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List remote branches

pmiossec edited this page Apr 5, 2013 · 5 revisions


The list-remote-branches command help you find the branches to clone of a TFS server.


Usage: git tfs list-remote-branches tfs-url-or-instance-name
       git tfs list-remote-branches http://myTfsServer:8080/tfs/TfsRepository

  -h, -H, --help
  -V, --version
  -d, --debug                Show debug output about everything git-tfs does
  -u, --username=VALUE       TFS username
  -p, --password=VALUE       TFS password


To display all the remotes of a TFS server, do this:

git tfs list-remote-branches http://tfs:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection


TFS branches that could be cloned :

 $/project/trunk [*]
 +- $/project/branch1
 +- $/project/branch2
 +- $/project/branch3
	+- $/project/branch3-1
Cloning root branches (marked by [*]) is recommended!

Then you can use the [clone] command with the good remote branch of your choice! However, it is recommanded to clone the root branch and then use the [branch] command to manage branches.


If the TFS server need an authentication, you could use the --username and --password parameters. If you don't specify theses informations, you will be prompted to enter them. This informations are not store by git-tfs.

git tfs list-remote-branches http://tfs:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection -u=DISSRVTFS03\peter.pan -p=wendy

See also