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Optional python parameters #27191

merged 10 commits into from
Jun 18, 2019


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PR description:

Added the ability to declare parameters in PSets, EDProducers, etc without giving actual values to those parameters. The three types are

  • required: if not set will throw a python exception during serialization to C++
  • optional : if not set the parameter will not be serialized to C++
  • obsolete : parameter is never serialzed to C++

This allows the following code

p = cms.PSet( foo = cms.required.int32, bar = cms.optional.untracked.string) = 12 = "stuff"

This facility is now used to define the standard top level PSets of cms.Process : options, maxEvents and maxLuminosityBlocks.

If more than one type is allowed for a given PSet label, one can use the allowed mechanism to specify the types:

   p = cms.PSet( foo = cms.required.allowed(cms.int32, cms.string) )

To make it easier to modify multiple parameters within a PSet, one can now use a dict to modify a given set of parameters within a PSet:

p.options = dict(numberOfThreads = 4, numberOfStreams = 2)

On the C++ side, the fillDescriptions system was updated to generate cms.required and cms.optional entries in the files.

PR validation:

All framework related tests pass.

In a PSet one can now associate a label and a type without specifying a default value.
- required: if the value is never set, an exception will be thrown at conversion to C++ time
- optional: nothing happens if the value is never set

This ability is now used to set values for the Process options, maxEvents and maxLuminosityBlock top level PSets

The new options are injected by fillDescriptions.

If more than one type is allowed for a given label, the .allowed mechanism can be used with optional or required.

If any label would be allowed, used the new PSet label 'allowAnyLabel_' and associate a required or optional parameter.
The standard top level PSets options, maxEvents and maxLuminosityBlocks are now properly injected into the Process.
A dict can now be passed to PSet.setValue (which is also called during assignment). The key, value pairs in the dict are then iterated over and used to call assignment on the corresponding parameter labels within the PSet. If the PSet contains other parameters than those with keys in the dictionary, those other parameters are not changed.
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The code-checks are being triggered in jenkins.

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  • This PR adds an extra 100KB to repository

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A new Pull Request was created by @Dr15Jones (Chris Jones) for master.

It involves the following packages:


@cmsbuild, @smuzaffar, @Dr15Jones can you please review it and eventually sign? Thanks.
@makortel, @Martin-Grunewald, @wddgit this is something you requested to watch as well.
@davidlange6, @slava77, @fabiocos you are the release manager for this.

cms-bot commands are listed here

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please test

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cmsbuild commented Jun 12, 2019

The tests are being triggered in jenkins. Started: 2019/06/12 18:28

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fwyzard commented Jun 12, 2019

On the C++ side, the fillDescriptions system was updated to generate cms.required and cms.optional entries in the files.

What do the generated files look like ?
Do they use the new declarations only when the default values are not specified in the fillDescriptions ?

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Do they use the new declarations only when the default values are not specified in the fillDescriptions ?

Only used if no default given. Else they do exactly what we've done in the past.

What do the generated files look like ?

eventIDFilter = cms.EDFilter('ModuloEventIDFilter',
  modulo = cms.required.uint32,
  offset = cms.required.uint32,
  mightGet = cms.optional.untracked.vstring

where previously it was

eventIDFilter = cms.EDFilter('ModuloEventIDFilter'

and the PoolOutputModule is now

edmOutput = cms.OutputModule('PoolOutputModule',
  fileName = cms.required.untracked.string,
  logicalFileName = cms.untracked.string(''),
  catalog = cms.untracked.string(''),
  maxSize = cms.untracked.int32(2130706432),
  compressionLevel = cms.untracked.int32(9),
  compressionAlgorithm = cms.untracked.string('ZLIB'),
  basketSize = cms.untracked.int32(16384),
  eventAutoFlushCompressedSize = cms.untracked.int32(20971520),
  splitLevel = cms.untracked.int32(99),
  sortBaskets = cms.untracked.string('sortbasketsbyoffset'),
  treeMaxVirtualSize = cms.untracked.int32(-1),
  fastCloning = cms.untracked.bool(True),
  overrideInputFileSplitLevels = cms.untracked.bool(False),
  writeStatusFile = cms.untracked.bool(False),
  dropMetaData = cms.untracked.string(''),
  dataset = cms.untracked.PSet(),
  overrideBranchesSplitLevel = cms.untracked.VPSet(
  outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('keep *'),
  SelectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
    SelectEvents = cms.optional.vstring

where fileName and SelectEvents.SelectEvents were added.

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Tested at: bdee71c

You can see the results of the tests here:

I found follow errors while testing this PR

Failed tests: UnitTests RelVals AddOn

  • Unit Tests:

I found errors in the following unit tests:

---> test testSSTGainPCL_fromRECO had ERRORS
---> test TestConfigDP had ERRORS
---> test runtestPhysicsToolsPatAlgos had ERRORS
---> test runtestPhysicsToolsNanoAOD had ERRORS
---> test runtestRecoTauTagRecoTau had ERRORS
---> test testRecoMETMETProducers had ERRORS
---> test testPhase2PixelNtuple had ERRORS
---> test testTauEmbeddingProducers had ERRORS

  • RelVals:

When I ran the RelVals I found an error in the following workflows:
4.53 step2


7.3 step1

8.0 step1

9.0 step1

25.0 step1

136.731 step2

136.788 step2

4.22 step2

158.0 step1

1306.0 step1

5.1 step1

1330.0 step1

25202.0 step1

135.4 step1

10024.0 step1

10042.0 step1

10224.0 step1

10824.0 step1

101.0 step1

136.85 step2

11624.0 step1

20034.0 step1

21234.0 step1

27434.0 step1

29034.0 step1

250202.181 step1

140.53 step2

140.56 step2

1000.0 step2

1001.0 step2

1325.7 step2

136.8311 step2

136.7611 step2

  • AddOn:

I found errors in the following addon tests: TTbar_8TeV_TuneCUETP8M1_cfi --conditions auto:run1_mc --fast -n 100 --eventcontent AODSIM,DQM --relval 100000,1000 -s GEN,SIM,RECOBEFMIX,DIGI:pdigi_valid,L1,DIGI2RAW,L1Reco,RECO,EI,VALIDATION --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1THLT --datatier GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO,DQMIO --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollision : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:22 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:14 2019 s - exit: 256 RelVal -s L1REPACK:Full --data --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_hlt_Fake2 --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW" --eventcontent RAW --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1T --era Run2_2016 --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_Fake2_DATA.root --filein /store/data/Run2016B/JetHT/RAW/v1/000/272/762/00000/C666CDE2-E013-E611-B15A-02163E011DBE.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:33 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:22 2019 s - exit: 23040
cmsRun /build/cmsbld/jenkins/workspace/ib-run-pr-tests/CMSSW_11_0_X_2019-06-11-2300/src/HLTrigger/Configuration/test/ realData=True globalTag=@ inputFiles=@ : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:33 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:22 2019 s - exit: 21504 RelVal -s HLT:Fake2,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --data --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_data_Fake2 --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW-HLT-RECO" --eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1THLT --era Run2_2016 --processName=HLTRECO --filein file:RelVal_Raw_Fake2_DATA.root --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_Fake2_DATA_HLT_RECO.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:33 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:22 2019 s - exit: 256 RelVal -s L1REPACK:Full --data --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_hlt_PRef --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW" --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1T --era Run2_2018 --eventcontent RAW --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_PRef_DATA.root --filein /store/data/Run2017A/HLTPhysics4/RAW/v1/000/295/606/00000/36DE5E0A-3645-E711-8FA1-02163E01A43B.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:40 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:25 2019 s - exit: 23040
cmsRun /build/cmsbld/jenkins/workspace/ib-run-pr-tests/CMSSW_11_0_X_2019-06-11-2300/src/HLTrigger/Configuration/test/ realData=True globalTag=@ inputFiles=@ : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:40 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:25 2019 s - exit: 21504 RelVal -s HLT:PRef,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --data --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_data_PRef --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW-HLT-RECO" --eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1THLT --era Run2_2018 --processName=HLTRECO --filein file:RelVal_Raw_PRef_DATA.root --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_PRef_DATA_HLT_RECO.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:40 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:25 2019 s - exit: 256 RelVal -s L1REPACK:Full --data --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_hlt_HIon --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW" --eventcontent RAW --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1T --era Run2_2018_pp_on_AA --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_HIon_DATA.root --filein /store/data/Run2018D/HIMinimumBias0/RAW/v1/000/325/112/00000/660F62BB-9932-D645-A4A4-0BBBDA3963E8.root --customise_commands='from FWCore.ParameterSet.MassReplace import massSearchReplaceAnyInputTag; massSearchReplaceAnyInputTag(process.SimL1Emulator,"rawDataCollector","rawDataRepacker",False,True)' : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:48 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:28 2019 s - exit: 23040
cmsRun /build/cmsbld/jenkins/workspace/ib-run-pr-tests/CMSSW_11_0_X_2019-06-11-2300/src/HLTrigger/Configuration/test/ realData=True globalTag=@ inputFiles=@ : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:48 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:28 2019 s - exit: 21504 RelVal -s HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --data --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_data_HIon --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW-HLT-RECO" --eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1THLT --era Run2_2018_pp_on_AA --processName=HLTRECO --filein file:RelVal_Raw_HIon_DATA.root --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_HIon_DATA_HLT_RECO.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:48 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:28 2019 s - exit: 256 TTbar_Tauola_13TeV_TuneCUETP8M1_cfi -s GEN,SIM,DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW --mc --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_mc_GRun --relval 9000,50 --datatier "GEN-SIM-RAW" --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1T --era Run2_2018 --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_GRun_MC.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:07 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:30 2019 s - exit: 23040
cmsRun /build/cmsbld/jenkins/workspace/ib-run-pr-tests/CMSSW_11_0_X_2019-06-11-2300/src/HLTrigger/Configuration/test/ realData=False globalTag=@ inputFiles=@ : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:07 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:30 2019 s - exit: 21504 RelVal -s HLT:GRun,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --mc --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_mc_GRun --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW-HLT-RECO" --eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1THLT --era Run2_2018 --processName=HLTRECO --filein file:RelVal_Raw_GRun_MC.root --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_GRun_MC_HLT_RECO.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:07 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:30 2019 s - exit: 256 TTbar_13TeV_TuneCUETP8M1_cfi --conditions auto:run2_mc_l1stage1 --fast -n 100 --eventcontent AODSIM,DQM --relval 100000,1000 -s GEN,SIM,RECOBEFMIX,DIGI:pdigi_valid,L1,DIGI2RAW,L1Reco,RECO,EI,VALIDATION --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1THLT --datatier GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO,DQMIO --beamspot NominalCollision2015 --era Run2_25ns : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:44 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:35 2019 s - exit: 256 TTbar_Tauola_13TeV_TuneCUETP8M1_cfi -s GEN,SIM,DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW --mc --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_mc_PRef --relval 9000,50 --datatier "GEN-SIM-RAW" --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1T --era Run2_2018 --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_PRef_MC.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:51 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:37 2019 s - exit: 23040
cmsRun /build/cmsbld/jenkins/workspace/ib-run-pr-tests/CMSSW_11_0_X_2019-06-11-2300/src/HLTrigger/Configuration/test/ realData=False globalTag=@ inputFiles=@ : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:51 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:37 2019 s - exit: 21504 RelVal -s HLT:PRef,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --mc --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_mc_PRef --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW-HLT-RECO" --eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1THLT --era Run2_2018 --processName=HLTRECO --filein file:RelVal_Raw_PRef_MC.root --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_PRef_MC_HLT_RECO.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:51 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:37 2019 s - exit: 256 TTbar_13TeV_TuneCUETP8M1_cfi --conditions auto:run2_mc --fast -n 100 --eventcontent AODSIM,DQM --relval 100000,1000 -s GEN,SIM,RECOBEFMIX,DIGI:pdigi_valid,L1,DIGI2RAW,L1Reco,RECO,EI,VALIDATION --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1THLT --datatier GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO,DQMIO --beamspot NominalCollision2015 --era Run2_2016 : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:50 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:41 2019 s - exit: 256 RelVal -s L1REPACK:Full --data --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_hlt_PIon --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW" --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1T --era Run2_2018 --eventcontent RAW --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_PIon_DATA.root --filein /store/data/Run2017A/HLTPhysics4/RAW/v1/000/295/606/00000/36DE5E0A-3645-E711-8FA1-02163E01A43B.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:58 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:44 2019 s - exit: 23040
cmsRun /build/cmsbld/jenkins/workspace/ib-run-pr-tests/CMSSW_11_0_X_2019-06-11-2300/src/HLTrigger/Configuration/test/ realData=True globalTag=@ inputFiles=@ : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:58 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:44 2019 s - exit: 21504 RelVal -s HLT:PIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --data --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_data_PIon --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW-HLT-RECO" --eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1THLT --era Run2_2018 --processName=HLTRECO --filein file:RelVal_Raw_PIon_DATA.root --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_PIon_DATA_HLT_RECO.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:58 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:44 2019 s - exit: 256 TTbar_Tauola_8TeV_TuneCUETP8M1_cfi -s GEN,SIM,DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW --mc --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run1_mc_Fake --relval 9000,50 --datatier "GEN-SIM-RAW" --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1T --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_Fake_MC.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:57 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:45 2019 s - exit: 23040
cmsRun /build/cmsbld/jenkins/workspace/ib-run-pr-tests/CMSSW_11_0_X_2019-06-11-2300/src/HLTrigger/Configuration/test/ realData=False globalTag=@ inputFiles=@ : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:57 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:45 2019 s - exit: 21504 RelVal -s HLT:Fake,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --mc --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run1_mc_Fake --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW-HLT-RECO" --eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1THLT --processName=HLTRECO --filein file:RelVal_Raw_Fake_MC.root --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_Fake_MC_HLT_RECO.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:57 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:45 2019 s - exit: 256 TTbar_Tauola_13TeV_TuneCUETP8M1_cfi -s GEN,SIM,DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW --mc --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_mc_HIon --relval 9000,50 --datatier "GEN-SIM-RAW" --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1T --era Run2_2018_pp_on_AA --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_HIon_MC.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:07 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:46 2019 s - exit: 23040
cmsRun /build/cmsbld/jenkins/workspace/ib-run-pr-tests/CMSSW_11_0_X_2019-06-11-2300/src/HLTrigger/Configuration/test/ realData=False globalTag=@ inputFiles=@ : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:07 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:46 2019 s - exit: 21504 RelVal -s HLT:HIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --mc --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_mc_HIon --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW-HLT-RECO" --eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1THLT --era Run2_2018_pp_on_AA --processName=HLTRECO --filein file:RelVal_Raw_HIon_MC.root --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_HIon_MC_HLT_RECO.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:07 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:46 2019 s - exit: 256 TTbar_Tauola_13TeV_TuneCUETP8M1_cfi -s GEN,SIM,DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW --mc --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_mc_Fake2 --relval 9000,50 --datatier "GEN-SIM-RAW" --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1T --era Run2_2016 --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_Fake2_MC.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:59 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:47 2019 s - exit: 23040
cmsRun /build/cmsbld/jenkins/workspace/ib-run-pr-tests/CMSSW_11_0_X_2019-06-11-2300/src/HLTrigger/Configuration/test/ realData=False globalTag=@ inputFiles=@ : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:59 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:47 2019 s - exit: 21504 RelVal -s HLT:Fake2,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --mc --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_mc_Fake2 --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW-HLT-RECO" --eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1THLT --era Run2_2016 --processName=HLTRECO --filein file:RelVal_Raw_Fake2_MC.root --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_Fake2_MC_HLT_RECO.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:45:59 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:47 2019 s - exit: 256 TTbar_Tauola_13TeV_TuneCUETP8M1_cfi -s GEN,SIM,DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW --mc --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_mc_Fake1 --relval 9000,50 --datatier "GEN-SIM-RAW" --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1T --era Run2_25ns --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_Fake1_MC.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:02 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:50 2019 s - exit: 23040
cmsRun /build/cmsbld/jenkins/workspace/ib-run-pr-tests/CMSSW_11_0_X_2019-06-11-2300/src/HLTrigger/Configuration/test/ realData=False globalTag=@ inputFiles=@ : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:02 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:50 2019 s - exit: 21504 RelVal -s HLT:Fake1,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --mc --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_mc_Fake1 --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW-HLT-RECO" --eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1THLT --era Run2_25ns --processName=HLTRECO --filein file:RelVal_Raw_Fake1_MC.root --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_Fake1_MC_HLT_RECO.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:02 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:50 2019 s - exit: 256 RelVal -s L1REPACK:GT1 --data --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run1_hlt_Fake --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW" --eventcontent RAW --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1T --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_Fake_DATA.root --filein /store/data/Run2012A/MuEG/RAW/v1/000/191/718/14932935-E289-E111-830C-5404A6388697.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:06 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:56 2019 s - exit: 23040
cmsRun /build/cmsbld/jenkins/workspace/ib-run-pr-tests/CMSSW_11_0_X_2019-06-11-2300/src/HLTrigger/Configuration/test/ realData=True globalTag=@ inputFiles=@ : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:06 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:56 2019 s - exit: 21504 RelVal -s HLT:Fake,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --data --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run1_data_Fake --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW-HLT-RECO" --eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1THLT --processName=HLTRECO --filein file:RelVal_Raw_Fake_DATA.root --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_Fake_DATA_HLT_RECO.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:06 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:45:56 2019 s - exit: 256 RelVal -s L1REPACK:Full --data --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_hlt_GRun --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW" --eventcontent RAW --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1T --era Run2_2018 --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_GRun_DATA.root --filein /store/data/Run2017A/HLTPhysics4/RAW/v1/000/295/606/00000/36DE5E0A-3645-E711-8FA1-02163E01A43B.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:33 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:46:00 2019 s - exit: 23040
cmsRun /build/cmsbld/jenkins/workspace/ib-run-pr-tests/CMSSW_11_0_X_2019-06-11-2300/src/HLTrigger/Configuration/test/ realData=True globalTag=@ inputFiles=@ : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:33 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:46:00 2019 s - exit: 21504 RelVal -s HLT:GRun,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --data --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_data_GRun --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW-HLT-RECO" --eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1THLT --era Run2_2018 --processName=HLTRECO --filein file:RelVal_Raw_GRun_DATA.root --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_GRun_DATA_HLT_RECO.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:33 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:46:00 2019 s - exit: 256 RelVal -s L1REPACK:GCTGT --data --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_hlt_Fake1 --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW" --eventcontent RAW --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1T --era Run2_25ns --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_Fake1_DATA.root --filein /store/data/Run2015D/MuonEG/RAW/v1/000/256/677/00000/80950A90-745D-E511-92FD-02163E011C5D.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:15 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:46:03 2019 s - exit: 23040
cmsRun /build/cmsbld/jenkins/workspace/ib-run-pr-tests/CMSSW_11_0_X_2019-06-11-2300/src/HLTrigger/Configuration/test/ realData=True globalTag=@ inputFiles=@ : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:15 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:46:03 2019 s - exit: 21504 RelVal -s HLT:Fake1,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --data --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_data_Fake1 --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW-HLT-RECO" --eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1THLT --era Run2_25ns --processName=HLTRECO --filein file:RelVal_Raw_Fake1_DATA.root --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_Fake1_DATA_HLT_RECO.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:15 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:46:03 2019 s - exit: 256 TTbar_Tauola_13TeV_TuneCUETP8M1_cfi -s GEN,SIM,DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW --mc --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_mc_PIon --relval 9000,50 --datatier "GEN-SIM-RAW" --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1T --era Run2_2018 --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_PIon_MC.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:18 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:46:05 2019 s - exit: 23040
cmsRun /build/cmsbld/jenkins/workspace/ib-run-pr-tests/CMSSW_11_0_X_2019-06-11-2300/src/HLTrigger/Configuration/test/ realData=False globalTag=@ inputFiles=@ : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:18 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:46:05 2019 s - exit: 21504 RelVal -s HLT:PIon,RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --mc --scenario=pp -n 10 --conditions auto:run2_mc_PIon --relval 9000,50 --datatier "RAW-HLT-RECO" --eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT --customise=HLTrigger/Configuration/CustomConfigs.L1THLT --era Run2_2018 --processName=HLTRECO --filein file:RelVal_Raw_PIon_MC.root --fileout file:RelVal_Raw_PIon_MC_HLT_RECO.root : FAILED - time: date Wed Jun 12 20:46:18 2019-date Wed Jun 12 20:46:05 2019 s - exit: 256

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Comparison not run due to runTheMatrix errors (RelVals and Igprof tests were also skipped)

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I wonder why cmsDriver now generates

process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
    input = cms.optional.untracked.int32,
    output = cms.optional.untracked..allowed(cms.int32,cms.PSet)

(output having extra dot leading to the failures)


process.options = cms.untracked.PSet(
    FailPath = cms.untracked.vstring(),
    IgnoreCompletely = cms.untracked.vstring(),
    Rethrow = cms.untracked.vstring(),
    SkipEvent = cms.untracked.vstring(),
    allowUnscheduled = cms.obsolete.untracked.bool,
    canDeleteEarly = cms.untracked.vstring(),
    emptyRunLumiMode = cms.obsolete.untracked.string,
    fileMode = cms.untracked.string('FULLMERGE'),
    forceEventSetupCacheClearOnNewRun = cms.untracked.bool(False),
    makeTriggerResults = cms.obsolete.untracked.bool,
    numberOfConcurrentLuminosityBlocks = cms.untracked.uint32(1),
    numberOfConcurrentRuns = cms.untracked.uint32(1),
    numberOfStreams = cms.untracked.uint32(0),
    numberOfThreads = cms.untracked.uint32(1),
    printDependencies = cms.untracked.bool(False),
    sizeOfStackForThreadsInKB = cms.optional.untracked.uint32,
    throwIfIllegalParameter = cms.untracked.bool(True),
    wantSummary = cms.untracked.bool(False)

Maybe related to ConfigBuilder building both string and python object presentations of the config and somehow using pieces of the latter?

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@makortel I've now extended the tests in FWCore.ParameterSet.Types to also test untracked.allowed. It now sees the problem. Working on a fix.

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@santocch the PhysicsTools part looks ok to me, it basically update the definition of an assertEqual. Please check and comment in case for further updates

@cmsbuild cmsbuild merged commit c649ae3 into cms-sw:master Jun 18, 2019
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This pull request is fully signed and it will be integrated in one of the next master IBs (tests are also fine). This pull request will be automatically merged.

@Dr15Jones Dr15Jones deleted the optionalPythonParameters branch June 20, 2019 12:29
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slava77 commented Jun 20, 2019

is this feature documented in the twikis (someplace navigable from ) ?
Please share a link.
Thank you.

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@slava77 I've updated the documentation on that page

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hi @Dr15Jones - looks like this creates problems w/ python3

An exception of category 'ConfigFileReadError' occurred while
[0] Processing the python configuration file named
Exception Message:
unknown python problem occurred.
AttributeError: '_OptionalParameter' object has no attribute 'extend'

/cvmfs/ getattr
/cvmfs/ customiseEarlyDelete

[i'm not sure I understand the actual cause yet]


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@davidlange6 I believe this is the underlying cause

_OptionalParameter defines nonzero which is used by python 2, but python 3 renamed the function to bool.

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@davidlange6 fixed in #27399

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@Dr15Jones @fabiocos

Sorry but I need to come back to this as it seems the added functionality is incompatible with ConfDB.
In ConfDB, we store one fixed set of top-level plugin parameters for each plugin class. Each parameter needs an example value (even if it is a fake value) in cfi files used to parse this during ConfDB parsing of a new release.

I assume OBSOLETE parameters could simply be ignored and not recorded with the module during parsing,

REQUIRED parameters should always have an accompanied default value emitted into the cfi file. As we know, parameters without a value do not get emitted (via fillDescriptions into cfi files) and hence ConfDB will not know about them (as it uses cfi files to discover them) and hence they are simply not available for module configs in HLT menus in ConfDB.

OPTIONAL parameters also seem completely unhandlebar in ConfDB parsing in case the C++ code
checks the existence and then does different things depending on the existance of the parameter
(and what else would be the use case??)
This is because for ConfDB the number/type/list of parameters is fixed, so we can not allow
for varying number of parameters (at least for top-level parameters, varying sets of parameters are
allowed inside PSet parameters).

I am unclear how to proceed and what concrete problem is actually solved by this PR, thus whether it could be done differently and compatible with ConfDB parsing.

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fwyzard commented Jul 17, 2019 via email

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Sorry but I need to come back to this as it seems the added functionality is incompatible with ConfDB. In ConfDB, we store one fixed set of top-level plugin parameters for each plugin class. Each parameter needs an example value (even if it is a fake value) in cfi files used to parse this during ConfDB parsing of a new release.

If all the parameters for all HLT used modules already have default values, then you will see no difference with this change. Also, hand written cfi files shouldn't contain any of these new types, just ones autogenerated by fillDescriptions.

I assume OBSOLETE parameters could simply be ignored and not recorded with the module during parsing,

Yes. There is no facility to add_ obsolete_ parameters using fillDescriptions so they can only be used in handwritten configurations. Therefore no module descriptions are making use of this. It was only added to accomodate top level PSets used by the framework where we want to validate at python time but some parameters (like options.runUnscheduled ) no longer do anything but are still being used by the workflow management system.

REQUIRED parameters should always have an accompanied default value emitted into the cfi file. As we know, parameters without a value do not get emitted (via fillDescriptions into cfi files) and hence ConfDB will not know about them (as it uses cfi files to discover them) and hence they are simply not available for module configs in HLT menus in ConfDB.

Now you have a way to discover if defaults were never given since a required will appear in the python. You now have a way of checking which you didn't before.

OPTIONAL parameters also seem completely unhandlebar in ConfDB parsing in case the C++ code
checks the existence and then does different things depending on the existance of the parameter
(and what else would be the use case??)
This is because for ConfDB the number/type/list of parameters is fixed, so we can not allow
for varying number of parameters (at least for top-level parameters, varying sets of parameters are
allowed inside PSet parameters).

Again, you can now discover cases where this is being done and report the problem to the developers. If ConfDB had not previously known about these parameter values it can just skip them since they were always optional and that is what ConfDB was doing before.

I am unclear how to proceed and what concrete problem is actually solved by this PR, thus whether it could be done differently and compatible with ConfDB parsing.

If module writes already followed the HLT policy of having default values in the fillDescriptions, nothing changes. If they had not, now you can catch the problems.

This pull request did not change how developers make use of the ParameterSet system nor gave any new abilities in the C++. Developers have always been able to do required and optional parameters on the C++ side. What this pull request does is expose those on the python side in order to allow

  • more validation in python as well as
  • to function as documentation and
  • to make modifying parameters in the python easier since one doesn't have to specify the type

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But I assume there is nothing to prevent someone from handwriting a cfi file with these new variants?
So ConfDB needs to deal with this when it encounters such.

Yes, we discover it, but how? How does a REQUIRED without value look in the cfi file? And if it is there it needs to be fixed, so why allow it in the first place if it creates problems later?

Also for OPTIONAL: we spend a long time educating HLT authors not to change physics on the presence or not of parameters, and now you put back an explicit accommodation for this, so
people witll use it and then it needs to be fixed. Just do not allow it from the onset.

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