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File metadata and controls

91 lines (72 loc) · 4.01 KB

Starboard documentation template

Starboard is a tool which creates Trello boards for tracking the various tasks necessary when onboarding, offboarding, or crossboarding employees. We use it extensively within Heroku.

This repository is a template for the guides you'll need to author for using Starboard in your organization.

Fork this repository and add your own onboarding/offboarding/crossboarding guides.

How do I format content in this repo?

First, you'll need to author your data.json file. This manifest is the core of the parser. It provides some required metadata and specifies which teams require which documents.

  "teams": {
    "id": "Heroku",
    "slug": "heroku-teams",
    "additional_paths": ["", "/extra"],
    "children": [
        "id": "Engineering",
        "slug": "engineering",
        "children": [
          {"id": "Frontend", "slug": "backend"},
          {"id": "Backend", "slug": "backend"}
        "id": "Marketing",
        "slug": "marketing"
  "lists_order": ["Pre-Hire", "First Day", "First Week", "First Month"],
  "onboarding_sources": [
    {"id": "sfdc","title":"Transfer from mothership"},
    {"id":"contractor", "title": "Contractor"}
  "options": [
    {"id": "remote","title":"Remote worker"},
    {"id":"manager", "title": "Manager"}
  • Teams is a tree representing the teams in your company.
    • id is actually the name of the team.
    • slug the path-safe (lowercase, no spaces) team name. This is used to find the markdown guides for a given team.
    • additional_paths is an array of paths to additional documents which will be sourced for this team. If you have guides which are relevant for multiple teams, you can put the common content in a separate file and pull it in using this property.
    • children an array of sub-teams.
  • lists_order Different guides can create and contribute to multiple lists in the new board. Sometimes, the ordering of the list has some semantic value — for example, pre-hire, first day, etc. You can manually specify that ordering using lists_order.
  • onboarding_sources is a list of possible onboarding options.
  • options is a list of custom information about the employee (is she remote, is she a manager, ...)

Those last two options permit to tag lists or cards to have specific ones for the users fulfilling the conditions.

How is the repository structured? (File Hierarchy)

Onboarding files for a team will be all the files per team up to the root. So if you are in the team engineers you will have the onboarding files of engineers and heroku-teams, as well as any files located in directories specified by the additional_paths property of any team in the path.

For example, if someone is joining the "engineers" team, we expect to have /heroku-teams/engineers/onboarding.markdown, /heroku-teams/onboarding.markdown, /onboarding.markdown and /extra/onboarding.markdown.

If a file is missing, starboard will silently skip it.

Markdown file format

See the onboarding.markdown located in the root directory for an example.

You can target the same trello list from multiple files — for example, different teams might have cards to contribute to the "First Day" list. Take care to use the exact same list name everywhere!

How to tag cards or lists?

Add ids from onboarding_sources or options into brackets and separate words by a space. Avoid putting two different onboarding sources on one card as to be created, the employee must fulfill all the tags. Example: [contractor transfer] is a bad idea as contractor and transfer are two onboarding sources. But [contractor remote] is just one onboarding and one option. This means that all the cards with these tags will only be created for a contractor which is remote.

Markdown example:

## This card is for employees that are remote [remote]
## This one for managers outside the us [manager no-us]
### Checklist for transfers [transfer]
- bla
- bla