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File metadata and controls

218 lines (148 loc) · 6.48 KB


Bower version NPM version Build Status Apache License

A collection of useful filters for AngularJS.

You can install the latest version of angular-filters with bower:

$ bower install angular-filters

Then, simply include ./dist/angular-filters.js or ./dist/angular-filters.min.js in your Web app and inject the module frapontillo.ex.filters in your application.

Filters specs

The included filters are:


The bool filter allows to specify true and false values to show depending on the input value. The second parameter will be returned if and only if the first parameter is true; the third parameter will be returned if and only if the first parameter is false.

This filter can be used to print a specific message depending on a boolean value.

Use it as follows:

	<p>{{ someBoolValue | bool:'Candies!':'No candies :(' }}</p>
	$scope.returnValue = $filter('bool')($scope.someBoolValue, 'Candies!', 'No candies :(');


The default filter allows to specify a default fallback value if an object is one of the following:

  • null
  • undefined
  • empty string, ''
  • NaN

Please notice that if a value equals to 0, the default value won't be returned, as 0 is accepted.

This filter is useful when another filter return is not safe and when you want to display a fallback value.

Use it as follows:

	<p>{{ someValue | number:2 | default:'No value is available.' }}</p>
	$scope.returnValue = $filter('default')
		($filter('number')($scope.someValue, 2), 'No value is available.');


The firstNotNull filter returns the first element from an array that is neither null or undefined. This means it returns all numbers and strings, even if empty. It returns undefined if all values aren't set or if the array is empty.

Use it as follows:

	<p>{{ myValues | firstNotNull }}</p>
	$scope.firstValue = $filter('firstNotNull')($scope.myValues);


The lastNotNull filter returns the last element from an array that is neither null or undefined. This means it returns all numbers and strings, even if empty. It returns undefined if all values aren't set or if the array is empty.

Use it as follows:

	<p>{{ myValues | lastNotNull }}</p>
	$scope.firstValue = $filter('lastNotNull')($scope.myValues);


The max filter returns the maximum value from an array that is neither null or undefined. It returns undefined if all values aren't set or if the array is empty.

Use it as follows:

	<p>{{ myValues | max }}</p>
	$scope.maxValue = $filter('max')($scope.myValues);


The min filter returns the minimum value from an array that is neither null or undefined. It returns undefined if all values aren't set or if the array is empty.

Use it as follows:

	<p>{{ myValues | min }}</p>
	$scope.minValue = $filter('min')($scope.myValues);


The property filter returns an array with only the specified property from the original objects, not altering the null or undefined values.

Use it as follows:

	<p>{{ myObjects | property:'myText' }}</p>
	$scope.allTheTexts = $filter('property')($scope.myObjects, 'myText');


The join filter returns the original array as a string, with its elements joined with the specified separator, if any, otherwise defaulting to the comma ,.

Use it as follows:

	<p>{{ myValues | join:', ' }}</p>
	$scope.joinedValues = $filter('join')($scope.myValues, ', ');


Test and build

To test and build the distribution files yourself, do the following:

npm install -g grunt-cli karma bower
npm install
bower install

These are the available grunt task:

  • karma:travis, run karma tests once, on PhantomJS
  • karma:local, run karma tests once, on Chrome
  • karma:dev, run karma tests indefinitely after every file change, on Chrome
  • jshint:src, run jshint on every source file
  • jshint:test, run jshint on every test file
  • clean:dist, clean the distribution directory
  • clean:temp, clean the temporary directory
  • ngmin, prepares every angular file into the dist/.temp directory
  • concat, concatenates the module declaration and the ngmin-ified file from the dist/.temp into the dist directory, adding the banner
  • uglify, minifies the output file in the dist directory, adding the banner
  • build, builds the regular and minified file
  • test-travis, runs jshint and karma:travis

Use the default task by calling grunt to run tests on PhantomJS and builds the regular and minified file.


To contribute, please follow the generic AngularJS Contributing Guidelines, with the only exception to send the PR to the develop branch instead of master.


  Copyright 2014-2015 Francesco Pontillo

  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at

  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.