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Tasks plugin

The tasks plugin provides a way to run background tasks in grails using [rabbitmq][rabbitmq] to queue them. Provides a framework for adding tasks, deleting them, and aborting them. Provides the option to create tasks that take a file as an input and that produce output files. [rabbitmq]:


To install this plugin, run the following:

	grails install-plugin tasks

You also need to install rabbitmq-server. To do that, follow the instructions on


There is one configuration option that can be set to specify the directory for temporary output files:


Create a simple task with no input/output

To create a new task, you just need to extend the Task abstract class and provide an implementation for the executeTask() and isUnique() methods.

	class MyTask extends Task {
		void executeTask() {
			// code that runs the task
		boolean isUnique() {
			// return true if there exists already a task
			// that will have the same effect as this one
			// otherwise return false

The implementation should be in the package org.chai.task.

Once a task is succesfully created, it is persisted in the database, and automatically sent to rabbitmq if rabbitmq-server is running. Depending on rabbitmq configuration, the tasks are picked up by 1 or several workers and executed in the background.

If the server is stopped, tasks will be interrupted and restarted at startup. If rabbitmq is not running, a cron job will attend to send the tasks to the queue every 2 minutes.

Once you've added the code that runs the task, you can use actions of the TaskController to create and delete tasks. The controller provides the following action:

	def create = {
		// Creates a simple task:
		// - takes a 'class' parameter that specifies the
		// non-qualified name of the Task implementation class
		// - all other params will be bound to the Task 
		// implementation class using bindParams(…)

Thus, calling task/create?class=MyTask will create an instance of the MyTask class, and will send it to rabbitmq for processing. When the task is picked up from the queue, the executeTask method will be run.

You can add an arbitrary number of named parameters to your class and pass them as a request parameter to the create action. For instance, let's modify the class as follows:

	class MyTask extends Task {
		Integer param1

Calling task/create?class=MyTask&param1=10 will bind 10 to the new instance param1 field.

Create a task that takes a file as an input

To create a task that takes a file as an input, you need to implement the 2 extra methods getFormView() and getFormModel(), that specify where to find the view and the model for the form that will upload the file.

	class MyTask extends Task {
		String getFormView() {
			// returns the name of the view that will display the form
		Map getFormModel() {
			// returns the model that will be used to display the form

The view might look something like this:

	<g:form url="[controller:'task', action:'createTaskWithFile']">
		<input type="hidden" name="class" value="MyTask"/>
		<input  type="file" name="file" 
			value="${fieldValue(bean:task, field:'file')}"/>
		<button type="submit">Upload</button>

Along with the following model:

	Map getFormModel() {
		return [task: this]

The only restriction placed on the form view is that the form should contain an input field of type file named file.

The TaskController provides two actions to display the upload form and to create the task.

	def taskForm = {
		// Displays the task creation form
		// - takes a 'class' parameter that specifies the
		// non-qualified name of the Task implementation class
	def createTaskWithFile = {
		// Creates a task with a file from POSTing the
		// task creation form
		// - takes a 'class' parameter that specifies the
		// non-qualified name of the Task implementation class
		// - expects an input file named 'file' in the POST
		// - all other params are bound to the Task
		// implementation class using bindParams(…)

Calling the task/taskForm?class=MyTask URL will simply display the specified form and model defined in the Task implementation. That form should POST to task/createTaskWithFile. Submitting the form will then create an instance of the class and save the file in the temporary directory specified in the configuration (cf. Configuration above) and will send it to rabbitmq.

Create a task that produces an output file

The plugin provides a mechanism for creating output files. If the Task implementation class provides an implemenation for the getOutputFilename() method, it means the task produces an output file that can be retrieved under that name.

	String getOutputFilename() {
		// returns the name of a the output file

It is the job of the task implementation to create the file and save the output to the file specified by the getOutputFilename() method. That file should be placed in the folder given by the Task abstract class getFolder() method. A Task that creates an output could look like this:

	def executeTask() {
		String outputContent = "this is the output"
		File outputFile = new File(getFolder(), getOutputFilename())
		def fileWriter = new FileWriter(outputFile)
		IOUtils.write(errorOutput, fileWriter)

The TaskController provides a method to download the output file, zipped.

	def downloadOutput = {
		// If the task creates an output file, this sends the
		// output as a zip file to the outputStream.
		// - takes a 'id' parameter that specify the task for which
		// the output should be downloaded

Calling task/downloadOutput?id=<task_id> will download the file.

Task status and progress

At any time, the status of a task can be retrieved by calling task.status. There are 4 possible statuses, NEW, COMPLETED, IN_PROGRESS or ABORTED. When a task is first created, its status is set to NEW. Once it's picked up by the rabbitmq worker, it's set to IN_PROGRESS. Once a task is finished, its status is set to COMPLETED. If the task abort() method is called, the status is set to ABORTED.

Beside a status, the Task class provides the functionality to set and increment a progress while the task is running. The Task class provides the following 2 methods:

	void setMaximum(Long max) {
		// sets the maximum progress of this task to 'max'

	void incrementProgress(Long increment = null) {
		// increment the progress of that task by 'increment', or
		// by 1, if 'increment' is null

It is obviously the job of the implementation to set the maximum number of steps it will take to reach 100% completion, as well as to increment the progress. The TaskController provides an action to interrogate the progress of 1 or several tasks:

	def progress = {
		// Returns a JSON response with the progress 
		// for the specified tasks. The response has the format
		// [
		//   {id: <task_id>, status: <task_status>, progress: <task_progress}, 
		//   {…}
		// ]
		// - takes a 'ids' parameter specifying a list of tasks
		// to query for progress

Deleting tasks

Tasks that are not currently running (the status is not IN_PROGRESS) can be deleted from the database using the TaskController delete action.

	def delete = {
		// Deletes the specified task
		// - takes a 'id' parameter that specify the task that should
		// be deleted

Using this action, a task is removed from the database, but not from the rabbitmq queue. However, when the worker picks up the tasks, it will notice that the task has been deleted and will not execute it.

Another action allows one to delete all COMPLETED tasks from the database.

	def purge = {
		// Purges all COMPLETED tasks

Security Provider

The Tasks plugin uses the [Platform Core] to store the user identity as the principal property on the Task created using the TaskController if a Security API implementation is provided.

An example of how to implement the Platform Core [SecurityBridge] interface for the [Shiro] plugin is provided in the plugin test file [ShiroSecurityBridge] for you to check out. [Shiro]: [Platform Core]: [SecurityBridge]: [ShiroSecurityBridge]:


The task plugin is licensed under the terms of the [BSD 3-clause License][BSD 3-clause License]. [BSD 3-clause License]:


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