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- Replaced max(dot(a,b), 0.0) with clamp as some rounding errors caus…
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…ed pow to receive negative values when then value was subtracted from 1.0 (undefined glsl behavior)

- Fixed that surface angle attenuation was getting applied twice
  • Loading branch information
dpjudas committed Feb 3, 2018
1 parent 7b9a334 commit 7698674
Showing 1 changed file with 52 additions and 47 deletions.
99 changes: 52 additions & 47 deletions wadsrc/static/shaders/glsl/main.fp
Expand Up @@ -432,29 +432,25 @@ vec3 fresnelSchlickRoughness(float cosTheta, vec3 F0, float roughness)
return F0 + (max(vec3(1.0 - roughness), F0) - F0) * pow(1.0 - cosTheta, 5.0);

float pointLightAttenuationQuadratic(vec4 lightpos, float lightcolorA)
float quadraticDistanceAttenuation(vec4 lightpos)
float strength = (1.0 + lightpos.w * lightpos.w * 0.25) * 0.5;

vec3 distVec = -;
float attenuation = strength / (1.0 + dot(distVec, distVec));
if (attenuation <= 1.0 / 256.0) return 0.0;

return attenuation;

float shadowAttenuation(vec4 lightpos, float lightcolorA)
float shadowIndex = abs(lightcolorA) - 1.0;
attenuation *= shadowmapAttenuation(lightpos, shadowIndex);
return shadowmapAttenuation(lightpos, shadowIndex);
return 1.0;

if (lightcolorA >= 0.0) // Sign bit is the attenuated light flag
return attenuation;
vec3 lightDirection = normalize( -;
vec3 pixelnormal = ApplyNormalMap();
return attenuation * diffuseContribution(lightDirection, pixelnormal);

vec3 applyLight(vec3 albedo, vec3 ambientLight)
Expand All @@ -464,12 +460,11 @@ vec3 applyLight(vec3 albedo, vec3 ambientLight)
albedo = pow(albedo, vec3(2.2)); // sRGB to linear
ambientLight = pow(ambientLight, vec3(2.2));

vec3 normal = ApplyNormalMap();
float metallic = texture(metallictexture,;
float roughness = texture(roughnesstexture,;
float ao = texture(aotexture,;

vec3 N = normalize(normal);
vec3 N = ApplyNormalMap();
vec3 V = normalize( - worldpos);

vec3 F0 = mix(vec3(0.04), albedo, metallic);
Expand All @@ -494,28 +489,33 @@ vec3 applyLight(vec3 albedo, vec3 ambientLight)

vec3 L = normalize( - worldpos);
vec3 H = normalize(V + L);
//float distance = length( - worldpos);
//float attenuation = 1.0 / (distance * distance);
float attenuation = pointLightAttenuationQuadratic(lightpos, lightcolor.a);

float attenuation = quadraticDistanceAttenuation(lightpos) * shadowAttenuation(lightpos, lightcolor.a);
if (lightspot1.w == 1.0)
attenuation *= spotLightAttenuation(lightpos,, lightspot2.x, lightspot2.y);
if (lightcolor.a < 0.0)
attenuation *= clamp(dot(N, L), 0.0, 1.0); // Sign bit is the attenuated light flag

if (attenuation > 0.0)
attenuation *= shadowAttenuation(lightpos, lightcolor.a);

vec3 radiance = lightcolor.rgb * attenuation;
vec3 radiance = lightcolor.rgb * attenuation;

// cook-torrance brdf
float NDF = DistributionGGX(N, H, roughness);
float G = GeometrySmith(N, V, L, roughness);
vec3 F = fresnelSchlick(max(dot(H, V), 0.0), F0);
// cook-torrance brdf
float NDF = DistributionGGX(N, H, roughness);
float G = GeometrySmith(N, V, L, roughness);
vec3 F = fresnelSchlick(clamp(dot(H, V), 0.0, 1.0), F0);

vec3 kS = F;
vec3 kD = (vec3(1.0) - kS) * (1.0 - metallic);
vec3 kS = F;
vec3 kD = (vec3(1.0) - kS) * (1.0 - metallic);

vec3 nominator = NDF * G * F;
float denominator = 4.0 * max(dot(N, V), 0.0) * max(dot(N, L), 0.0);
vec3 specular = nominator / max(denominator, 0.001);
vec3 nominator = NDF * G * F;
float denominator = 4.0 * clamp(dot(N, V), 0.0, 1.0) * clamp(dot(N, L), 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 specular = nominator / max(denominator, 0.001);

float NdotL = max(dot(N, L), 0.0);
Lo += (kD * albedo / PI + specular) * radiance * NdotL;
Lo += (kD * albedo / PI + specular) * radiance;
// subtractive lights
Expand All @@ -529,36 +529,41 @@ vec3 applyLight(vec3 albedo, vec3 ambientLight)

vec3 L = normalize( - worldpos);
vec3 H = normalize(V + L);
//float distance = length( - worldpos);
//float attenuation = 1.0 / (distance * distance);
float attenuation = pointLightAttenuationQuadratic(lightpos, lightcolor.a);

float attenuation = quadraticDistanceAttenuation(lightpos) * shadowAttenuation(lightpos, lightcolor.a);
if (lightspot1.w == 1.0)
attenuation *= spotLightAttenuation(lightpos,, lightspot2.x, lightspot2.y);
if (lightcolor.a < 0.0)
attenuation *= clamp(dot(N, L), 0.0, 1.0); // Sign bit is the attenuated light flag

vec3 radiance = lightcolor.rgb * attenuation;
if (attenuation > 0.0)
attenuation *= shadowAttenuation(lightpos, lightcolor.a);

// cook-torrance brdf
float NDF = DistributionGGX(N, H, roughness);
float G = GeometrySmith(N, V, L, roughness);
vec3 F = fresnelSchlick(max(dot(H, V), 0.0), F0);
vec3 radiance = lightcolor.rgb * attenuation;

vec3 kS = F;
vec3 kD = (vec3(1.0) - kS) * (1.0 - metallic);
// cook-torrance brdf
float NDF = DistributionGGX(N, H, roughness);
float G = GeometrySmith(N, V, L, roughness);
vec3 F = fresnelSchlick(clamp(dot(H, V), 0.0, 1.0), F0);

vec3 nominator = NDF * G * F;
float denominator = 4.0 * max(dot(N, V), 0.0) * max(dot(N, L), 0.0);
vec3 specular = nominator / max(denominator, 0.001);
vec3 kS = F;
vec3 kD = (vec3(1.0) - kS) * (1.0 - metallic);

float NdotL = max(dot(N, L), 0.0);
Lo -= (kD * albedo / PI + specular) * radiance * NdotL;
vec3 nominator = NDF * G * F;
float denominator = 4.0 * clamp(dot(N, V), 0.0, 1.0) * clamp(dot(N, L), 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 specular = nominator / max(denominator, 0.001);

Lo -= (kD * albedo / PI + specular) * radiance;

// Pretend we sampled the sector light level from an irradiance map

vec3 F = fresnelSchlickRoughness(max(dot(N, V), 0.0), F0, roughness);
vec3 F = fresnelSchlickRoughness(clamp(dot(N, V), 0.0, 1.0), F0, roughness);

vec3 kS = F;
vec3 kD = 1.0 - kS;
Expand All @@ -569,7 +574,7 @@ vec3 applyLight(vec3 albedo, vec3 ambientLight)
//kD *= 1.0 - metallic;
//const float MAX_REFLECTION_LOD = 4.0;
//vec3 prefilteredColor = textureLod(prefilterMap, R, roughness * MAX_REFLECTION_LOD).rgb;
//vec2 envBRDF = texture(brdfLUT, vec2(max(dot(N, V), 0.0), roughness)).rg;
//vec2 envBRDF = texture(brdfLUT, vec2(clamp(dot(N, V), 0.0, 1.0), roughness)).rg;
//vec3 specular = prefilteredColor * (F * envBRDF.x + envBRDF.y);

//vec3 ambient = (kD * diffuse + specular) * ao;
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