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BadWolf Query Language planner

The BadWolf query language is built around a low-level abstraction to manage and retrieve triples from a fairly arbitrary store. All access to the data goes through the interfaces defined in the storage.go file of the storage package. One example of a simple naive implementation of those interfaces can be found on the storage/memory package. It provides a volatile memory-only implementation of both storage.Store and storage.Graph interfaces.

The BQL planner that is described here focuses on what happens after the a select query is properly parsed and it is ready to go. It mostly focuses on explaining how the data is accessed given a graph pattern. As described in the BQL introduction, the graph is queried using graph patterns. The graph pattern is a collection of clauses separated by '.' . Each clause takes the form of a generalized triple, where parts of it can be replaced by 'bindings'. You can interpret them as variables that adopt a non-mutable value during the course of a graph traversal.

Resolving single clause patterns

Some examples of a graph pattern defined by a single clause are shown below. To keep it simple only immutable predicates will be used.

  • /user<Joe> "parent-of"@[] /user<Mary> is a fully specified clause with no bindings.
  • /user<Joe> "parent-of"@[] ?child is a clause that will match all the objects ?child that satisfy having /user<Joe> as subject and "parent-of"@[] as a predicate.

Resolving clauses with no bindings is equivalent to checking if that fact exists in the store. The first clause will be true if there is a triple supporting that fact in the graph being queried on the store. It will return false otherwise. It is important to keep this part of the evaluation in mind. When we get to how patterns with multiple clauses are evaluated, intuitively you can think of them as follows: a composed pattern will be true if all its clauses are true, it will be false otherwise. This first clause would translate into planning to execute a simple call to the interface method Exist to satisfy it.

The second clause is not as specific as the first one. In the example, what would be the object has been replaced by the binding ?child. This indicates that we care about the objects that satisfy having /user<Joe> as subject and "parent-of"@[] as a predicate. If such triples exist on the queried graph, the clause would be true. If there are no triples that would match such a clause, it will evaluate to false.

The binding will take all the possible values available on the graph. This means that for a given matching iteration ?child will only have one value across the pattern. The planner will decide that to resolve such a clause, it will require to use the TriplesForSubjectAndPredicate interface method.

Let's assume that for the rest of this document our graph will contain the following triples:

/user<Joe> "parent-of"@[] /user<Mary>
/user<Joe> "parent-of"@[] /user<Peter>
/user<Peter> "parent-of"@[] /user<Jane>
/user<Peter> "parent-of"@[] /user<Mary Anne>

Given the above data, the clause /user<Joe> "parent-of"@[] ?child is true. Also, resolving the clause triggered two binding iterations where ?child would be bound to /user<Mary> and /user<Peter> in each iteration.

Specificity of a clause.

Given a clause, we define its specificity by the number of bindings present. The specificity of a clause, or S(c), can only take 4 possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3. Below you have a table of all the possible specificity values based on the bindings present.

Clause c S(c)
/user<Joe> "parent-of"@[] /user<Mary> 3
?s "parent-of"@[] /user<Mary> 2
/user<Joe> ?p /user<Mary> 2
/user<Joe> "parent-of"@[] ?o 2
?s ?p /user<Mary> 1
?s "parent-of"@[] ?o 1
/user<Joe> ?p ?o 1
?s ?p ?o 0

Clauses with S(c)= 0 indicate clauses that would match the entire graph.

Resolving multi clause patterns

Imagine that, given the previous example graph, you would like to know who the grandchildren of Joe are. You can express that query by using a compound pattern form with two clauses.

/user<Joe> "parent-of"@[] ?child .
?child "parent-of"@[] ?grand_child

This pattern contains two clauses. Both need to be satisfied in order to satisfy the pattern. Another interesting point is that these clauses have a binding dependency. The first and the second clause in the pattern share the ?child binding. Remember that a binding takes a non mutable value during a binding iteration. This means that we have a few options on how we plan to query the graph at hand to see if we can satisfy this pattern:

  1. We get all the children that we can find for Joe, then for each child we try to see if they are the parent of any other person.
  2. We look for all children to get the list of parents, then for each of those parents we try to see if they are a child of Joe.
  3. We get all the children of Joe. We also get all parents and correspondent children in the graph. We take both sets of data and filter out any children in the graph whose parent is not a child of Joe.

All three options are valid options that the planner could choose to try to satisfy the given graph pattern. The first one has the benefits of trying to narrow the amount of data to sift through. The second option would likely yield large amounts of data on parents, and then use all that data to find which of those parents is a child of Joe. Finally, the third option would allow us to concurrently get the data to satisfy both clauses, but we will then have to reduce it to find the final answer.

If we look a bit more into each of the two clauses, we can see that S(c) of the first one is 2, whereas the specificity of the second one is 1. It is reasonable to assume that more specific clauses will return less data. This assumption may not always hold true, since it depends on the branching factor of our graph, but it is a good intuition on which to build the planner.

Naive Specificity-Based Query planner

BQL uses a pretty simple planner. It does not use any statistics about the graph queried. The main reason for it is that they may not be available. Remember that the details of the storage are abstracted away by the storage package. However, even with such constraints, we can build a pretty efficient planner that will work efficiently across a wide variety of reasonable connected graphs.

The planner (P) will try to satisfy a pattern following the steps described below:

  1. P will create a graph based on the WHERE clauses.
  2. P will add an edge between two clauses if they share a binding. The edge will be directed if and only if the two clauses have different specificity. The direction will go from higher specificity clause to lower specificity one.
  3. It will start with a specificity level set to 3.
  4. Using the constructed graph, it will concurrently attempt to satisfy all clauses with S(c) equal to the current specificity level.
  5. Collect all the binding values.
  6. If any of the clauses could not be satisfied, the planner will dictate query finalization and pattern unsatisfiability.
  7. If multiple bindings are available, all possible combinations will be considered during the binding iteration process.
  8. The specificity level will be decreased by 1.
  9. If the specificity level is greater than or equal to 0, the planner will proceed to step 5.

If the process is not aborted in the middle, the pattern is satisfied and the query will return all the values that were bound in the process as a simple table.