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Exonum Architecture

This document describes the high-level architecture of Exonum. Its target audience is developers of Exonum core. To learn how to use Exonum, see documentation.

This document is provided on the best effort basis — it is not guaranteed to be up-to-date and complete. The purpose of this document is to highlight the most important types, modules and functions in the code, to allow new contributors to dive into Exonum quickly. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with core concepts of Exonum, such as artifacts, services and transactions.

Code Organization

The repository is a single Cargo workspace of several related packages. This document currently describes a subset of these crates, where the development is concentrated.


Storage module can be found in the exonum-merkledb crate. It provides an abstraction over an embedded key-value store with column families: the Database trait. The keys and values can be represented as slices of bytes: &[u8].

To transform raw bytes into native Rust data structures and vice versa, the BinaryKey and BinaryValue traits are used.

On top of raw storage, collections like sets, lists and maps are provided; see various *Index structs. Of particular interest are ProofMapIndex and ProofListIndex, which provide Merkelized collections. These collections are capable of providing compact proofs for search queries. See the corresponding modules (indexes::{proof_list_index, proof_map_index}) for implementation details.

Indexes are used both by the Exonum core logic and by the services. The core uses indexes to store the internal blockchain state, which is described in the next section. The services define and use indexes to store arbitrary service-specific data.


The fundamentals for managing the blockchain are in the exonum crate (aka the core).

The blockchain module defines data schema used by the core (schema submodule) and related stuff like blocks (block submodule), configurations (config) and connection to the node (api_sender). The shared resources of the node are packaged in the Blockchain struct, which can be augmented with the behavior to create BlockchainMut capable of processing transactions and generating blocks.

The behavior of a node is enclosed in the runtime module of the crate. The main types there are:

  • Runtime trait defining the interface between the core and services in a certain environment (e.g., Rust or JVM).
  • Dispatcher passing calls from the core to enclosed Runtimes

The interface between Dispatcher and BlockchainMut is relatively small (essentially, two main operations: creating and committing blocks), but it maps to a richer service lifecycle defined within Dispatcher. Of particular note is the data migration framework (migrations submodule), allowing to execute MigrationScripts in background and to ensure that the migration outcome is the same among all nodes in the network.

Note that Dispatcher manages lifecycle events, but does not control them; e.g., it does not initiate instantiating new services. This task is performed by the supervisor (a service with additional privileges). One supervisor implementation can be found in the exonum-supervisor crate. The goal of this separation is to allow controlling the blockchain via ordinary service interface (e.g., transactions); this minimizes the need to support this control in the core and makes lifecycle events fully transparent.


Node logic is in the exonum-node crate. It defines the consensus algorithm, P2P networking among nodes and provides the nodes with HTTP servers. (The groundwork for HTTP API is located in a separate crate, exonum-api.)

The entities responsible for bringing all the pieces together and connecting BlockchainMut with the external world are Node and NodeHandler. Note that there are several impl blocks for NodeHandler. The entry point is Node::run, and the event dispatch loop is started in Node::run_handler.

The event dispatch itself happens in the basic module. Events specific to the consensus protocol messages are handled in the consensus module. The messages themselves are defined in the messages module, with the exception of transactions and precommits. The latter are used by the core logic and are are thus defined in the exonum crate.

HTTP API is not a part of service interface recognized by the core, but rather is a runtime-specific interface. The Rust runtime uses the exonum-api to obtain endpoint handlers from its services and sends them to the node via an mpsc channel. Thus, Rust services (but not other services) share the HTTP server with the node itself.

Besides services, HTTP API can be defined in node plugins. See exonum-system-api for an example of a plugin.

Rust Runtime

exonum-rust-runtime provides ability to write services in Rust. Since the Rust runtime doesn't support dynamic instantiation of artifacts, the implementation is relatively simple: the artifacts are ServiceFactory trait objects that instantiate boxed Services. Services implement service hooks and HTTP API endpoints.

Transaction handlers are bolted onto a service via the ServiceDispatcher trait, which is usually derived via a proc macro. The handlers themselves are defined in an implementation of an interface (a trait of a specific form marked with the exonum_interface attribute). This allows to define multiple interfaces for a single service. exonum_interface generates glue code between the interface implementation and ServiceDispatcher behind the scenes; see exonum-derive for more details. Using a clever trick, any interface trait is automatically implemented for a set of stubs, such as a keypair. See the explanation in the stubs module for details.