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Documentation for the eZSI extension

Table of Contents


Jérôme Renard <>


eZ Publish needed an extension that could be able to generate ESI or SSI tags in order to let webservers / reverse proxies cache the HTML page as efficiently as possible. This is what the eZSI extension has been designed for.

What is eZSI ?

eZSI makes it possible to generate either ESI or SSI tags in the HTML page generated by eZ Publish.

How does this extension work ?

I hope the images below will be clear enough to describe how this extension work :

Use case 1


Use case 2


Use case 3


si-block functional specification


ESI processing part 1


ESI processing part 2


Cronjob workflow



Extracting the extension

Save the extension in your eZ Publish "extension" folder and extract it with your favorite extracting tool. You can also run the following command

tar zxvf ezsi.tar.gz

this will create a folder called "ezsi" under the "extension" folder

Creating the new table

You have to create a new database table before using ezsi. In case you are using mysql, you can use the following command

mysql -u <user> -p<password> <ezpublishdatabase> < path/to/ezpublish/extension/ezsi/sql/mysql/schema.sql

This table must be created in the same database as eZ Publish.

Activating the extension ======================= In order to have the extension working you have add the following line




And update the autoload array

php bin/php/ezpgenerateautoloads.php -e

Or you can activate the extension by using the interface in the "admin" section of the eZ Publish backoffice interface.

Setting up the cronjob

In order to update SI blocks, ezsi is shipped with a cronjob which 'calls' all pages which contain SI blocks. It is up to you do decide which frequency to use to launch the cronjob. The recommendation is to take all your ttl and calculate the average; that will give you enough informations to define a frequency. You can eg. add the following line into your ezpublish.cron file since all the global variables are already set:


0,15,30,45 * * * * cd $EZPUBLISHROOT && $PHP runcronjobs.php -q siblockupdate 2>&1

Remember that this is just an example. In this case expired si-blocks will be updated every 15 minutes. Defining very short TTL values will thus have not the desired effect.

Removing the extension

If you plan to remove this extension then is recommended to follow the process described below

Removing all {si-blocks} calls

You will have to remove all {si-block} calls in your templates. The following command will help you to find them

grep -nR "{si-block" extension/ design/

If you are using SVN to version your files then you can use the following command to avoid a lot of noise in the results of the above command

grep -nR "{si-block" extension/ design/ | grep -v svn

Removing the cronjob

You also have to remove the cronjob described above from your crontab. Run crontab -e and remove the according line.

Removing the table

You can now remove the ezsi_files table. To do this simply run the following SQL query

DROP TABLE ezsi_file

Deleting si-blocks

If the si-blocks have been stored on the local file system then they are stored in var/si-blocks/*. You can simply run the following command to remove them

rm -rf var/si-blocks/

If the SI blocks are stored in an external system, FTP for example then the you simply have to remove the 'si-blocks' folder.

Deactivating the extension ========================= Remove the following line




Deleting the extension

You can now remove the 'ezsi' folder which is located in the "extension" folder.

Configuring the extension

All the useful configuration directives are located in the following file



Possible configuration

  • ForceRegenerationString=<string>
  • ForceRegenerationValue=<string>

It is possible to force the regeneration of a block by passing <ForceRegenerationString>=<ForceRegenerationValue> in the URL.<ForceRegenerationString>=<ForceRegenerationValue> will force eZ Publish to regenerate the SI blocks defined in this page.

For example with the following configuration


Will for the ezsi extension to update it SI blocks for any page called with the following URL


Possible configuration:

  • BlockHandler=ESI
  • BlockHandler=SSI
  • BlockFilePathPrependString=<string>

If you choose


Then you should be able to use Akamaï or Varnish or whatever HTTP proxy which recognizes ESI markup. You will see the following markup in your templates

<esi:include src="si-blocks/xxxxxxx.htm" ttl="yy"/>

If you choose


Then you should be able to use Apache's mod_include. Before using SSIs make sure your Apache server is ready to accept SSI calls. Please refer to the following documentation before using them: You will see the following markup in your templates

<!--#include virtual="si-blocks/xxxxxx.htm" -->

Defining a value to BlockFilePathPrependString is useful when SI blocks and HTTP are not on the same server. The extension will automatically generate the string 'si-blocks/<cachefilename>.htm' but this is not sufficient for remote file systems. We need informations on how to acess the file. This may be a hostname to access the file directly like<cachefilename>.htm If you plan to use a local storage then this directive MUST be empty.


two options are possible here:

  • FS ( local File System )
  • FTP

If you choose


Then all SI blocks will be written on the local file system. All the files will be stored in var/si-blocks/*.

If you choose


Then all SI bocks will be stored on a remote FTP. Its configuration is described below. The blocks will be stored in si-blocks/*.


These settings are only used for the FTP file handler. If you choose


They will not be used. The configuration directives are:

  • Host=<string>
  • Port=<integer>
  • Login=<string>
  • Password=<string>
  • Timeout=<integer>
  • DestinationFolder=<string>


ActivateSIMarkup=enabled|disabled When set to disable the extension will not insert the SI tags in the HTML page. This makes it possible to plan the use of SI blocks without breaking the HTML of the page. Useful for development and debugging :)

Template function

{si-block} function

In order to have SI blocks generated in your HTML file you have to call a new template function : si-block. The syntax is the following:

{si-block key=string $key [tll=integer $ttl]}
     your template code here

The key attribute is mandatory and can be a scalar or an array. You can use a hash if you want but no key will be taken into account. You can not use objects as keys.

The ttl is optional. However is you plan to use ESI and Akamaï it is recommended to use it. You can choose between 4 units :

  • h (hours)
  • m (minutes)
  • s (seconds)
  • d (days)

Specifying a floating point time is syntactically correct however the extension will convert it into an int at runtime. This means that for example setting ttl="9.5h" will not throw any syntax error but the real TTL will be 9h.

You can put any template code between {si-block} instructions. The template code inside these blocks will be interpreted and stored into a static HTML file.

Key generation

At a lower level the key for each block is composed by the following informations :

  • value of the "key" attribute
  • location of the {si-block} call in the template
  • template name
  • siteaccess name
  • urlalias
  • view parameters

This means that you do not have to think about uniqueness in your keys everything is already done in the template function. Although it is not recommended, you can even use the same key in the same template but at different locations in this file - the final key will be different. This will make the template more difficult to maintain though.

Important notes

{si-block} VS {cache-block}

SI blocks are not a replacement for cache-blocks since there is neither subtree_expiry nor a complex key system.

Personalized pages

It is not possible to usr SI blocks for personalized pages. If you do this all user will see the same page.

Setting up Apache for SSI

This extension is able to generate SSI markup, however Apache must be configure as described below. In order to be able to use SSIs with eZ Publish, you need Apache 2.2.

Enabling mod_filter

Apache needs a specific module to be able to parse SSI markup on the fly once the HTML content is generated.This module is call mod_filter. The documentation is available at this URL This module is generally available with the default apache2 setup. The only thing you have to do to enable it on Debian is to execute the following command

a2enmod filter

Enablig mod_include

This module makes it possible to parse SSI markup and is called by mod_filter. Documentation for this module is available at this URL : This module is generally available with the default apache2 setup. The only thing you have to do to enable it on Debian is to execute the following command

a2enmod include

Adding mod_filter rules

In your site's VirtualHost you can simply copy/paste the following configuration directive

Apache 2.2

FilterDeclare SSI
FilterProvider SSI INCLUDES resp=Content-Type $text/html
FilterChain SSI

Apache 2.4

FilterDeclare SSI
FilterProvider SSI INCLUDES "%{CONTENT_TYPE} =~ m|^text/html|i"
FilterChain SSI

Specific Rewrite Rule

When using rewrite rules to secure your eZ Publish installation, in order to be able to find and execute SSI calls you must add the following RewriteRules in you site's VirtualHost. This directive must be at the top of other directives

Rewriterule ^/var/si-blocks/.* - [L]

Do not forget to reload the Apache configuration once you are done.

VirtualHost example

Here is a complete example of a working VirtualHost that contains all the needed mod_filter configuration directives.

Apache 2.2

<VirtualHost *>

   DocumentRoot /var/www/

   <Directory /var/www/>
       # The +Includes options is needed to accept SSI markup parsing
       Options Indexes FollowSymLinks +Includes
       AllowOverride None

   DirectoryIndex index.php

   <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
       RewriteEngine On

       # Rewriterule needed by ezsi, make sure to place it among the first rules after statement above
       Rewriterule ^/var/si-blocks/.* - [L]

       # *Here the rest of your eZ Publish rewrite rules should be*

       RewriteRule .* /index.php

    FilterDeclare SSI
    FilterProvider SSI INCLUDES resp=Content-Type $text/html
    FilterChain SSI

Apache 2.4

<VirtualHost *>

   DocumentRoot /var/www/

   <Directory /var/www/>
       # The +Includes options is needed to accept SSI markup parsing
       Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks +Includes
       AllowOverride None

   DirectoryIndex index.php

   <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
       RewriteEngine On

       # Rewriterule needed by ezsi, make sure to place it among the first rules after statement above
       Rewriterule ^/var/si-blocks/.* - [L]

       # *Here the rest of your eZ Publish rewrite rules should be*

       RewriteRule .* /index.php

    FilterDeclare SSI
    FilterProvider SSI INCLUDES "%{CONTENT_TYPE} =~ m|^text/html|i"
    FilterChain SSI