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A Clojure PubNub Client


Pubnub is available in Clojars. Add this :dependency to your Leiningen project.clj

[pubnub "0.4.1"]

Or, add this to your Maven project's pom.xml



Pubnub is compatible with Clojure 1.5.1+.


To get started, first we need to register a free PubNub account. This will provide us with a PubNub Sandbox we can play in:

Name Key
Subscribe Key sub-c-12345678-1111-2222-3333-123456789012
Publish Key pub-c-87654321-1111-2222-3333-210987654321
Secret Key sec-c-1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789012

With the keys we can define a configuration

(def test-channel-conf
  {:channel       "test-channel"
   :client-id     "test-pubnub-client"
   :origin        ""
   :subscribe-key "sub-c-12345678-1111-2222-3333-123456789012"
   :publish-key   "pub-c-87654321-1111-2222-3333-210987654321"
   :secret-key    "sec-c-1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789012"})

to create a PubNub channel

(def test-channel (channel test-channel-conf))

With the channel at hand, we can now publish messages to that channel:

(publish test-channel "Hello World!")
(publish test-channel {:number 419 :ts (java.util.Date.)})

To receive any message published to the channel, we need to subscribe to it. The subscription returns a Clojure core.async channel that will contain any new message.

(subscribed? test-channel)
(def subscription (subscribe test-channel))
(subscribed? test-channel)

Retrieve and process messages using any of the operations core.async provides. E.g.

  (loop []
    (when-let [msg (async/<!! subscription)]
      (println msg)
  (println "Unsubscribed"))

When we do not want to receive any additonal messages, simply unsubscribe:

(pn/unsubscribe test-channel)
(pn/subscribed? test-channel)

It is important to note that only messages posted to the channel after the client subscribed to it are received. I.e. the client will not receive any historic messages.

Best Practices

The client is built around PubNub's Best Practices.


By default the connection uses SSL. To disable it, simply set ssl? to false in the configutation

(def test-channel-conf
  {:channel "test-channel"
   ;; ...
   :ssl?    false})

Client UUID

If no client-id is provided in the configuration, a UUID client-id is generated. The generated UUID will change everytime the channel is created, even with eveything else being the same.


  • Hookup presence
  • Support EDN as data format
  • Handle PubNub errors for publish
    • "Message Too Big" - Max message size exceeded.
    • "Invalid Publish Key" - Wrong Publish Key was Used.
    • "Invalid Message Signature" - The message was SHA256 Signed incorrectly.
  • Support connect/disconnect/reconnect events
  • Add timeouts to subscribe/presence
  • Write documentation
  • Support proxy server (server, port)
  • Look into using persistent connections (


Copyright © 2013-2014 Christian Kebekus

The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
which can be found in the file [epl-v10.html](epl-v10.html) at the
root of this distribution.

By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
the terms of this license.

You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.


A Clojure PubNub Client






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