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  1. Introduction

    About XtractPDF

     XtractPDF is a tool for getting information out of PDF articles and curating it.  It automatically
     attempts to extract and classify content into structured data, but also provides a handy interface
     for humans to clean-up and perfect the data.  Documents can then be exported to 
     JATS-XML (
     XtractPDF currently acts as a client to PDFX (
     for automatic conversion, but can be extended to support other libraries and APIs.


    XtractPDF is built entirely on open source technologies (with the exception of PDFX):

     PHP Silex Framework
     MongoDB & Doctrine ODM
     Jquery Autosize
     Jquery Form
     Twitter Bootstrap


     XtractPDF was written by Casey McLaughlin ( and is actively maintained 
     by Mike Wabiszewski ( at the iDigInfo Institute ( at Florida 
     State University ( for work on projects related to the Jailbreaking the PDF 
     ( collaboration.
  2. Requirements (in recommended order of install):

    • Apache2 (sudo apt-get install apache2) NOTE: XtractPDF utilizes Apache's mod_rewrite engine. If you have not done so yet, you will need to enable mod_rewrite by typing "sudo a2enmod rewrite" and then restarting Apache with "sudo service apache2 restart", both commands without quotes.

    • PHP 5.3+ with PEAR (sudo apt-get install php5 php-pear)

    • PHP Mongo PECL Extension (sudo pecl install mongo) NOTE: After you run the install of this package, you are likely to receive a message at the end advising you to manually update the php.ini configuration file by inserting the "" parameter into it, without the quotes. It is recommended that the new line be inserted into the "Dynamic Extensions" section in php.ini.

      In Ubuntu installs you will need to update two php.ini files located in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and in /etc/php5/cli/php.ini, assuming default installation directories were used. After both files have been updated, run "sudo service apache2 restart". Verify that mongo has been successfully loaded as an extention by running "php5 -m". In the list of recognized extensions, mongo should be listed. If it is, PHP is ready to use mongo!

    • MongoDB (sudo apt-get install mongodb)

    • Composer ( using a Global install


    • Git (sudo apt-get install git) Having the Git source control solution will simplify acquisition of all files through a single clone operation.
  3. Installation:

    Before proceeding: verify that all requirements mentioned in the previous section have been satisfied.

    1. If you have Git installed, you can simply run "git clone". Otherwise you can download the entire zip package and unpack all the files into a directory of your choosing.

    2. In your newly placed XtractPDF directory, you must have the log and uploads directory set with read and write permissions for everybody in order for XtractPDF to process uploaded files and to write logs.

    3. Change directory to the XtractPDF working directory, then change directory to app. Run "composer install". If all of your dependencies are configured properly, Composer will download all required packages necessary to run XtractPDF. Wait until Composer finishes installing all packages before proceeding.

    4. Copy config/config.yml.dist to config/config.yml and verify that all settings match your environment's requirements.

    5. You are ready to run the app. On your web browser navigate to the URL of your freshly installed XtractPDF.