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run pass after apk become larger 2.7M #817

jusReal opened this issue Jul 14, 2023 · 0 comments

run pass after apk become larger 2.7M #817

jusReal opened this issue Jul 14, 2023 · 0 comments


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jusReal commented Jul 14, 2023

I tested several passes and found that the apk became larger after optimization, so I tried to run an empty config file, and found that without any pass optimization, the apk became larger by 2.7M 。

here is my config file.

"redex" : {
"passes" : [



here is full log:

Extracting apk...
Unpacking dex files
Detecting Application Modules
Trace settings:
Parsing proguard map completed in 5.4 seconds
Unimplemented command (skipping): -dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers at line 664
662: -libraryjars filepath /Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/android.test.runner.jar
664: !>-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers<!
665: -forceprocessing
666: -printusage filepath /Users/didi/AndroidStudioProjects/TheOneIntegration/product/build/outputs/mapping/sdupsnger64Release/usage.txt
Unimplemented command (skipping): -forceprocessing at line 665
664: -dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers
665: !>-forceprocessing<!
666: -printusage filepath /Users/didi/AndroidStudioProjects/TheOneIntegration/product/build/outputs/mapping/sdupsnger64Release/usage.txt
667: -optimizations
Unimplemented command (skipping): -keepparameternames at line 673
671: -keeppackagenames
672: filter: org.mozilla.javascript.** filter: com.didi.carmate.list filter: com.didi.carmate.detail filter: com.didi.carmate.blord.profile filter: com.didi.carmate.publish filter: com.didi.carmate.service filter: filter: -keepattributes
673: filter: SourceFile filter: LineNumberTable filter: Annotation filter: Exceptions filter: InnerClasses filter: Signature filter: JavascriptInterface filter: EnclosingMethod filter: Signature filter: InnerClasses filter: EnclosingMethod filter: Signature filter: Annotation filter: Annotation filter: Annotation filter: Signature filter: Annotation filter: Annotation filter: DatabaseField filter: DatabaseTable filter: SerializedName filter: Annotation filter: Exceptions filter: InnerClasses filter: Signature filter: Annotation filter: Annotation filter: Annotation filter: Signature filter: InnerClasses filter: EnclosingMethod filter: Annotation filter: Annotation filter: Signature filter: InnerClasses filter: EnclosingMethod filter: RuntimeVisibleAnnotations filter: RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations filter: RuntimeVisibleAnnotation filter: Annotation filter: Annotation filter: Exceptions filter: InnerClasses filter: Signature filter: Deprecated filter: Annotation filter: EnclosingMethod !>-keepparameternames<!
674: -renamesourcefileattribute identifier: src
675: -dontpreverify
Unimplemented command (skipping): -renamesourcefileattribute at line 674
672: filter: org.mozilla.javascript.** filter: com.didi.carmate.list filter: com.didi.carmate.detail filter: com.didi.carmate.blord.profile filter: com.didi.carmate.publish filter: com.didi.carmate.service filter: filter: -keepattributes
673: filter: SourceFile filter: LineNumberTable filter: Annotation filter: Exceptions filter: InnerClasses filter: Signature filter: JavascriptInterface filter: EnclosingMethod filter: Signature filter: InnerClasses filter: EnclosingMethod filter: Signature filter: Annotation filter: Annotation filter: Annotation filter: Signature filter: Annotation filter: Annotation filter: DatabaseField filter: DatabaseTable filter: SerializedName filter: Annotation filter: Exceptions filter: InnerClasses filter: Signature filter: Annotation filter: Annotation filter: Annotation filter: Signature filter: InnerClasses filter: EnclosingMethod filter: Annotation filter: Annotation filter: Signature filter: InnerClasses filter: EnclosingMethod filter: RuntimeVisibleAnnotations filter: RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations filter: RuntimeVisibleAnnotation filter: Annotation filter: Annotation filter: Exceptions filter: InnerClasses filter: Signature filter: Deprecated filter: Annotation filter: EnclosingMethod -keepparameternames
674: !>-renamesourcefileattribute<! identifier: src
675: -dontpreverify
676: -android
Unimplemented command (skipping): -android at line 676
674: -renamesourcefileattribute identifier: src
675: -dontpreverify
676: !>-android<!
677: -verbose
678: -dontnote identifier: java.** , identifier: javax.** , identifier: android.** , identifier: androidx.** , identifier: kotlin.** , identifier: org.apache.http.** , identifier: sun.misc.SharedSecrets , identifier: sun.misc.JavaLangAccess , identifier: , identifier: , identifier:** , identifier: rx.** , identifier: io.reactivex.** , identifier: com.appsflyer.** , identifier: com.googlecode.protobuf.** , identifier:** , identifier: org.apache.commons.** , identifier: com.igexin.** , identifier:** , identifier: , identifier: , identifier: , identifier: , identifier: , identifier: , identifier: , identifier: , identifier: , identifier: , identifier: , identifier:$Factory , identifier:$Factory , identifier:$Factory , identifier: , identifier:
Unimplemented command (skipping): -ignorewarnings at line 680
678: -dontnote identifier: java.** , identifier: javax.** , identifier: android.** , identifier: androidx.** , identifier: kotlin.** , identifier: org.apache.http.** , identifier: sun.misc.SharedSecrets , identifier: sun.misc.JavaLangAccess , identifier: , identifier: , identifier:** , identifier: rx.** , identifier: io.reactivex.** , identifier: com.appsflyer.** , identifier: com.googlecode.protobuf.** , identifier:** , identifier: org.apache.commons.** , identifier: com.igexin.** , identifier:** , identifier: , identifier: , identifier: , identifier: , identifier: , identifier: , identifier: , identifier: , identifier: , identifier: , identifier: , identifier:$Factory , identifier:$Factory , identifier:$Factory , identifier: , identifier:
679: -dontwarn
680: filter:** filter: java.** filter: javax.** filter: android.** filter: androidx.** filter: kotlinx.coroutines.flow.inlined filter: javax.annotation.** filter: org.codehaus.mojo.animal_sniffer.* filter: okhttp3.internal.platform.ConscryptPlatform filter: org.codehaus.mojo.animal_sniffer.* filter: org.codehaus.mojo.animal_sniffer.IgnoreJRERequirement filter: javax.annotation.** filter: kotlin.Unit filter: retrofit2.-KotlinExtensions filter: sun.misc.** filter: org.greenrobot.greendao.database.** filter: rx.** filter:** filter: sun.reflect.** filter: java.beans.** filter:** filter: com.esotericsoftware.** filter: javax.lang.model.element.Modifier filter: sun.misc.Unsafe filter: java.lang.SafeVarargs filter: java.lang.ClassValue filter:** filter: sun.misc.** filter: filter: com.appsflyer.AFKeystoreWrapper filter:** filter:** filter: com.appsflyer.** filter: com.googlecode.protobuf.** filter:** filter: org.apache.commons.** filter: org.mozilla.** filter: org.osgi.** filter: org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.** filter: c.t.** filter: com.igexin.** filter: com.j256.ormlite.logger.Slf4jLoggingLog filter: net.sourceforge.pinyin4j.** filter:** filter: com.iflytek.** filter: com.didi.thanos.** filter:** filter: com.ddtaxi.common.tracesdk.** filter:** filter:** filter: com.tencent.** filter: com.qq.** filter:** filter: cn.sharesdk.** filter: ct.** filter: com.tunasashimi.** filter: com.ut.** filter: com.example.** filter: com.ta.** filter: com.turbomanage.** filter: in.srain.** filter:** filter:** filter:** filter:** filter: com.didi.sdk.location.** filter: com.didichuxing.bigdata.dp.locsdk.impl.v2.stat.AMap** filter: com.didichuxing.bigdata.dp.locsdk.impl.v2.stat.GpsWeakStatImpl** filter: com.didichuxing.bigdata.dp.locsdk.impl.v2.stat.StatUtils** filter: com.didichuxing.bigdata.dp.locsdk.impl.v3.stat.AMap** filter: com.didichuxing.bigdata.dp.locsdk.impl.v3.stat.GpsWeakStatImpl** filter: com.didichuxing.bigdata.dp.locsdk.impl.v3.stat.StatUtils** filter: com.ta.utdid2.** filter: com.ut.device.** filter:** filter: com.squareup.haha.** filter: com.pajf.library.http.** filter: filter: com.yalantis.ucrop** filter:** filter: didihttp.** filter: com.huawei.** filter:** filter:** filter: com.cmic.sso.sdk.shanyan.** filter: com.sdk.shanyan.** filter: ddiot.iot.log.** filter: org.slf4j.** filter: com.didichuxing.saimageloader.** filter: com.didi.nova.assembly.** filter:** filter: okio.** filter: filter: didio.** filter: com.didi.sdk.webview.** filter: com.squareup.okhttp.** filter: com.didi.onehybrid.util.Util.** filter:** filter: com.didi.carmate.common.h5.** filter:** filter: com.didi.thanos.** filter:** filter: com.didichuxing.doraemonkit.DoraemonKit filter: com.didichuxing.doraemonkit.weex.DKWeexInstance filter: com.didichuxing.doraemonkit.** filter: filter: didio.** filter: com.didi.sdk.webview.** filter: com.squareup.okhttp.** filter: com.didi.onehybrid.util.Util.** filter: com.didi.hotpatch.Hack filter: com.reyun.tracking.** filter: net.sqlcipher.** filter:** filter: com.tencent.** filter: com.qq.** filter:** filter: cn.sharesdk.** filter: org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable filter: org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull filter: java.beans.Transient filter: java.beans.ConstructorProperties filter:** filter: org.webrtc.** filter: com.didi.sdk.logging.** filter: org.greenrobot.greendao.database.** filter: net.sqlcipher.database.** filter: rx.** filter: androidx.databinding.ViewDataBinding filter: androidx.databinding.ViewDataBinding$LiveDataListener filter: org.codehaus.mojo.animal_sniffer.IgnoreJRERequirement filter: javax.annotation.** filter: kotlin.Unit filter: retrofit2.KotlinExtensions filter: retrofit2.KotlinExtensions$* filter: filter:* filter:** filter: com.bumptech.glide.** filter: com.didi.carmate.dreambox.ReportUtil filter: androidx.viewpager2.** filter: androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView filter: com.youth.banner.** filter:** filter: javax.annotation.** filter: org.codehaus.mojo.animal_sniffer.* filter: okhttp3.internal.platform.ConscryptPlatform filter: org.codehaus.mojo.animal_sniffer.* filter: java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer filter: sun.misc.SignalHandler filter: java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation filter: sun.misc.Signal filter: org.checkerframework.** filter: kotlin.annotations.jvm.** filter: javax.annotation.** filter: org.checkerframework.** filter: kotlin.annotations.jvm.** filter: javax.annotation.** filter: org.checkerframework.** filter: kotlin.annotations.jvm.** filter: javax.annotation.** filter: java.lang.ClassValue filter: java.lang.SafeVarargs filter: javax.lang.model.element.Modifier filter: sun.misc.Unsafe filter:** filter:** filter: org.codehaus.mojo.animal_sniffer.IgnoreJRERequirement filter:** filter: com.ta.utdid2.** filter: com.ut.device.** filter:** filter:** filter: filter:** filter: com.cmic.sso.sdk.utils.** filter: com.nirvana.** filter: com.didichuxing.doraemonkit.DoraemonKit !>-ignorewarnings<!
681: -printconfiguration filepath /Users/didi/AndroidStudioProjects/TheOneIntegration/product/build/outputs/proguard-all-configuration.txt
682: -printseeds filepath /Users/didi/AndroidStudioProjects/TheOneIntegration/product/build/outputs/mapping/sdupsnger64Release/seeds.txt
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 11710
11708: # -renamesourcefileattribute SourceFile
11709: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
11710: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.spr.publish.base.util.SprPubLoopHandler {
11711: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
11712: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 11719
11718: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
11719: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.spr.publish.base.SprPubBasePickerView {
11720: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
11721: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 11746
11744: # -renamesourcefileattribute SourceFile
11745: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
11746: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.detail.base.v.c2.base.BtsBVC {
11747: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
11748: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 11755
11754: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
11755: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.detail.base.v.v.BtsDetailBottomBarV4 {
11756: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
11757: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 11764
11763: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
11764: !>-if<! class identifier: {
11765: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
11766: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 11773
11772: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
11773: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.detail.base.v.v.BtsDetailBottomBar {
11774: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
11775: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 11782
11781: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
11782: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.detail.drv.v.c.BtsRequireRefundC {
11783: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
11784: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 11812
11810: # -renamesourcefileattribute SourceFile
11811: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
11812: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.list.a.controller.BtsListAMultiCheckController {
11813: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
11814: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 11821
11820: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
11821: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.list.anycar.base.BtsACListBaseV {
11822: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
11823: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 11830
11829: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
11830: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.list.anycar.controller.BtsAcListDrvAISetController {
11831: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
11832: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 11839
11838: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
11839: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.list.a.controller.BtsListCartController {
11840: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
11841: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 11848
11847: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
11848: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.list.a.util.BtsListDrvModifyInfoHelper {
11849: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
11850: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 11857
11856: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
11857: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.list.a.widget.BtsListPsgOrderInfoBar {
11858: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
11859: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 11866
11865: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
11866: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.list.common.controller.BtsListBaseController {
11867: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
11868: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 11875
11874: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
11875: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.homepage.controller.base.BtsHpController {
11876: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
11877: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 11884
11883: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
11884: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.homepage.view.widget.BtsHomeShadeWebView {
11885: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
11886: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 11893
11892: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
11893: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.homepage.BtsHpPubController {
11894: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
11895: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 12000
11999: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
12000: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.chameleon.thanos.container.BtsThanosViewDynamic {
12001: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
12002: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 12235
12234: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
12235: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.common.widget.shimmer.BtsShimmerLayout {
12236: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
12237: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 12244
12243: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
12244: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.common.utils.BtsImmersiveStateBarUtil.StatusBarAdapter {
12245: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
12246: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 12253
12252: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
12253: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.common.mvvm.v.c.BtsBaseC {
12254: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
12255: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 12262
12261: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
12262: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.common.travelsdk.publishsrv.BtsPublishServicePickerView {
12263: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
12264: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 12271
12270: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
12271: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.common.travelsdk.util.BtsLoopHandler {
12272: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
12273: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 12280
12279: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
12280: !>-if<! class identifier: {
12281: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
12282: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 12289
12288: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
12289: !>-if<! class identifier: {
12290: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
12291: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 12298
12297: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
12298: !>-if<! class identifier: {
12299: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
12300: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 12307
12306: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
12307: !>-if<! class identifier: {
12308: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
12309: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 12316
12315: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
12316: !>-if<! class identifier: {
12317: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
12318: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 12325
12324: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
12325: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.common.pre.psg.func.BtsPrePsgInviteDrv {
12326: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
12327: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 12334
12333: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
12334: !>-if<! class identifier: {
12335: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
12336: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 12343
12342: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
12343: !>-if<! class identifier: {
12344: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
12345: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 12352
12351: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
12352: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.common.widget.dynamic.web.BtsWebViewDynamic {
12353: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
12354: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 12361
12360: # Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
12361: !>-if<! class identifier: com.didi.carmate.common.widget.touchsetting.controller.BtsPsgInviteSettingBaseC {
12362: identifier: ( identifier: ... ) ;
12363: }
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 13846
13844: # With R8 full mode, it sees no subtypes of Retrofit interfaces since they are created with a Proxy
13845: # and replaces all potential values with null. Explicitly keeping the interfaces prevents this.
13846: !>-if<! interface identifier: * {
13847: @ identifier: retrofit2.http.*
13848: identifier: ;
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 13889
13887: # constructor. We only need to keep this constructor and the class name if
13888: # AppCompatViewInflater is also being kept.
13889: !>-if<! class identifier:
13891: # Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
Unimplemented command (skipping): -if at line 14037
14035: # limitations under the License.
14036: # The default FragmentFactory creates Fragment instances using reflection
14037: !>-if<! public class identifier: ** extends identifier:
14039: # Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
Parsed ProGuard config file completed in 0.0 seconds
dup_class_allowlist: {
Loading classes from dex from /var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex0/classes.dex
Loading classes from dex from /var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex1/classes2.dex
Loading classes from dex from /var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex
Loading classes from dex from /var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex3/classes4.dex
Loading classes from dex from /var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex4/classes5.dex
Loading classes from dex from /var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex5/classes6.dex
Loading classes from dex from /var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex6/classes7.dex
Loading classes from dex from /var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex7/classes8.dex
Loading classes from dex from /var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex8/classes9.dex
Loading classes from dex from /var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex9/classes10.dex
Loading classes from dex from /var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex10/classes11.dex
Load classes from dexes completed in 2.8 seconds
LIBRARY JAR: /Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/29.0.2/core-lambda-stubs.jar
LIBRARY JAR: /Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/android.jar
Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;' in two .jar files:
Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/android.jar'
Previous: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/29.0.2/core-lambda-stubs.jar'
Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;' in two .jar files:
Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/android.jar'
Previous: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/29.0.2/core-lambda-stubs.jar'
Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles;' in two .jar files:
Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/android.jar'
Previous: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/29.0.2/core-lambda-stubs.jar'
Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;' in two .jar files:
Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/android.jar'
Previous: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/29.0.2/core-lambda-stubs.jar'
Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Ljava/lang/invoke/LambdaConversionException;' in two .jar files:
Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/android.jar'
Previous: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/29.0.2/core-lambda-stubs.jar'
Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandle;' in two .jar files:
Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/android.jar'
Previous: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/29.0.2/core-lambda-stubs.jar'
LIBRARY JAR: /Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/
LIBRARY JAR: /Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/android.test.base.jar
LIBRARY JAR: /Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/android.test.mock.jar
LIBRARY JAR: /Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/android.test.runner.jar
LIBRARY JAR: /Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar
Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/BinaryDecoder;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/BinaryEncoder;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/Decoder;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/DecoderException;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/Encoder;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/EncoderException;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/StringDecoder;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/StringEncoder;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/StringEncoderComparator;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/binary/Base64;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/binary/BinaryCodec;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/binary/Hex;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/language/DoubleMetaphone$DoubleMetaphoneResult;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/language/DoubleMetaphone;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/language/Metaphone;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/language/RefinedSoundex;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/language/Soundex;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/net/BCodec;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/net/QCodec;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/net/QuotedPrintableCodec;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

Warning: Found a duplicate class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/net/URLCodec;' in .dex and .jar file. Current: '/Users/didi/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar'
Previous: '/var/folders/y_/9xtv85x15yb16_k8285p6yf00000gn/T/tmph7h5vl7p.redex_dexen/dex2/classes3.dex'

    Load library jars completed in 0.7 seconds
    Deobfuscating dex elements completed in 0.8 seconds
    No Optimizations Rules completed in 0.0 seconds
        Mark keep-methods completed in 0.0 seconds
        Computing XML reachability completed in 0.1 seconds
        Computing native reachability completed in 0.2 seconds
        Analyzing reflection completed in 1.3 seconds
        Analyzing Serializable completed in 0.1 seconds
        Initializing for json serde completed in 0.0 seconds
    Initializing reachable classes completed in 1.6 seconds
        Process keep for whyareyoukeeping completed in 0.0 seconds
        Process keep for classes and members completed in 8.6 seconds
        Process keep for classes with native members completed in 0.1 seconds
        Process keep for assumenosideeffects completed in 0.0 seconds
    Processing proguard rules completed in 8.9 seconds
Redex_frontend completed in 14.9 seconds

WARNING: Unable to find RequiresApi annotation. It's either unused (okay) or been deleted (not okay)
API Level Checker completed in 0.2 seconds
WARNING: No inliner config
Note: input type checking is turned off!
All opt passes are done, clear cfg

Running IRTypeChecker...
Running NonAbstractClassChecker...
NonAbstractClassChecker completed in 0.0 seconds
IRTypeChecker completed in 6.7 seconds
Running optimization passes completed in 6.9 seconds
Instruction lowering completed in 2.9 seconds
Writing out new DexClasses...
found 12356 strings from types, 1862 from strings in init methods, 28514 total strings
found 11728 strings from types, 3158 from strings in init methods, 30580 total strings
found 2854 strings from types, 1329 from strings in init methods, 7823 total strings
found 12888 strings from types, 644 from strings in init methods, 29144 total strings
found 12585 strings from types, 1012 from strings in init methods, 27455 total strings
found 10169 strings from types, 1539 from strings in init methods, 23937 total strings
found 12508 strings from types, 812 from strings in init methods, 28648 total strings
found 13009 strings from types, 578 from strings in init methods, 28102 total strings
found 13559 strings from types, 1550 from strings in init methods, 30073 total strings
found 14357 strings from types, 1444 from strings in init methods, 30987 total strings
found 8524 strings from types, 1812 from strings in init methods, 20254 total strings
Writing optimized dexes completed in 19.9 seconds
VmHWM for Writing optimized dexes was 0.00 B (0.00 B over start).
VmRSS for Writing optimized dexes went from 0.00 B to 0.00 B (+0.00 B).
Writing opt decisions data completed in 0.0 seconds
Writing stats completed in 0.0 seconds
Redex_backend completed in 22.8 seconds
delete m_position_pattern_switch_manager completed in 0.0 seconds
release_keep_reasons completed in 0.0 seconds
m_destruction_tasks completed in 0.0 seconds
misc completed in 0.0 seconds
Delete DexLocations completed in 0.0 seconds
Delete DexProtos. completed in 0.0 seconds
DexTypeLists completed in 0.0 seconds
Delete DexTypes completed in 0.1 seconds
Delete DexClasses completed in 0.2 seconds
Delete DexMethods completed in 0.7 seconds
Delete DexFields completed in 0.3 seconds
Delete DexStrings completed in 0.1 seconds
String storage @ 12 hardware concurrency:
small: 11 containers with 3517 buffers, 57400284 / 57622528 bytes used / allocated (99%%), 628 / 628 times waited / contended, 0 times sorted
medium: 11 containers with 625 buffers, 40499418 / 40960000 bytes used / allocated (98%%), 97 / 97 times waited / contended, 0 times sorted
large: 11 containers with 20 buffers, 231257 / 231257 bytes used / allocated (100%%), 0 / 0 times waited / contended, 0 times sorted
Freeing global memory completed in 1.4 seconds
redex-all main() completed in 54.1 seconds
Memory stats: VmPeak=0.00 B VmHWM=0.00 B
Repacking dex files
Emit Locator Strings: None
Creating output apk

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