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Clean up the connection back-reference redundancy [IMMUTANT-590]
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jcrossley3 committed Oct 31, 2015
1 parent fdd4582 commit 1a91aad
Showing 1 changed file with 21 additions and 43 deletions.
64 changes: 21 additions & 43 deletions transactions/src/immutant/transactions/jdbc.clj
Expand Up @@ -22,17 +22,21 @@
(defmacro ^:private override-delegate
[type delegate-expr & body]
(let [delegate (gensym)
overrides (group-by first body)
expanded (map macroexpand body)
overrides (group-by first expanded)
methods (for [m (.getMethods (resolve type))
:let [f (-> (.getName m) symbol (with-meta {:tag (-> m .getReturnType .getName)}))]
:when (not (overrides f))
:let [args (for [t (.getParameterTypes m)] (with-meta (gensym) {:tag (.getName t)}))]]
(list f (vec (conj args '_)) `(. ~delegate ~f ~@(map #(with-meta % nil) args))))]
`(let [~delegate ~delegate-expr]
(reify ~type ~@body ~@methods))))
(reify ~type ~@expanded ~@methods))))

(defmacro connection-backref
"TODO: make this work"
(defmacro with-backref
"Expands to a reify spec for a Connection with an override-delegate
call for a Statement, its specific type taken from (:tag (meta f)),
created by invoking f on con, that overrides getConnection to return
this, the reified Connection"
[con f args]
(list f (vec (cons 'this args))
(list 'override-delegate (:tag (meta f)) `(. ~con ~f ~@(map #(with-meta % nil) args))
Expand All @@ -50,48 +54,22 @@

;; Ensure each statement's connection back-reference points to this

(^Statement createStatement [this]
(override-delegate Statement (.createStatement con)
(getConnection [_] this)))
(^Statement createStatement [this ^int a ^int b]
(override-delegate Statement (.createStatement con a b)
(getConnection [_] this)))
(^Statement createStatement [this ^int a ^int b ^int c]
(override-delegate Statement (.createStatement con a b c)
(getConnection [_] this)))
(with-backref con ^Statement createStatement [])
(with-backref con ^Statement createStatement [^int a ^int b])
(with-backref con ^Statement createStatement [^int a ^int b ^int c])

(^CallableStatement prepareCall [this ^String a]
(override-delegate CallableStatement (.prepareCall con a)
(getConnection [_] this)))
(^CallableStatement prepareCall [this ^String a ^int b ^int c]
(override-delegate CallableStatement (.prepareCall con a b c)
(getConnection [_] this)))
(^CallableStatement prepareCall [this ^String a ^int b ^int c ^int d]
(override-delegate CallableStatement (.prepareCall con a b c d)
(getConnection [_] this)))
(with-backref con ^CallableStatement prepareCall [^String a])
(with-backref con ^CallableStatement prepareCall [^String a ^int b ^int c])
(with-backref con ^CallableStatement prepareCall [^String a ^int b ^int c ^int d])

(^PreparedStatement prepareStatement [this ^String a]
(override-delegate PreparedStatement (.prepareStatement con a)
(getConnection [_] this)))
(^PreparedStatement prepareStatement [this ^String a ^int b]
(override-delegate PreparedStatement (.prepareStatement con a b)
(getConnection [_] this)))
(^PreparedStatement prepareStatement [this ^String a ^ints b]
(override-delegate PreparedStatement (.prepareStatement con a b)
(getConnection [_] this)))
(^PreparedStatement prepareStatement [this ^String a ^"[Ljava.lang.String;" b]
(override-delegate PreparedStatement (.prepareStatement con a b)
(getConnection [_] this)))
(^PreparedStatement prepareStatement [this ^String a ^int b ^int c]
(override-delegate PreparedStatement (.prepareStatement con a b c)
(getConnection [_] this)))
(^PreparedStatement prepareStatement [this ^String a ^int b ^int c ^int d]
(override-delegate PreparedStatement (.prepareStatement con a b c d)
(getConnection [_] this)))
(with-backref con ^PreparedStatement prepareStatement [^String a])
(with-backref con ^PreparedStatement prepareStatement [^String a ^int b])
(with-backref con ^PreparedStatement prepareStatement [^String a ^ints b])
(with-backref con ^PreparedStatement prepareStatement [^String a ^"[Ljava.lang.String;" b])
(with-backref con ^PreparedStatement prepareStatement [^String a ^int b ^int c])
(with-backref con ^PreparedStatement prepareStatement [^String a ^int b ^int c ^int d])

(^DatabaseMetaData getMetaData [this]
(override-delegate DatabaseMetaData (.getMetaData con)
(getConnection [_] this)))))
(with-backref con ^DatabaseMetaData getMetaData [])))

(defn factory
"May be passed via the :factory option to a `` spec
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