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  • _arr - "_arr" is the procedure behind arrays.
  • _obj - "_obj" is the procedure behind objects (maps).
  • _skip - Skips x messages, mostly used for testing flor.
  • all? - Returns true if all the elements in a collection return true for the given function.
  • and, or - When and evaluates the children and returns false as soon as one of returns a falsy value. Returns true else. When or evaluates the children and returns true as soon as one of them returns a trueish value. Returns false else.
  • any? - Returns true if at least one of the member of a collection returns something trueish for the given function. Returns false else.
  • apply - Applies a function.
  • +, -, *, /, % - The base implementation for + - + / %
  • array?, object?, boolean?, number?, string?, null?, list?, dict?, hash?, nil?, false?, true?, pair?, float? - Returns true if the argument or the incoming ret matches in type.
  • break, continue - Breaks or continues a "while", "until", "loop" or a "cursor".
  • case - The classical case form.
  • collect - A simplified version of map.
  • cond - Evaluates all its condition children until one evaluates to true (or it's an else), then executes the corresponding clause child.
  • cursor - Executes child expressions in sequence, but may be "guided".
  • def, fun, define - Defines a function.
  • detect - Detect is a simplified version of find.
  • do-return - Takes a set of arguments and returns a function that will return those arguments again.
  • each - Each is a simplified version of for-each.
  • empty? - Returns true if the given collection or string is empty.
  • fail, error - Explicitely raises an error.
  • filter, filter-out - Filters a collection
  • find - Finds the first matching element.
  • flatten - Flattens the given array
  • for-each - Calls a function for each element in the argument collection.
  • if, unless, ife, unlesse, _if, _unless - The classical "if" (and its "unless" sidekick)
  • inject - A simplified version of reduce.
  • keys, values - Returns the "keys" or the "values" of an object.
  • length, size - Returns the length of its last collection argument or the length of the incoming f.ret
  • loop - Executes child expressions in sequence, then loops around.
  • map - This is the classical "map" procedure. It accepts a collection and a function and yields a new collection.
  • match - A kind of "destructuring case".
  • matchr, match?, pmatch - Matches a string against a regular expression.
  • merge - Merges objects or arrays.
  • move - Moves a cursor to a given position, a kind of local goto.
  • noeval - Immediately replies, children are not evaluated
  • noret - Executes its children, but doesn't alter the received f.ret
  • not - Negates its last child (or its last unkeyed attribute)
  • on - Catches signals or errors.
  • on_cancel - Counterpart to the on_cancel: attribute.
  • on_error - Counterpart to the on_error: attribute.
  • on_receive - Binds a function to the parent node, the function will be called each time the parent node "receives".
  • push, pushr - Pushes a value into an array (in a variable or a field).
  • rand - Returns a randomly generated number.
  • range - Generates ranges of integers.
  • reduce - Takes a collection and a function, reduces the collection to a single result thanks to the function.
  • reverse - Reverses an array or a string.
  • select, reject - Filters a collection
  • sequence, begin - Executes child expressions in sequence.
  • set, setr - Sets a field or a variable.
  • shuffle, sample - Returns a shuffled version of an array.
  • slice, index - Takes an array or a string and returns a slice of it (a new array or a new string).
  • sort - Sorts an array or an object.
  • sort_by - Takes a collection and a function and returns the collection sorted by the value returned by the function.
  • stall - Mostly used in flor tests. Stalls the current branch of execution.
  • downcase, lowercase, lowcase, upcase, uppercase, capitalize, trim, strip, snakecase, snake_case, camelcase, camelCase - "downcase", "upcase", "capitalize", etc.
  • timestamp, ltimestamp - Places a string timestamp in f.ret.
  • to-array, to-object - Turns the argument into an array or an object.
  • type-of, type - returns the type of argument or the incoming f.ret.
  • until, while - Loops until or while a condiation evalutates to true.


  • abort, kabort - Cancels the current execution.
  • ccollect, c-collect - A concurrent version of collect.
  • ceach, c-each - Concurrent "each".
  • c-for-each - Concurrent "for-each", launches a concurrent branch for each elt or entry of the incoming collection.
  • cmap, c-map - Concurrent version of "map". Spins a concurrent child for each element of the incoming/argument collection.
  • cancel, kill - Cancels an execution branch
  • concurrence - Executes its children concurrently.
  • cron - A macro-procedure, rewriting itself to schedule cron: ....
  • do-trap - A version of trap that accepts a block instead of a function.
  • every - A macro-procedure, rewriting itself to schedule every: ....
  • graft, import - Graft a subtree into the current execution.
  • on_timeout - Counterpart to the on_timeout: attribute.
  • schedule - Schedules a function in time.
  • signal - Used in conjuction with "on".
  • sleep - Makes a branch of an execution sleep for a while.
  • task - Tasks a tasker with a task.
  • trap - Watches the messages emitted in the execution and reacts when a message matches certain criteria.

core and unit tree