time
<match *>
  @type kinesis_streams
  stream_name ${tag}-stream-%Y%m%d

  <buffer tag, time>
    # ...

You can also use custom placeholder like this:

# chunk_key: $.kubernetes.annotations.kinesis_stream
<match *>
  @type kinesis_streams
  stream_name "${$.kubernetes.annotations.kinesis_stream}"

  <buffer $.kubernetes.annotations.kinesis_stream>
    # ...

For more details, see Placeholders in Config: Buffer Section.


A key to extract partition key from JSON object. Default nil, which means partition key will be generated randomly.

Configuration: kinesis_firehose

The following parameters are kinesis_firehose specific configurations.


Name of the delivery stream to put data.

As of Fluentd v1, placerholders are supported. For more details, see stream_name for kinesis_streams plugin and Placeholders in Config: Buffer Section.


Boolean. Default true. If it is enabled, the plugin adds new line character (\n) to each serialized record.
Before appending \n, plugin calls chomp and removes separator from the end of each record as chomp_record is true. Therefore, you don't need to enable chomp_record option when you use kinesis_firehose output with default configuration (append_new_line is true). If you want to set append_new_line false, you can choose chomp_record false (default) or true (compatible format with plugin v2).

Configuration: kinesis_streams_aggregated

The following parameters are kinesis_streams_aggregated specific configurations.

stream_name (kinesis_streams_aggregated)

Name of the stream to put data.

As of Fluentd v1, placerholders are supported. For more details, see stream_name for kinesis_streams plugin and Placeholders in Config: Buffer Section.


A value of fixed partition key. Default nil, which means partition key will be generated randomly. Note that all records will go to single shard if you specify this option.

Configuration: Credentials

To put records into Amazon Kinesis Data Streams or Amazon Data Firehose, you need to provide AWS security credentials. Without specifying credentials in config file, this plugin automatically fetches credentials just following AWS SDK for Ruby does (environment variable, shared profile, or instance profile).

This plugin uses almost same configurations as fluent-plugin-s3, but also supports several additional configurations like aws_ses_token for temporary credentials.

AWS key and secret authentication

These parameters are required when your agent is not running on EC2 instance with an IAM Role. When using an IAM role, make sure to configure instance_profile_credentials. Usage can be found below.

aws_key_id (required)

AWS access key id.

aws_sec_key (required)

AWS secret key.


AWS session token. This parameter is optional, but can be provided if using MFA or temporary credentials when your agent is not running on EC2 instance with an IAM Role.


The number of attempts to make (with exponential backoff) when loading instance profile credentials from the EC2 metadata service using an IAM role. Defaults to 5 retries.

<assume_role_credentials> section

Typically, you can use AssumeRole for cross-account access or federation.

<match *>
  @type kinesis_streams

    role_arn          ROLE_ARN
    role_session_name ROLE_SESSION_NAME

See also:

role_arn (required)

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume.

role_session_name (required)

An identifier for the assumed role session.


An IAM policy in JSON format.


The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) to 3600 seconds (1 hour). By default, the value is set to 3600 seconds.


A unique identifier that is used by third parties when assuming roles in their customers' accounts.


Proxy url for proxying requests to amazon sts service api. This needs to be set up independently from global http_proxy parameter for the use case in which requests to kinesis api are going via kinesis vpc endpoint but requests to sts api have to go via http proxy. It should be added to assume_role_credentials section in the next format:

sts_http_proxy http://[username:password]@hostname:port


STS API endpoint url. This can be used to override the default global STS API endpoint of Using regional endpoints may be preferred to reduce latency, and are required if utilizing a PrivateLink VPC Endpoint for STS API calls.

<web_identity_credentials> section

Similar to the assume_role_credentials, but for usage in EKS.

<match *>
  @type kinesis_streams

    role_arn          ROLE_ARN
    role_session_name ROLE_SESSION_NAME
    web_identity_token_file AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE

See also:

role_arn (required)

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume.

role_session_name (required)

An identifier for the assumed role session.

web_identity_token_file (required)

The absolute path to the file on disk containing the OIDC token.


An IAM policy in JSON format.


The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) to 43200 seconds (12 hours). By default, the value is set to 3600 seconds (1 hour).

<instance_profile_credentials> section

Retrieve temporary security credentials via HTTP request. This is useful on EC2 instance.

<match *>
  @type kinesis_streams

    ip_address IP_ADDRESS
    port       PORT

See also:


Number of times to retry when retrieving credentials. Default is 5.


Default is


Default is 80.


Default is 5.


Default is 5.

<shared_credentials> section

This loads AWS access credentials from local ini file. This is useful for local developing.

<match *>
  @type kinesis_streams

    path         PATH
    profile_name PROFILE_NAME

See also:


Path to the shared file. Defaults to "#{Dir.home}/.aws/credentials".


Defaults to 'default' or [ENV]('AWS_PROFILE').

<process_credentials> section

This loads AWS access credentials from an external process.

<match *>
  @type kinesis_streams

    process CMD

See also:

process (required)

Command to be executed as an external process.

Configuration: Performance

<buffer> section

Use Fluentd buffering and flushing parameters to optimize throughput. When you use Fluent v1+ (td-agent v3+), write these configurations in buffer section like this:

<match *>
  @type kinesis_streams

    flush_interval 1
    chunk_limit_size 1m
    flush_thread_interval 0.1
    flush_thread_burst_interval 0.01
    flush_thread_count 15

For more details, see Config: Buffer Section. Note that each parameter should be adjusted to your system.

Configuration: Batch Request


Integer, default is 8. The plugin will put multiple records to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams in batches using PutRecords. A set of records in a batch may fail for reasons documented in the Kinesis Service API Reference for PutRecords. Failed records will be retried retries_on_batch_request times. If a record fails all retries an error log will be emitted.


Boolean, default true. If enabled, when after retrying, the next retrying checks the number of succeeded records on the former batch request and reset exponential backoff if there is any success. Because batch request could be composed by requests across shards, simple exponential backoff for the batch request wouldn't work some cases.


Integer, default 500. The number of max count of making batch request from record chunk. It can't exceed the default value because it's API limit.


  • kinesis_streams: 500
  • kinesis_firehose: 500
  • kinesis_streams_aggregated: 100,000


Integer. The number of max size of making batch request from record chunk. It can't exceed the default value because it's API limit.


  • kinesis_streams: 5 MB
  • kinesis_firehose: 4 MB
  • kinesis_streams_aggregated: 1 MB


Boolean, default true.

If drop_failed_records_after_batch_request_retries is enabled (default), the plugin will drop failed records when batch request fails after retrying max times configured as retries_on_batch_request. This dropping can be monitored from monitor_agent or fluent-plugin-prometheus as retry_count or num_errors metrics.

If drop_failed_records_after_batch_request_retries is disabled, the plugin will raise error and return chunk to Fluentd buffer when batch request fails after retrying max times. Fluentd will retry to send chunk records according to retry config in Buffer Section. Note that this retryng may create duplicate records since PutRecords API of Kinesis Data Streams and PutRecordBatch API of Kinesis Data Firehose may return a partially successful response.


Boolean, default false. If enabled, the plugin will increment retry_count monitoring metrics after internal retrying to send batch request. This configuration enables you to monitor ProvisionedThroughputExceededException from monitor_agent or fluent-plugin-prometheus. Note that retry_count metrics will be counted by the plugin in addition to original Fluentd buffering mechanism if monitor_num_of_batch_request_retries is enabled.

Configuration: Format

<format> section

This plugin uses Fluent::TextFormatter to serialize record to string. See formatter.rb for more details. By default, it uses json formatter same as specific like below:

<match *>
  @type kinesis_streams

    @type json

For other configurations of json formatter, see json formatter plugin.

<inject> section

This plugin uses Fluent::TimeFormatter and other injection configurations. See inject.rb for more details.

For example, the config below will add time field whose value is event time with nanosecond and tag field whose value is its tag.

<match *>
  @type kinesis_streams

    time_key time
    tag_key tag

By default, time_type string and time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%N%z are already set to be applicable to Elasticsearch sub-second format. Although, you can use any configuration.

In addition, there are some format related options:


If your record contains a field whose string should be sent to Amazon Kinesis directly (without formatter), use this parameter to specify the field. In that case, other fields than data_key are thrown away and never sent to Amazon Kinesis. Default nil, which means whole record will be formatted and sent.


Specifying compression way for data of each record. Current accepted options are zlib and gzip. Otherwise, no compression will be preformed.


Integer, default 1024. When emitting the log entry, the message will be truncated by this size to avoid infinite loop when the log is also sent to Kinesis. The value 0 means no truncation.


Boolean. Default false. If it is enabled, the plugin calls chomp and removes separator from the end of each record. This option is for compatible format with plugin v2. See #142 for more details.
When you use kinesis_firehose output, append_new_line option is true as default. If append_new_line is enabled, the plugin calls chomp as chomp_record is true before appending \n to each record. Therefore, you don't need to enable chomp_record option when you use kinesis_firehose with default configuration. If you want to set append_new_line false, you can choose chomp_record false (default) or true (compatible format with plugin v2).

Configuration: AWS SDK


AWS region of your stream. It should be in form like us-east-1, us-west-2. Refer to Regions and Endpoints in AWS General Reference for supported regions. Default nil, which means try to find from environment variable AWS_REGION.


The upper limit of size of each record. Default is 1 MB which is the limitation of Kinesis.


HTTP proxy for API calling. Default nil.


API endpoint URL, for testing. Default nil.


Boolean. Disable if you want to verify ssl connection, for testing. Default true.


Boolean. Enable if you need to debug Amazon Data Firehose API call. Default is false.


To launch fluentd process with this plugin for development, follow the steps below:

git clone
cd aws-fluent-plugin-kinesis
make # will install gems dependency
bundle exec fluentd -c /path/to/fluent.conf

To launch using specified version of Fluentd, use BUNDLE_GEMFILE environment variable:

BUNDLE_GEMFILE=$PWD/gemfiles/ bundle exec fluentd -c /path/to/fluent.conf


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub.

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