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An automated computer vision tool to compute Petite colony frequencies in baker's yeast

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An automated computer vision tool to compute Petite colony frequencies in baker's yeast


Mitochondrial respiration is central to cellular and organismal health in eukaryotes. In baker’s yeast, however, respiration is dispensable under fermentation conditions. Because yeast are tolerant of this mitochondrial dysfunction, yeast are widely used by biologists as a model organism to ask a variety of questions about the integrity of mitochondrial respiration. Fortunately, baker’s yeast also display a visually identifiable Petite colony phenotype (smaller and more translucent than wild-type colonies) that is indicative of cells incapable of respiration.

Here we introduce petiteFinder, an automated computer vision tool to detect and compute Petite colony frequencies in scanned images of petri dishes. It addresses issues in scalability and reproducibility of the Petite colony assay which currently relies on laborious manual colony counting methods.



petiteFinder Demo

Under the hood:
  • The trained and optimized Faster-RCNN detector (predicts bounding box + class + score), coupled with a feature pyramid network (FPN) based on the ResNet50 backbone.

  • Sliced inference, i.e. detecting objects on the smaller slices of the original image and then merging them together with greedy non-maximal merging (NMM) algorithm.

  • A simple crossplatform GUI tool to vizualize and modify annotatations in COCO format.


Ground truth annotations of 1327 colonies were compared to predicted annotations from petiteFinder across 17 images in the test set. The top row includes mean average precision computations (mAP) across IOU thresholds from 0.5 to 0.95 in 0.05 increments, at 0.5 IOU, and 0.75 IOU. Below this, precision TP/(TP + FP) and recall TP/(TP+FN) at 0.5 IOU have been computed for each colony class.

mAP(0.5:0.95): 0.64 mAP@0.5: 0.96 mAP@0.75: 0.62
Category Precision Recall
Grande 0.96 0.99
Petite 0.96 0.98


The colony detection module of petiteFinder was build on an open-source image detection toolbox MMDetection and a CV library for large scale object detection via slicing called SAHI. The GUI module was designed with the tkinter python library.

  • Clone the repo:
git-lfs clone
cd petiteFinder
Details for systems with CUDA devices:
  • Create and activate a new conda environment:
conda create --name petiteEnv python=3.7
conda activate petiteEnv
  • Install SAHI using pip:
pip install sahi==0.8.19
  • Install pytorch, torchvision and CUDA Toolkit (recommended versions):
conda install pytorch=1.10.0 torchvision=0.11.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
  • It is recommended to install MMDetection using MIM, which automatically handles the dependencies of OpenMMLab projects, including mmcv and other python packages:
pip install openmim
mim install mmdet
  • Install tkiner for GUI interface (in case it is not installed on your system):
conda install -c anaconda tk
Details for systems with CPU only:
  • Create and activate a new conda environment:
conda create --name petiteEnv python=3.7
conda activate petiteEnv
  • Install SAHI using pip:
pip install sahi==0.8.19
  • Install CPU version of pytorch, torchvision and cpuonly (recommended versions):
conda install pytorch cpuonly torchvision -c pytorch
  • It is recommended to install MMDetection using MIM, which automatically handles the dependencies of OpenMMLab projects, including mmcv and other python packages:
pip install openmim
mim install mmdet
  • Install tkinter for GUI interface (in case it's not installed on your system):
conda install -c anaconda tk

1. Standard Command Line Usage

To run the colony detection model on a folder with images use the predict command:

  • Provide a path to folder with images with a -i flag.
  • Provide an output directory with a -o flag. This is the directory where all results are saved (annotations, petite colonies frequency CSV, annotated images).
  • Specify a compute device with a -d flag. Choices are cpu and gpu.
  • Specify to what level of details you want the results with a -p flag. Choices are complete, frequency_only, json_only, visualize_only.
  • Optionally specify a Grande colony size (diameter in pixels) through the -gs flag. Use only if there is significant Petite bias observed in your dataset.
  • For more details, access help by running python predict -h.


python predict -d cuda -i ./demo/input_images/ -o ./demo/output/ -p complete 

2. Interactive Visualization & Inspection

To visualize the resulting annotations and interactively modify them use the amend command:

  • Provide a path to a resulting annotation .json file with -i flag. The annotation file contains the path to each image that will be opened.
  • For more details, access help by running python amend -h.


python amend -i ./demo/output/pF_predicted.json

This will open a tkinter window:

  • Navigate an image folder with < and > buttons and chose an image to visualize. Zoom in and out relative to the cursor with a mouse wheel or by pressing <i> and <o> keys. There are two GUI modes that can be chosen with the corresponding buttons: Draw Mode and Remove Mode, or by pressing <d> or <r> keys, respectively.

  • Hover over the bounding box to see the additional information in the upper right corner, such as category (p - Petite, g - Grande) and Score (the confidence provided by the model in the range from 0 to 1).

  • In the Draw mode, chose a category of the colony you want to annotate with a bounding box (in case it was not detected by the model) by Petite and Grande buttons, or alternatively, by pressing <p> or <g> keys. Draw a bounding box around the object by moving a mouse after pressing and holding the left mouse button.

  • In the Remove mode, click on the bounding boxes you want to remove (they will light up red) and then press Delete selected button or <BackSpace>/<Delete>keys to clear them of the image.

  • Press Save button to save amended annotations to the amended_*.json file.


If you use this software in your research, please cite it as:

  author       = {Nunn, Christopher J. and Klyshko, Eugene},
  title        = {{petiteFinder: An automated computer vision tool to compute Petite colony frequencies in baker's yeast}},
  url          = {}



An automated computer vision tool to compute Petite colony frequencies in baker's yeast






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