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cgrand committed Jun 8, 2009
1 parent 96cf5a4 commit 58829ea
Showing 1 changed file with 95 additions and 0 deletions.
95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions test/net/cgrand/moustache/test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
(ns net.cgrand.moustache.test
(:use net.cgrand.moustache)
(:use [clojure.contrib.test-is :as test-is :only [set-test is are]]))

(defn hello [_]
{:status 200 :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
:body "<h3>Hello World</h3>"})

(defn request [handler uri & options]
(handler (conj {:request-method :get :uri uri} (apply hash-map options))))

(defn GET [handler uri & options]
(apply request handler uri options))

(defn not+found [handler uri & options]
(-> (apply request handler uri options) :status #{404}))

(defn not+allowed [handler uri & options]
(-> (apply request handler uri options) :status #{404}))

(defn found+content [handler uri & options]
(let [{:keys [status body]} (apply request handler uri options)]
(when (= status 200) body)))

(set-test app
;; wrapping
(is (found+content (app hello) "/random/url"))
(is (found+content (app (fn [req] (hello req))) "/random/url"))

;; response literal
(is (= "literal response"
(found+content (app {:status 200
:body "literal response"}) "/random/url")))

;; fixed route dispatch
(is (found+content (app [] hello) "/"))
(is (not+found (app [] hello) "/random/url"))

(is (found+content (app ["some" "url"] hello) "/some/url"))
(is (not+found (app ["some" "url"] hello) "/"))
(is (not+found (app ["some" "url"] hello) "/some/url/"))
(is (not+found (app ["some" "url"] hello) "/some/url/foo"))

;; open route dispatch
(is (found+content (app ["some" "url" &] hello) "/some/url"))
(is (not+found (app ["some" "url" &] hello) "/"))
(is (found+content (app ["some" "url" &] hello) "/some/url/"))
(is (found+content (app ["some" "url" &] hello) "/some/url/foo"))

(is (= "xs=0" (found+content (app ["some" "url" & xs] ["xs=" (count xs)]) "/some/url")))
(is (= "xs=1" (found+content (app ["some" "url" & xs] ["xs=" (count xs)]) "/some/url/")))
(is (= "xs=1" (found+content (app ["some" "url" & xs] ["xs=" (count xs)]) "/some/url/bar")))
(is (= "xs=2" (found+content (app ["some" "url" & xs] ["xs=" (count xs)]) "/some/url/bar/foo")))

;; segment validators
(is (= "url" (found+content (app ["some" a] [{:status 200 :body a}]) "/some/url")))
(is (= "thing" (found+content (app ["some" a] [{:status 200 :body a}]) "/some/thing")))
(is (not+found (app ["some" a] [{:status 200 :body a}]) "/any/url"))
(is (not+found (app ["some" a] [{:status 200 :body a}]) "/some/url/"))
(is (not+found (app ["some" a] [{:status 200 :body a}]) "/some/url/foo"))

(is (found+content (app [#"(ab)+"] "body") "/abab"))
(is (not+found (app [#"(ab)+"] "body") "/aba"))
(is (found+content (app [#"(ab)+"] "body") "/ab"))

(is (= "w=abab" (found+content (app [[w #"(?:ab)+"]] ["w=" w]) "/abab")))
(is (not+found (app [[w #"(?:ab)+"]] ["w=" w]) "/aba"))
(is (= "w=ab" (found+content (app [[w #"(?:ab)+"]] ["w=" w]) "/ab")))

(is (= "x=01;y=04" (found+content (app [[[_ x y] #"(\d+)-(\d+)"]] ["x=" x ";y=" y]) "/01-04")))
(is (found+content (app [[_ #(= 3 (count %))]] "ok") "/abc"))
(is (not+found (app [[_ #(= 3 (count %))]] "ok") "/abcd"))

;; method dispatch
(is (found+content (app :get "ok") "/" :request-method :get))
(is (= {:status 405, :headers {"Allow" "GET"}} (request (app :get "ok") "/" :request-method :post)))
(is (= {:status 405, :headers {"Allow" "GET"}} (request (app :get "ok") "/" :request-method :put)))
(is (= {:status 405, :headers {"Allow" "GET"}} (request (app :get "ok") "/" :request-method :head)))

;; fallthrough
(is (= "route1" (found+content (app ["foo" &] "route1" ["foo" "bar"] "route2") "/foo/bar")))
(is (= "route2" (found+content (app ["foo" &] pass ["foo" "bar"] "route2") "/foo/bar")))

;; nested apps
(is (found+content (app ["foo" &] [["bar"] "ok"]) "/foo/bar"))
(is (not+found (app ["foo" &] [["bar"] "ok"]) "/foo/baz"))
(is (not+found (app ["foo" &] [["bar"] "ok"]) "/foe/bar"))

;; middlewares
(is (= {:status 200, :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}, :body "<h3>not text!</h3>"}
(request (app (alter-response assoc-in [:headers "Content-Type"] "text/html") "<h3>not text!</h3>") "/")))
(is (found+content (app (alter-request update-in [:uri] #(str "/foo" %)) ["foo" "bar"] "ok") "/bar"))
(is (not+found (app (alter-request update-in [:uri] #(str "/foo" %)) ["foo" "bar"] "ok") "/foo/bar"))

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