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Multi-chain lockdrop contracts for Supernova.


The Supernova chain is a new blockchain that will be built using the Cosmos SDK and integrate into the Cosmos ecosystem. It has a variety of awesome features and we're planning to make it one of the most interactive cryptocurrency experiences to date. To find more information on Supernova click here.

The Supernova Lockdrop is a distribution mechanism which will reward participants who lock up their coins on different chains. In the case of the Supernova Lockdrop, the time-lock length is 6 months or 182 days, and the Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Cosmos Hub blockchains will be supported.

The repo contains scripts for generating a Supernova address for your future coins, executing time-lock transactions in Bitcoin and Ethereum, and bonding to a Cosmos Hub validator configured to manage ATOM participation in the Supernova Lockdrop.


These lockdrop scripts expect Node v11.6. If you don't have it installed, we recommend using NVM:

curl -o- | bash
nvm install 11.6.0
nvm use 11.6.0

You will then have to set up environment variables in .env to include any private keys, node URLs, or other data required for locking. Detailed instructions for each step are below.

Generating addresses

First, run npm or yarn to install all the packages. You can now generate a Supernova keypair or keypair for another protocol. Note, if you want to generate a new bitcoin wallet (in bcoin) you will need a live bcoin node running locally.

  1. To generate a Supernova keypair:
yarn generate --supernova
  1. To generate an Ethereum keypair:
yarn generate --eth
  1. To generate a Bitcoin wallet and/or account in bcoin (must have running bcoin node):
yarn generate --btc --walletId=<...> --walletAccount=<...>
  1. To generate a Cosmos keypair:
yarn generate --cosmos


You must provide an Ethereum private key by setting ETH_PRIVATE_KEY, or provide an encrypted Ethereum keystore by setting ETH_KEY_PATH, ETH_JSON_VERSION, and ETH_JSON_PASSWORD.

You can generate an Ethereum private key by using a wallet like Metamask or Trust Wallet to create a new Ethereum address, and then exporting the private key.

You must also set up an Ethereum node path. You can get one by registering on Infura at and using the free tier.

Finally, you should generate a Supernova address. Your .env should look like this:


You can now send a lock transaction. To lock 0.01 ETH on the network indicated by INFURA_PATH, run:

yarn start --eth --lock 0.01

In order to verify that your lock transaction has happened, visit Etherscan and paste the transaction hash you got from the CLI output to visualize it.


  • To use the Bitcoin lock functionality, you must provide a Bitcoin mnemonic, or set up a local wallet using Bcoin.
  • You will also need a local, mainnet Bcoin instance running locally.
  • You will also need a local or remote IPFS node to store your transaction data for further verification.

To install bcoin, follow the guide here. The steps should approximately be:

git clone
cd bcoin
npm install
npm install -g # link globally

Once installed, you should be able to start a mainnet node. As long as you are not using a preexisting wallet from an earlier install of bcoin, you should include the pruning flag, which will greatly speed up syncing:

bcoin --prune

Now, install ipfs globally to have access to the jsipfs command, and launch the ipfs daemon:

npm install ipfs --global
jsipfs daemon

Once you have Bcoin and IPFS running, you can proceed with your lock!

Locking examples

Bcoin comes with a native wallet that you can use to fund new keys to participate in the lockdrop. To learn more about the commands to run, you can read the API documentation. For our examples, we will create a new wallet by running a wallet node.

If you are using a local node, run:


If you are using a remote node, instead run:

bwallet --node-api-key=supernova

This will start the wallet node locally. You can now use bwallet-cli to talk to it and generate keys or sign transactions.

To create a wallet called default:

bwallet-cli account create default

To lock one satoshi on a Bitcoin regtest network with default wallet settings:

yarn lock-btc 0.00000001

To lock 0.5 BTC on the main Bitcoin network with default wallet settings:

yarn lock-btc 0.5 --network=main

To lock 1 BTC on the main Bitcoin network with non-default wallet settings:

yarn lock-btc 1 --walletId=test --walletAccount=default --network=main

Once you successfully lock, you will have a file named tx-info.json generated in your project directory. You can use the hash of the lockedTx to verify that the transaction was broadcasted on any Bitcoin blockchain explorer. Similarly, you can look up the data at the IPFS multihashes to visualize the data stored there.


  • To use Cosmos functionality without gaiacli installed, you must provide the address of both an active Tendermint RPC and an active REST server. With gaiacli installed, we only require the Tendermint RPC server.
  • You must also provide a validator address to delegate to (for specifics on cosmos delegation functionality, see notes on Cosmos locking.

Cosmos functionality requires communication with an active node. The node itself exposes a Tendermint RPC listener on port 26657 by default for lower- level queries. Gaia also provides a separate, distinct listener, run with the gaiacli rest-server command, and listening on port 1317 by default. This server provides higher-level query functionality. This REST server must be configured to communicate with an active Tendermint node. See below for the exact environment variables required to configure your connection to a node.

Locking and unlocking on Cosmos optionally requires the gaiacli tool. Documentation for its installation can be found on the Cosmos site. Note that you will want to install go 1.13 or later, even though the instructions say otherwise, if you want to interact with the most recent version of the Cosmos chains.

Once installed, ensure your .env file is configured with the following fields (we provide a Cosmos node on the gaia-13006 testnet at, although we cannot make any guarantees about uptime). Note that COSMOS_KEY_PATH is optional if using a saved gaiacli key, which must be then provided via --keyName.


If correctly configured, the delegation or undelegation should occur immediately. See notes on Cosmos locking for information on how to verify the status of your delegation.

Locking examples

Ensure you have a live Cosmos node url configured before proceeding, as well as an active validator address to delegate to, e.g. cosmosvaloper1le0gdn7u8z4vyjyctp32zhmqd2wufvy5tkrd6x.

  1. Lock 100 UATOM on a Cosmos network, using a gaiacli install which has been registered with a key named "TestKey". You will be prompted to enter your previously configured password for TestKey, after which the lock will occur immediately.
yarn lock-atom 100 --keyName TestKey --validator cosmosvaloper1le0gdn7u8z4vyjyctp32zhmqd2wufvy5tkrd6x


  • There are no requirements besides installing and running the CLI key generation command to generate keychains. We recommend passing in an output filename to store the keystore to.

Environment variables

The CLI uses environment variables to configure the desired functionality. You should create a .env file in the project directory and populate the following inputs, depending on your desired participation methods.

# Supernova Address

# Bitcoin configuration environment variables
# BTC mnemonic seed
# Bitcoin network
# Bcoin settings

# IPFS configuration environment variables
# Multiaddress to connect for storing data on timelocks

# Ethereum configuration environment variables
# Lockdrop contract on Ethereum
# ETH private key hex
# ETH private key file location (a path on your machine)
# ETH version of encrypted JSON file (either v1, v2, or ethsale)
# ETH encrypted JSON file password (alternative to providing provide key)

# Infura path for sending ETH transactions to remote Infura node

# Cosmos configuration environment variables
# Active node URL
# Active rest URL
# ID of current chain active on node
# local gaiacli install location
# path to keyfile

Some notes on locking

Locking in Bitcoin and Ethereum are very different. In Bitcoin, one must create a checktimelockverify (CTLV) transaction with a future locktime and a redeem address to eventually unlock funds. In Ethereum, one can write any manner of smart contracts to handle time-locking. These contracts can fire events, force certain locktimes, and allow quick retrieval of the metadata to verify the existence of a lock.

The most crucial difference is that Bitcoin time-lock transactions are a pay-to-scripthash transaction where the script is a CTLV transaction. Since the transaction pays to a hash value, it is impossible to ascertain what the underlying script is before redeeming, and thus it is impossible to verify that a transaction is indeed a timelock until the funds are unlocked.

To get around this, and to make it possible for a third-party to identify the total set of time-lock transactions, Supernova Lockdrop participants must append an OP_RETURN at the end of their Bitcoin transaction which contains a link to their unhashed transaction metadata on IPFS.

In this CLI, we do this by storing an IPFS hash in the OP_RETURN data field, and we store the respective transaction data at that IPFS hash. Bitcoin locks can ONLY be honored if they follow this protocol. In addition, locks will ONLY be honored if they adhere to the strict locktime of 6 months from the time of the transaction.

Notes on Cosmos locking

Similarly, locking on Cosmos is different in that it does not involve a contract. All that is required is delegating some amount of tokens to an active validator on the cosmoshub mainnet, which will be automatically counted as a lock if still delegated at a chosen "lock height", the block when delegation amounts are counted. You can query the list of validators via the gaiacli tool, with gaiacli query staking validators. You may also need to provide a chain node to query via the --node flag and a chain ID using the --chain-id flag. You can also find validator information on a block explorer, a list of which can be found in the Cosmos documentation.

As a result, unlocking can be a partial or a complete operation, in which you can either withdraw all delegated tokens, or some portion of them. We do not store the amount delegated via the command line, so to fully unlock will require looking up your total delegation. As with querying active validators, this can be done either with a block explorer or via the gaiacli tool (you can do this with gaiacli query staking delegation, providing a validator and a delegator addresses). Querying validators can be performed directly using this script, assuming correct .env configuration, by running yarn start --cosmos --query [--validator <validatorAddress>]. The --useGaia is also valid for this command, and will simply forward the query to your installation of gaiacli.

A final note is that delegating on Cosmos also results in your account accumulating rewards, based on the configuration of the specific validator you've delegated to. These can also be withdrawn via the command line, using gaiacli tx distribution withdraw-rewards, specifying the validator address as well as your personal address via the --from flag. Note that you may need to provide gaiacli with your address's associated mnemonic, or else have your address configured with gaiacli keys before proceeding with this command.

Other notes

Optionally, you can set the Bitcoin node to provide an http server, only accept connections with an api key, or set other parameters to run testnets, index txs, etc.

If you choose to use a pruned node, be aware that there are technicalities with it interfacing with already funded wallets. We recommend a pruned node for fresh wallets that have not been funded prior to syncing the chain.


If you are running the tests in this package, the options we use are:

bcoin --network=regtest --http-host= --api-key=test --index-tx --index-address


Multi-chain lockdrop contracts for Supernova







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