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Ben Scott edited this page Nov 18, 2015 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the PathwaysEngine wiki!

This wiki is basically just a listing of the comments I've written in my code, and perhaps other helpful tidbits. I eventually want this little engine to be a creative outlet for burgeoning programmers & game-dev-ers alike (i.e., kindred spirits of mine) to very easily create full, 3D games in the Unity engine, replete with text, graphics, and most importantly, atmosphere. Now, Unity provides the graphics and most of the ambience (via its new GI lighting system!!!) but I think that text/writing can provide substantial atmosphere on their own, and deserve a seat at the table when it comes to game dev. This engine provides both the common components/systems that games have, and a text-based interface to them, (denoted by their namespaces, e.g., Inventory, Adventure). I hope that my efforts to create this system will allow other creatives to create content with abandon, all-the-while trusting that their programming will suit and support their creativity. By providing well-written & well-structured code, I hope to create a platform for myself and others to express even the most complicated aspects of their imagination in the format of an immersive, 3D experience.

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