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The ctrmus icon

ctrmus: a music player for the Nintendo 3DS

The latest 3DSX/CIA/3DS download can be found on the releases page, or by scanning this QR code.


  • Plays PCM WAV, AIFF, FLAC, Opus, Vorbis and MP3 files.
  • Pause and play support.
  • Plays music via headphones whilst system is closed.
  • Ability to browse directories.


L+R or L+Up: Pause

L+B: Stop

L+Left: Show Controls

A: Play file or change to selected directory

B: Go up folder

Up & down = Move cursor

Left & right = Move cursor skipping 13 files at a time.

Start: Exit


I very much welcome a pull request from anyone wanting to contribute! Be it a small spelling mistake, a bug fix or otherwise.

Adding features

Create an issue before you start work so that others know that your considering working on adding a feature or fixing a bug.

Pull requests

Please consider the following when making a pull request.

  • Commit messages should be clear.
  • Code style should be consistent.

If you're unsure whether to make a pull request, just make it. 😃


Build dependencies:

  • GNU Make
  • makerom
  • bannertool
  • devkitARM, with the following packages installed:
    • libctru
    • 3ds-libmpg123
    • 3ds-libopus
    • 3ds-libopusfile
    • 3ds-libogg
    • 3ds-libvorbisidec
    • 3ds-libsidplay

To build, type make in the project folder.

Planned features

  • Playlist support.
  • Repeat and shuffle support.
  • Metadata support.


Due to limitations in ctrulib, only ASCII characters are displayed correctly. Other characters will appear garbled, but functionality is not affected.


Banner music uses a modified version of "Rad Adventure" by Scott Holmes.