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Releases: cancerit/cgpPindel


06 May 10:55
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v2.0.3 Pre-release
* Permits empty results files

v2.0.0 - legacy software cleanup

01 Apr 14:12
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  • Migrates all Tabix and Bio::DB::Sam to Bio::DB::HTS::Tabix and Bio::DB::Sam
  • Cleans up install

note: you will need PCAP-core v2.0+

v1.5.6 - Added fake line printed to bed file if no germline results found

22 Mar 13:43
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  • Added fake line printed to bed file if no germline results found
  • Uses the first contig found and prints contig\t0\t1 as a fake entry to the germline bed file

v1.5.5 - Prevent accidental overwrite of completed work

22 Feb 15:54
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User will encounter successful job with warning if the logs directory has already been moved to the output location.

v1.5.4 - workaround for bug in underlying code

23 Oct 10:57
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Workaround fix for sam files with no reads causing failure in bamsort

v1.5.2 - Allow readgroups with ID=0

06 Aug 09:33
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v1.5.1 - Correct non-absolute paths

13 Jul 14:48
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Some paths were not being expanded which resulted in failures in later steps (#38).

v1.4.0 - Handle species with large number of contigs

22 Jun 08:43
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This release primarily handles species where very large numbers of contigs are being analysed. If more than 100 contigs are being processed (after exclusion criteria applied) then a slower merging process is used to ensure reliable processing.

v1.3.2 - correct limit based processing

12 Mar 22:41
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Number of required threads when using limit was not being set correctly. Generally results in needless thrashing of disk doing file checks but in some cases corrupt data or race conditions were occurring.

v1.3.1 - as v1.3.0 with correct version reported

06 Feb 08:59
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As per v1.3.0 but version is correct (was reporting 1.2.0).