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iOS Developer Connect Newsletter

January 28, 2016


Xcode 7.3 beta 2 was released this week, bringing with it a slew of new warning for Swift developers. The new warnings are added in Swift 2.2 to warn developers of functionality that will be removed in Swift3. The most visible of these changes are the removal of ++ and -- (the pre/post-fix increment and decrement counters) and "c-style" for loops for(i = 0; i < count; i++){} You can find the new beta in the developer center.

Knuff is a new app for testing Push Notifications in your app is up and on GitHub. Check it out if you are in need.

Projects from this week

Max and I did pull to stretch image, which seems to be pretty popular in apps these days. New people learning Storyboards and auto layout, ambitions to learn watch and AppleTV! Members were configure and getting started with React native for iOS and Android. And Finally Core Data, and Parse of course, we all need a place to save our users data. Core Data and Parse are by far the most popular ways to do this for our group, this week we were specifically investigating NSPredicate for filtering our fetch results.


Keeping up with Tim Cook's Apple Contains really interesting analysis of Apples recent innovations, and how to ship software that enhances future hardware. Really thoughtful stuff.


A surprisingly long article came out recently about writing your first iOS Framework. I am thinking of taking the time this Sunday to work through it. Seems that creating an iOS Framework is a bit more nuanced than I had originally suspected.

How to do an on-boarding screen was discussed this week too!

Updates and Announcements

Our Tuesday meetings continue to be very active with regulars and new faces. This week, someone joined us on the spot after learning the theme of our group. An entrepreneur shared his mobile product that can capture bug reporting related info which can significantly expedite troubleshooting. A few iOS developers drop-in, shared, and helped answer specific questions and generously helped those learning iOS. It is our members’ helpfulness that makes this group so unique. We talked about asynchronous, stateless, design and managing real time data network access, and IBM offers a service where we can run SWIFT code on a web browser (like a web-based Playground). Interesting topics we wanted to learn a lot more about included audio handling in iOS and image recognition and matching.

The Yahoo Mobile Developer Conference is a full-day, free conference in San Francisco on Feb 18th, aimed towards developers where Yahoo! will have experts present on industry trends, what’s hot & also unveil new & improved features to the Yahoo Mobile Developer Suite. The agenda is being updated daily as Yahoo! reveals confirmed speakers and topics. Visit the site and apply for an invite!

Up Coming Special Events

We have some very exciting events taking place in the next few months. Take a look and see which one suits your interest:

To be scheduled:

A Talk on GitHub (Interested? Monitor event updates at

Weekly As Usual:

Every Sunday 1-5pm: Hands-On iOS Project Group Every Tuesday 7-9pm: iOS Developer Connect


This is the talk that really got me understanding Generics and Functional Programming in Swift