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Priops is a package for defining priority of methods of different classes for operators.

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Priop is a package for defining priority of functions based on the positional arguments. It can be applied to unary, binary, ternary, and higher operators. Its core, priop.Priop, selects the best-matching function from a set of functions based on the classes of the arguments given.

Priop is a pun on the contraction of priority and operators, and is pronounced Pri-ops. Irrespective of its somehow generality, the name is due to the main application, operators.

Priop provides numpy ufuncs exhibiting the Priop functionality.

How it works

The basis of priops are relational graphs. Each edge (or triangle, for ternary relations, etc.) has a direction, i.e., the pairs comprising the relation are ordered.

Priop defines for an priop taking N arguments a list:

graph = [graph edge 1, graph edge 2, ...] .

Each graph edge is a callable object and holds:

  • A function to call when the graph edge is executed.
  • A number of classes the positional arguments must be instances of when called.
  • A definition of a reordering of the positional arguments before calling the function.

The priop itself is also a callable object, and once called, it will check which of its edges matches and has highest precendence. The items added last have highest precedence. A graph edge matches an object tuple (obj1, obj2, ..., objN) if there are as many positional arguments as classes (class1, class2, ..., classN) defined for the edge and if obj1 is an instance of class1, obj2 is an instance of class2, and so on for all N objects.

Once the matching entry has been found, the corresponding function is called, with the objects as parameters. The arguments may be reordered before calling the function, using the specification given at initialisation time of the edge.

Operator Overloading with Priop

As a special case, the function called with arguments being instances of class1 and class2 may be a method of class1, and will be called then as class1.method([self=]obj1, obj2, ..., objN). This means the bound method of obj1 from class class1 will be called: obj1.method(obj2). (This analogy only holds assumed that the class of obj1 did not overload the method, when it's a subclass of class1.)

Thus, the definitions of the operations in the class of one of the operands is called when the priop is executed. Priop provides the additional layer of selecting which operator definition matches.

The Priop layer consists of the information of relations, which are not class-specific, but class pair specific.

Using Priop

Eligible Graph Edges

Graph edges have to obey the following protocol:

  • A .match() function taking the positional arguments given to the Priop call and returning a truth value saying if the graph egde can be called with this arguments.

  • It must be callable with arguments and keyword arguments. The pure Python definition thus looks like:

    def __call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs):

Nothing more is required for a graph egde.

Calling the Priop

Calling the graph happens like:

subtract(ua, a)

subtract(a, ua)

This will match the graph edges defined before against the arguments given using the classes stored in the graph edges. For the second call, the graph egde will call the function with argument order reversed.

One can also give keyword arguments to the call of the priop. Only the positional arguments are used to match the call arguments, and the keyword arguments are handed over to the underlying function unchanged.

Population of the Priop

The priop, created by:

priop = Priop()

is populated by adding graph edges to it:


Graph egdes are created like:

graph_edge = GraphEdge(classes, function[, take])

where classes is a tuple defining the classes of the positional arguments and the length of the positional tuple, function is the function the be called on execution, and take is tuple defining the reordering of the arguments before being handed over to the function. If take is given, the argument tuple to function will consist of the elements of the position arguments selected by the indices which are the elements of the take tuple (for an example, see the example section).


We take here as an example the subtraction of objects. We go into the numpy context, where this package arises from. numpy defines the class ndarray, which will treat non-ndarray objects as scalars. Assume we have a class undarray, which has ndimensional array functionality too, and knows how to combine with ndaray, but ndarray don't knows how to combine with undarray properly.

Calling now:

a - ua

where a is a ndarray and ua is an undarray, adds the ua as a numpy-scalar to each element of a. In contrast, an element-wise behaviour as in:

ua - a

is intended, where ua recognises the ndarray a properly and adds it to its elements element-wise.

Solving this problem with Priops, means to create an priop subtract:

subtract = priop.Priop()

and populate it with the appropriate pairs of known-working combinations:

subtract.add(priop.GraphEdge(classes=(undarray, ndarray),
subtract.add(priop.GraphEdge(classes=(ndarray, undarray),
    function=undarray.__radd__, take=(1, 0)))

Notice the reversal of the classess arguments between the two calls.

The first line defines the ordinary ua.__add__(a) emulation.

The second line defines that when the first operator is a ndarray a, and the second an undarray ua, the reversed-binary operation implementation undarray.__radd__(ua, a) shall be called.

The take argument specifies which arguments to take from the operands in which order. take=(4, 2) would, for an operand list args, result in *(args[4], args[2]) being handed over to the function. Without the take argument, ua and a would not be reversed, and when calling the second graph egde, undarray.__radd__(a, ua) would thus be executed.


Circular relations

It is possible to create a circle in the relation graph, in the simplest case this is implemented when priop(A, B) calls A.op(B) and priop(B, A) calls B.op(A) in turn. In this case we have two ordered pairs (A, B) and (B, A), comprising the smallest circle:

|    /-->--\
|   /       \
|  A         B
|   \       /
|    \--<--/

Also, relations are in general not transitive, meaning if there is an edge (A, B) and an edge (B, C), the egde (A, C) isn't necessarily defined.


When an object is instance of a subclass of the class used for defining the edge, the edge will still match. Nevertheless, if there is an egde defined matching better, then that one will be called. Edges match better if they are defined later.

Ambiguity of Edges

Several edges may match by subclassing of the classes involved.

The priority of edges is defined by the time of their addition to the priop. Another possibility would be, to use inheritance detection of classes, and to call those edge which is the most special. Nevertheless:

  1. This creates even more overhead
  2. It may be undecidable, e.g. if one or the other operand class can be choosen more "specialised"
  3. It is more specific than the general graph approach, and thus makes additional assumptions, which may be unnecessary or even restrictive to the application.

There is some linear order in the graph, but it is a linear order of the graph edges, not of the graph nodes anymore.

Binary operator definitions seem to be more tree-like than linear:

  • Subclasses may open a new branch of operator definitions
  • There are lots of operations not defined at all

This treeishness is represented by the graph edges of the graphs created.

Comparison with Linear Priority Number Approaches

Typical for priority number approaches is the assignment of some real number to each class, giving the priority. The methods of the class with the higher priority will be called.

This approach can be seen as a transitive, linear binary relation.

The linearity imposes some limitations, aside from the fact that the real numbers must be chosen somehow, implying arbitrary conventions. For instance, when two classes have higher priority than e.g. C, it isn't clear what the priority between this two classes is:

|        /-------->  A
|       /
|      C
|       \
|        \----->  B

When A decides to implement operations with B, the priority numbers may have to be adjusted, this can cause trouble and may not even be solvable without affecting third packages relying on the current configuration.

With Priop, the egde A-B stays undefined as long as there is no matching edge, and the edge can be defined in either way.

Comparison with Native Python Operator Overloading

In native Python, a class can define binary operators. They can be in a forward and reverse mode. (In-place operators are just another operator with another semantic, though in-place operators can be derived from the normal ones.) An operator may return NotImplemented if the operation is not supported.

This approach is based on the assumtion, that each operand can decide if its implementation is sufficient or not. In fact, the implementation is deemed sufficient if it exists. But there may exist a better implementation, especially in the second operand. There is no way to decide which implementation suits better based only on the fact of their existence, what is the only information contained in the return value of the overloaded operator.

It seems that operands can only tell if they have an idea how to handle the other operand, but they have no means of comparing different implementations.

Priop implements such a comparison by the assumtion, that modules are imported from bottom to top. This means, that edges defined with higher-level classes will be defined later, and thus have higher precedence than low-level edges.


Priops is a package for defining priority of methods of different classes for operators.






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