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#CycleReady This is the GitHub repo for the CycleReady project.

Check out the live version at

When you first start biking in San Francisco, you probably rely heavily on Google maps to navigate. Once you've biked here for a little while you realize you only need to remember a few routes and you use them all the time. The purpose of CycleReady is to highlight those routes and share them with everyone else.

##Helping Out This is a project of the Code for America San Francisco Brigade. Go ahead and make a fork and hack away!

###Do you know about ...

  • Ruby on Rails?
  • Bootstrap (especially mobile-oriented)?
  • Maps (especially Mapbox)?
  • Drawing cool artwork?
  • Researching things on the interwebs?
  • Biking around San Francisco?

Do you want to learn?

We could probably use your help!

##Getting Started

###Rails This is a Ruby on Rails app, if you're not familiar with Rails, here's a few steps to get you started locally:

####The first time:

Open a terminal

Do you have Ruby? Type $ ruby -v (omitting the $). You should see something like: ruby 2.1.6p336 Don't have Ruby? Install using the instructions here.

Do you have SQLite3? Type $ sqlite3 --version You should see a string of numbers and letters. Otherwise, you should use the instructions here.

Do you already have Rails installed? Type $ rails -v If you see something like Rails 4.2.1 that means you do. If you don't, type $ gem install rails to install rails.

Fork this repo. If you don't already know how to do this, start with this article.

Switch to the develop branch $ git checkout develop if you're not already there.

Almost there! Your local database isn't set up yet, so run $ rake db:setup, $rake data:init_hoods, and $rake data:init_routes

Start the rails server by typing $ rails s

Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000

You are GTG

####The steps you'll repeat: Open a terminal

Go to your local repo $ cd path/to/my/local/cycleready

Start the rails server $ rails s

Open your browser to http://localhost:3000

Most of these instructions were adapted from the official Rails Guides.

##Git and git-flow

We're trying to use the gitflow workflow . That means the master branch is always deployable.

To work on a new feature, create a new branch off of develop

Work on that feature, then create a pull request to cycleready-web/develop

We'll review, then merge into develop. When there are enough features, we'll pull develop into master and it'll deploy to heroku and be live.

##Heroku staging

cyleready-dev is the live development version, which you can deploy your local branch to test it out. See @thfield to get added to heroku as a collaborator so you can use it. See issue #49 for links to how it was set up.

git push dev develop:master is the command that future me is probably looking for.

##(to be turned into a proper attribution list) probably it is not necessary to keep track of all of these