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11 lines (9 loc) · 592 Bytes

File metadata and controls

11 lines (9 loc) · 592 Bytes

@bender-tags: 4.5.0,tc,clipboard,widget,filetools @bender-ui: collapsed @bender-ckeditor-plugins: wysiwygarea, toolbar, undo, uploadwidget, basicstyles, image2, uploadimage, font, stylescombo, basicstyles, format, maximize, blockquote, list, table, resize, elementspath, justify @bender-include: _helpers/xhrerror.js

This test emulates an error during upload. When upload hits 50% an error occurs.

  • Drop an image.
  • Check if upload widget is displayed.
  • Check if image is removed after it reaches 50% of progress and no artifacts left.
  • Check if you see a message about the error.