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#Address Plugin for Grails

Simply a domain object that contains all the fields you need to create an address. This object can be embedded in many other domain objects.

The fields that are defined are:

  • line1
  • line2
  • line3
  • town
  • county
  • postCode
  • country


There is a taglib to assist you when you want to display an address:

<address:display address="${personInstance?.address}"/>

This will create a unordered list that contains all the fields that have been populated. Each list item will have the class of the field name so that you can target them for styling. e.g.

<ul class="address">
    <li class="line1">line 1</li>
    <li class="line2">line 2</li>
    <li class="line3">line 3</li>
    <li class="town">a town</li>
    <li class="county">a county</li>
    <li class="postCode">WW1 1WW</li>
    <li class="country">United Kingdom</li>

If you want to include extra list items in this list, them you can give them in the body of the taglib. e.g.

<address:display address="${personInstance?.address}"/><li class="name">${personInstance?.name}</li></address:display>

It is also possible to render the address as a comma separated string:

<address:display address="${personInstance?.address}" as="string" />


You can customise the address to suit your needs, but the same customisations will apply to all your address objects.

###Field Names

If you don't like the default names defined for the fields, you can simply override them in i18n, e.g.

address.postCode.label=Zip Code


The plugin uses regex to validate the fields. Out of the box, the required fields are line1, town and post code. This can be overridden by defining your own regex for any of the fields, e.g.

grails.plugin.address.validation.line1 = /\d+ .+/

###Error messages

If a fields fails to match your defined regex, you will get an error. You can override the error messages like this, e.g.

default.invalid.address.line1=Address error - {0}: {2} does not match {3}

The variables that are available for error messages are as follows:

  1. The address field being validated (line1, line2, etc)
  2. The Address class
  3. The value (that failed to match the regex)
  4. The regex used to validate

Note that if you are using version 0.6.0 of the constraints plugin, then the last variable is not available to you.