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Geotrigger Editor

The Geotrigger Editor is a client-side web application for creating and editing Geotrigger rules.

This is the open source version of the Geotrigger Editor available for Esri customers on the ArcGIS for Developers site. Read more about the editor here, and find out more about the Esri Geotrigger Service here.


  • Draw trigger boundaries on a map
  • List all of an application's triggers
  • Create, Edit and Delete trigger conditions, actions, and boundaries
  • Search for triggers by tag or ID



Tagged releases include a dist folder which contains all the files you need to include the Geotrigger Editor in your project.

  • The built JavaScript and CSS files are available in both expanded and minified versions in dist/js and dist/css respectively.
  • All images used by the Editor are in dist/img.
  • The files in examples/default show the easiest way to get the editor running in a browser.
  • If you need to support IE 8/9, you're going to need a server-side proxy to communicate with ArcGIS Online and the Geotrigger server. The files in examples/proxy show a quick way to do this using node.js.


The Geotrigger Editor has some external dependencies:

We recommend loading dependencies from a CDN when possible. All dependencies are hosted on CDNs with the exception of Geotrigger.js, which you'll need to host yourself.

If you plan to support legacy browsers (IE 8), you'll also need html5shiv and json2, which can be included with a conditional comment like so:

<!--[if lte IE 8]>
  <script src="//"></script>
  <script src="//"></script>

You can take a look at examples/default to see how to easily include all the necessary files.

Browser Support:

The Geotrigger Editor is tested against the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer versions 8, 9, and 10. IE 8 & 9 only work with a proxy.

Starting the Editor

The Editor is a Backbone.Marionette application namespaced as Geotrigger.Editor. The only method you need to start the application is .start.


  session: { // required
    clientId: 'XXXXXX', // required
    clientSecret: 'XXXXXX', // required
    proxy: '/path/to/proxy' // required if you need to support IE 8/9

The Editor requires an empty #gt-editor element in the DOM to attach to, e.g. <div id="gt-editor"></div>. See examples/default for an example.

Configuration Options

The options parameter is an object that can contain the following configuration options:


The session object is required to authenticate with ArcGIS and interact with the Geotrigger Service. It has two required properties:

  • clientId: your ArcGIS application's client ID
  • clientSecret: your ArcGIS application's client secret

The client ID and secret are required in order for the Geotrigger Service to grant editing rights to the user for the associated application.

It can take all of the same properties as those outlined in the geotrigger.js config options.


There are a lot more configuration options, look at src/js/modules/config.js to see them all.


The Geotrigger Editor is a client-side only application that relies on Cross Origin Resource Sharing to communicate with the Geotrigger Service.

If you need to serve browsers that don't support CORS, you're going to need a proxy. This means Internet Explorer 8 and 9 in particular -- see Thankfully Internet Explorer 10 supports CORS along with all the latest versions of modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari).


On the client side, just be sure to start the editor with a path to the proxy, like so:

  session: { // required
    clientId: 'XXXXXX', // required
    clientSecret: 'XXXXXX', // required
    proxy: '/proxy/'

The proxy option should be an absolute path to the proxy server endpoint (starts with /). For the proxy to work it must be on the same domain.


On the server side, you'll need a working proxy to forward API requests to* and* and return the response back to the browser. /examples/proxy/ shows how to do this using Node.js.

Developing & Building

To run the development environment, you will need the following:

  1. Node.js
  2. Grunt
  3. Ruby and Compass (to compile SASS)

Once Node.js is installed, you can install the Grunt command line interface by running npm install -g grunt-cli. This will install the grunt-cli package locally (reference).

Local Setup

  1. Clone the repository and cd into the geotrigger-editor directory.
  2. Run npm install to lay down the project's dependencies.
  3. Run grunt to compile the source code and spin up a local server which watches the source code for changes.

Working locally

You'll need an HTTP server to serve files from the root of the repository. The grunt dev task takes care of building all source files to the dist folder (dist/js/geotrigger-editor.js and dist/css/geotrigger-editor.css), watching local files for changes, and running a local server for you at http://localhost:8080 (see the Grunt Tasks section for more information).

Testing locally (todo)

Testing requires PhantomJS to be running. You can install it with homebrew (brew install phantomjs), and get it started by running phantomjs --webdriver=4444. The local server should already be running too. The grunt test task takes care of the latter part (see Grunt Tasks below).

Grunt Tasks

1. grunt dev

This task will rebuild temporary files for development, run a server at localhost:8080, then continuously watch for changes in the src directory until you end the process. The index.html file in the root of the repository is already set up to use these files.

2. grunt test not yet implemented

This task will start a test server at localhost:8081, then run the jshint, complexity, and cucumber tasks to see if the code does not smell.

3. grunt build

This task will build the production version of the editor into the dist folder.

4. grunt build_img

This task will build the production version of the editor's image assets into the dist folder. This task has been broken out of the main build task because smushit takes a long time.


Find a bug or want to request a new feature? Please let us know by submitting an issue.


Esri welcomes contributions from anyone and everyone. Please see our guidelines for contributing.


Copyright 2015 Esri

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

A copy of the license is available in the repository's license.txt file.

[](Esri Tags: Geotrigger Editor Geolocation Web Mobile Browser HTML5) [](Esri Language: JavaScript)