This a simple and limited web3 starter kit to kickstart web3 projects, I've included a few packages that will bootstrap you into working with Ethereum straight away (Wagmi + Ethers), this is ideal for launching dapps quickly!
NextJs - Super duper react framework docs.
RainbowKit - Offers connection to popular wallets with just a few lines of code (e.g. Metamask), check out the docs.
Ethers - For accessing / interacting with ethereum and the ethereum ecosystem, check out the docs.
tailwindcss - CSS library here
wagmi - Insanely good Web3 react hooks for accessing a bunch of important web3 features, very good at abstracting a bunch of stuff away, check out the docs.
Get started by cloning, installing dependencies, and running your next app with the below:
git clone
yarn install
yarn dev
If you need help with this starter kit or have any questions about web3 dev hit me up on Twitter.