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How To: Redirect to a specific page on successful sign in out

jaylevitt edited this page Feb 23, 2012 · 17 revisions

Devise will by default redirect to the root_path. However, if you defined a user_root_path for your user model (admin_root_path for an admin model and so on), Devise will use it instead:

match '/welcome' => "welcome#index", :as => :user_root

If you want more fine grained control, you can simply override after_sign_in_path_for:

def after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
  stored_location_for(resource) || welcome_path

To make the above work, the root path obviously needs to be publicly visible!

If what you really want is to change the way / redirects for logged-in vs. unauthenticated users, you can use the authenticated route helper:

  authenticated :user do
    root :to => 'welcome#index'

  root :to => 'landing#index'

After signing out

This works a lot like the above, except you use the method:

def after_sign_out_path_for(resource_or_scope)
  # logic here
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