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Emailable Ruby Library

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This is the official ruby wrapper for the Emailable API.

It also includes an Active Record (Rails) validator to verify email attributes.


See the Ruby API docs.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'emailable'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install emailable


The library needs to be configured with your account's API key which is available in your Emailable Dashboard. Set Emailable.api_key to its value:


require 'emailable'

# set api key
Emailable.api_key = 'live_...'


# verify an email address

All supported parameters for the verify endpoint can be passed in as hash arguments to the verify method.

Slow Email Server Handling

Some email servers are slow to respond. As a result, the timeout may be reached before we are able to complete the verification process. If this happens, the verification will continue in the background on our servers, and a Emailable::TimeoutError will be raised. We recommend sleeping for at least one second and trying your request again. Re-requesting the same verification with the same options will not impact your credit allocation within a 5 minute window. You can test this behavior using a test key and the special email

Batch Verification

First, create an Emailable::Batch object. Then, call the verify method to start the batch. All supported parameters for the batch verification endpoint can be passed in as hash arguments to the verify method.

Start a batch

emails = ['', '', ...]
batch =

# start verifying the batch

# you can optionally pass in a callback url that we'll POST to when the batch
# is complete.
batch.verify(url: '')

Get the status / results of a batch

Calling status on a batch will return the status. It will contain the results as well once complete. All supported parameters for the status endpoint can be passed in as hash arguments to the status method.

id = '5cfcbfdeede34200693c4319'
batch =

# get status of batch

# get the status of a batch, with partial results if the batch is incomplete
batch.status(partial: true)

# gets the results

# get the counts

# returns true / false

Active Record Validator

Define a validator on an Active Record model for your email attribute(s). It'll validate the attribute only when it's present and has changed.


  • smtp, timeout: Passed directly to API as options.
  • states: An array of states you'd like to be considered valid.
  • free, role, disposable, accept_all: If you'd like any of these to be valid.
validates :email, email: {
  smtp: true, states: %i[deliverable risky unknown],
  free: true, role: true, disposable: false, accept_all: true, timeout: 3

Access Verification Result

You can define an attr_accessor with the following format to gain access to the verification result.

# [attribute_name]_verification_result
attr_accessor :email_verification_result


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at