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How to use the Mailing Lists

Jonne Haß edited this page Jun 15, 2013 · 3 revisions


We're currently moving this wiki over to our new project site. The contents of this page have already been carried over, so any new changes here will not be reflected in the new wiki.
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A [mailing list][mailing-list] is basically a forum where you can use your email address to create and reply on topics.

You can find our list's web interfaces on Google Groups. If you have a Google Account, you can just go there and subscribe and post from your browser, or simply browse the archives.

  • [Diaspora-dev][d-dev]
    This is where all the development-related topics are discussed. Bigger code-changes affecting all Pod-Administrators (and where some action is required) will also be announced here.
  • [Diaspora-discuss][d-discuss]
    Here you can talk about and ask for pretty much anything involving Diaspora*, including conceptual discussions about feature requests

Many people might not want to register with Google just to use a mailing list, so here is how to do it like it's 1999. [mailing-list]: [d-dev]:!forum/diaspora-dev [d-discuss]:!forum/diaspora-discuss

Subscribe (join) a mailing list

You need to "subscribe" to a mailing list in order to be able to reply on topics. If you subscribe on a mailing list, you always get a mail when a new topic or reply on a topic was created, so it'd be a good idea to set some filters or use a separate email address.

To subscribe to the "diaspora-discuss" mailing list, send a mail with whatever content to You'll get a mail from Google Groups on which you have to reply in order to verify your subscription.

Create new topics/reply to topics

  • To create a new topic in "diaspora-discuss", send a mail to, subject as topic title, content as topic's first post's content.
  • To reply to a topic, reply to one of those mail-notifications you get when you are subscribed to the mailing list. Be sure to "reply to list" and not to the sender.
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