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sphinxcontrib-fsharp is a Sphinx (1.6.3+) extension to document F# libraries. It provides a Sphinx domain for F# and autodoc-like directives to generate documentation from source code (not ported to F# yet).

It's licensed under the MIT license. It's available on the Python package index. Its documentation and its source code are on GitHub.

Questions? Remarks? Bugs? Want to contribute? Open an issue!


sphinxcontrib-fsharp is a fork of spinxcontrib-ocaml and still highly experimental. Interfaces may be changed unannounced. We welcome all contributions so please feel free to submit PRs.

Quick start

Install both packages:

$ pip3 install sphinxcontrib-fsharp

Enable and configure the Sphinx extension in your file:

primary_domain = "fsharp"  # Optional
fsharp_source_directories = ["src"]
fsharp_findlib_packages = ["batteries", "js_of_fsharp"]

And document your module (in an .rst file):

.. autoocamlmodule:: MyModule