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Customer Points by Month

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

To Run This Project:

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

This will run the app in the development mode.
It should automatically open your browser, but if it doesn't, you can view it by going here http://localhost:3000.

The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.\

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
The "Customer Points by Month" app can then be deployed!

How to Run this Application

This application comes complete with "fake" data access to 1,000 data transactions that span from January 1, 2022 to June 24, 2023. There are a total of 27 fake customers making random transactions during that time frame.

To see a specific 3-month slice, select the starting month and year from the top panel, where it says, "Select the start of the 3-month period to analyze." Notice that the "Go!" button is not active until you've selected the start of the 3-month period (both year and month). After making that selection, hit the "Go!" button, and after a slight delay (which simulates an async API call), the table below will fill up with the requested data. Prior to hitting "Go!", you may notice that the table title simply says, "Customer Points by Month", and the specific month columns simply says, "Month 1", "Month 2" and "Month 3". After hitting the "Go!" button, the table title specifies the range of the data within the table, and the month columns specify the requested month range. The data in the table is a total of the award points for each month for each customer and the total across all 3 months.

You can expand the number of rows visible on the table by increasing the "Rows per page" from its default of 5, all the way up to 100. Also, each column of the table is sort-able, so you can quickly determine the customers with the most reward points.

If you select a date range for which there is no data available, it will appear as "0". If no data at all is available, the table will show no rows.

Theory of Operation

User Interface

This app uses the Material UI library from Google. In its current form, it's quite minimal with limited decorations.

App Operation

The App runs on NodeJS/JavaScript using the React library. It is recommended to run this on NodeJS versions 14 and above.

The action generally begins in the src/App.js file. The state of the main application is held by the summaryData" element, with its update function setSummaryData()`. When the state is updated, App.js automatically re-renders and sends its state down to the src/ShowPoints component.

The updating of the state actually takes place in the src/Range component, where the user selects the year and month. Some degree of string manipulation takes place because date ranges must be calculated over 3 months, and the year can "roll over" during that time. The string manipulation is necessary in order to remain consistent with a YYYY-MM-DD format to express the date.

The src/App component hands down the state updating function handleRange() to the src/Range component so that the selected date range can be returned. The returned date range is used to instruct the API call to select transaction data that's only within that range. In this way, the API is not handing back more information than what is needed for the user interface.

The API - which is simulated - returns a promise that, when fulfilled, returns all transactions within the requested date range. A utility function, summarizeTransactions() is then called in order to correlate all the transactions across each of the months in the range, and consolidate on each customer. An iterator (forEach) is used to process each transaction and update a temporary object structure for each customer. The actual processing consists of a simple function (calculatePoints()) that takes each transaction and calculates the award points.

After all the transactions have completed, the final summary is returned back to the main component (src/App) and updates the summaryData using the setSummaryData() hook function. The updating of this state data triggers a re-rendering of the main component, and since the prop for the ShowPoints component has now changed, the ShowPoints component - containing the visible table - is updated.

The user can, at any time, select a different range and hit the "Go!" button and start the rendering process all over again, thereby updating the table in real time.

Developer notes

Pay attention to the "TODO" comments, as there are places where this program should be upgraded to protect against possible errors. This program was developed assuming a "clean" execution environment; so it therefore lacks any sort of schema and range checking. Also, the API is simulated; a real API is likely to fail on occasion, so timeouts should be implemented along with sufficient exception-handling logic. In short, the user must be notified if there is a problem on the back end so that he/she can go about fixing a broken connection, ensuring the database is running, etc. Any exceptions should provide sufficient information to indicate the nature of the problem.