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Add :eager_loader association option, to specify code to be run when …
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…eager loading

:eager_loader is powerful option that allows you to completely
specify how associations are to be eagerly loaded.  It is flexible
enough that it can be used to eagerly load association types that
Sequel doesn't even natively support, such as polymorphic
associations.  The eager loading code has been greatly simplified as
it now just uses the :eager_loader option, which has defaults that
are the same as the previous eager loading behavior.

:eager_loader should be a proc that takes 3 arguments, a key_hash,
an array of records, and a hash of dependent associations.  Since you
are given all of the records, you can do things like filter on
associations that are specified by multiple keys, or do multiple
queries depending on the content of the records (which would be
necessary for polymorphic associations).  Inside the :eager_loader
proc, you should get the related objects and populate the
associations for all objects in the array of records.  The hash
of dependent associations is available for you to cascade the eager
loading down multiple levels, but it is up to you to use it.  The
key_hash is a performance enhancement that is used by the default
code and is also available to you.  It is a hash with keys being
foreign/primary key symbols in the current table, and the values
being hashes where the key is foreign/primary key values and values
being arrays of current model objects having the foreign/primary key
value associated with the key.  This is hard to visualize, so I'll
give an example:

  album1 = Album.load(:id=>1, :artist_id=>2)
  album2 = Album.load(:id=>3, :artist_id=>2)
  Album.many_to_one :artist
  Album.one_to_many :tracks
  Album.eager(:band, :tracks).all
  # The key_hash provided to the :eager_loader proc would be:
  {:id=>{1=>[album1], 3=>[album2]}, :artist_id=>{2=>[album1, album2]}}
  • Loading branch information
jeremyevans committed Jun 30, 2008
1 parent 004b89c commit a226fad
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Showing 4 changed files with 108 additions and 63 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions sequel/CHANGELOG
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
=== HEAD

* Add :eager_loader association option, to specify code to be run when eager loading (jeremyevans)

* Make :many_to_one associations support :dataset, :order, :limit association options, as well as block arguments (jeremyevans)

* Add :dataset association option, which overrides the default base dataset to use (jeremyevans)
Expand Down
72 changes: 67 additions & 5 deletions sequel/lib/sequel_model/associations.rb
Expand Up @@ -95,13 +95,18 @@ def all_association_reflections
# For many_to_one associations, this is ignored unless this association is
# being eagerly loaded, as it doesn't save queries unless multiple objects
# can be loaded at once.
# - :eager_block - If given, use the block instead of the default block when
# eagerly loading. To not use a block when eager loading (when one is used normally),
# set to nil.
# - :eager_graph - The associations to eagerly load via EagerLoading#eager_graph when loading the associated object(s).
# For many_to_one associations, this is ignored unless this association is
# being eagerly loaded, as it doesn't save queries unless multiple objects
# can be loaded at once.
# - :eager_block - If given, use the block instead of the default block when
# eagerly loading. To not use a block when eager loading (when one is used normally),
# set to nil.
# - :eager_loader - A proc to use to implement eager loading, overriding the default. Takes three arguments,
# a key hash (used solely to enhance performance), an array of records,
# and a hash of dependent associations. The associated records should
# be queried from the database and the associations cache for each
# record should be populated for this to work correctly.
# - :graph_block - The block to pass to join_table when eagerly loading
# the association via eager_graph.
# - :graph_conditions - The additional conditions to use on the SQL join when eagerly loading
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,6 +253,11 @@ def association_dataset_method_name(name)

# Name symbol for _dataset association method
def association_eager_dataset_method_name(name)

# Name symbol for _helper internal association method
def association_helper_method_name(name)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,9 +298,11 @@ def def_add_method(opts)
def def_association_dataset_methods(opts)
name = opts[:name]
dataset_method = association_dataset_method_name(name)
eager_dataset_method = association_eager_dataset_method_name(name)
helper_method = association_helper_method_name(name)
dataset = opts[:dataset]
dataset_helper = opts[:block]
eager_block = opts[:eager_block]
order = opts[:order]
eager = opts[:eager]
eager_graph = opts[:eager_graph]
Expand All @@ -317,6 +329,18 @@ def def_association_dataset_methods(opts)

# define a method returning the association dataset suitable for eager_loading
meta_def(eager_dataset_method) do |ds, select, associations|
ds =*select)
ds = ds.order(*order) if order
ds = ds.limit(*limit) if limit
ds = ds.eager(eager) if eager
ds = ds.eager_graph(eager_graph) if eager_graph
ds = ds.eager(associations) unless associations.blank?
ds = if eager_block

class_def(name) do |*reload|
if @associations.include?(name) and !reload[0]
Expand All @@ -336,17 +360,27 @@ def def_association_dataset_methods(opts)
# Adds many_to_many association instance methods
def def_many_to_many(opts)
name = opts[:name]
model = self
left = (opts[:left_key] ||= default_remote_key)
right = (opts[:right_key] ||= default_foreign_key(opts))
opts[:class_name] ||= name.to_s.singularize.camelize
join_table = (opts[:join_table] ||= default_join_table_name(opts))
opts[:left_key_alias] ||= :x_foreign_key_x
opts[:left_key_select] ||= left.qualify(join_table).as(opts[:left_key_alias])
left_key_alias = opts[:left_key_alias] ||= :x_foreign_key_x
left_key_select = opts[:left_key_select] ||= left.qualify(join_table).as(opts[:left_key_alias])
opts[:graph_join_table_conditions] = opts[:graph_join_table_conditions] ? opts[:graph_join_table_conditions].to_a : []
opts[:graph_join_table_join_type] ||= opts[:graph_join_type]
opts[:dataset] ||= proc{opts.associated_class.inner_join(join_table, [[right, opts.associated_primary_key], [left, pk]])}
database = db

opts[:eager_loader] ||= proc do |key_hash, records, associations|
h = key_hash[model.primary_key]
records.each{|object| object.associations[name] = []}
model.send(association_eager_dataset_method_name(name), opts.associated_class.inner_join(join_table, [[right, opts.associated_primary_key], [left, h.keys]]), Array( + Array(left_key_select), associations).all do |assoc_record|
next unless objects = h[assoc_record.values.delete(left_key_alias)]
objects.each{|object| object.associations[name].push(assoc_record)}


return if opts[:read_only]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,12 +408,27 @@ def def_many_to_many(opts)
# Adds many_to_one association instance methods
def def_many_to_one(opts)
name = opts[:name]
model = self
key = (opts[:key] ||= default_foreign_key(opts))
opts[:class_name] ||= name.to_s.camelize
opts[:dataset] ||= proc do
klass = opts.associated_class
opts[:eager_loader] ||= proc do |key_hash, records, associations|
h = key_hash[key]
keys = h.keys
# Skip eager loading if no objects have a foreign key for this association
unless keys.empty?
# Default the cached association to nil, so any object that doesn't have it
# populated will have cached the negative lookup.
records.each{|object| object.associations[name] = nil}
model.send(association_eager_dataset_method_name(name), opts.associated_class.filter(opts.associated_primary_key.qualify(opts.associated_class.table_name)=>keys),, associations).all do |assoc_record|
next unless objects = h[]
objects.each{|object| object.associations[name] = assoc_record}


Expand All @@ -401,12 +450,25 @@ def def_many_to_one(opts)
# Adds one_to_many association instance methods
def def_one_to_many(opts)
name = opts[:name]
model = self
key = (opts[:key] ||= default_remote_key)
opts[:class_name] ||= name.to_s.singularize.camelize
opts[:dataset] ||= proc do
klass = opts.associated_class
klass.filter(key.qualify(klass.table_name) => pk)
opts[:eager_loader] ||= proc do |key_hash, records, associations|
h = key_hash[model.primary_key]
records.each{|object| object.associations[name] = []}
reciprocal = opts.reciprocal
model.send(association_eager_dataset_method_name(name), opts.associated_class.filter(key.qualify(opts.associated_class.table_name)=>h.keys),, associations).all do |assoc_record|
next unless objects = h[assoc_record[key]]
objects.each do |object|
assoc_record.associations[reciprocal] = object if reciprocal


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59 changes: 1 addition & 58 deletions sequel/lib/sequel_model/eager_loading.rb
Expand Up @@ -362,64 +362,7 @@ def eager_load(a)

# Iterate through eager associations and assign instance variables
# for the association for all model objects
reflections.each do |reflection|
assoc_class = reflection.associated_class
assoc_name = reflection[:name]
# Proc for setting cascaded eager loading
assoc_block = do |d|
d = d.order(*reflection[:order]) if reflection[:order]
d = d.limit(*reflection[:limit]) if reflection[:limit]
d = d.eager_graph(reflection[:eager_graph]) if reflection[:eager_graph]
d = d.eager(reflection[:eager]) if reflection[:eager]
d = d.eager(eager_assoc[assoc_name]) if eager_assoc[assoc_name]
d = reflection[:eager_block].call(d) if reflection[:eager_block]
case rtype = reflection[:type]
when :many_to_one
key = reflection[:key]
h = key_hash[key]
keys = h.keys
# No records have the foreign key set for this association, so skip it
next unless keys.length > 0
# Set the instance variable to null by default, so records that
# don't have a associated records will cache the negative lookup.
a.each do |object|
object.associations[assoc_name] = nil
end*>keys)).all do |assoc_object|
next unless objects = h[]
objects.each{|object| object.associations[assoc_name] = assoc_object}
when :one_to_many, :many_to_many
h = key_hash[model.primary_key]
ds = if rtype == :one_to_many
fkey = reflection[:key]
reciprocal = reflection.reciprocal*>h.keys)
fkey = reflection[:left_key_alias]*(Array([:left_key_select]))).inner_join(reflection[:join_table], [[reflection[:right_key], reflection.associated_primary_key], [reflection[:left_key], h.keys]])
h.values.each do |object_array|
object_array.each{|object| object.associations[assoc_name] = []}
end do |assoc_object|
fk = if rtype == :many_to_many
next unless objects = h[fk]
objects.each do |object|
assoc_object.associations[reciprocal] = object if reciprocal
reflections.each{|r| r[:eager_loader].call(key_hash, a, eager_assoc[r[:name]])}

# Build associations from the graph if #eager_graph was used,
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38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions sequel/spec/eager_loading_spec.rb
Expand Up @@ -403,6 +403,44 @@ def fetch_rows(sql)
MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ['SELECT * FROM albums', "SELECT id, ag.album_id AS x_foreign_key_x FROM genres INNER JOIN ag ON ((ag.genre_id = AND (ag.album_id IN (1)))"]

it "should use the :eager_loader association option when eager loading" do
EagerAlbum.many_to_one :special_band, :eager_loader=>(proc do |key_hash, records, assocs|
item = EagerBand.filter(:album_id=>records.collect{|r| [,*2]}.flatten).order(:name).first
records.each{|r| r.associations[:special_band] = item}
EagerAlbum.one_to_many :special_tracks, :eager_loader=>(proc do |key_hash, records, assocs|
items = EagerTrack.filter(:album_id=>records.collect{|r| [,*2]}.flatten).all
records.each{|r| r.associations[:special_tracks] = items}
EagerAlbum.many_to_many :special_genres, :eager_loader=>(proc do |key_hash, records, assocs|
items = EagerGenre.inner_join(:ag, [:genre_id]).filter(:album_id=>records.collect{|r|}).all
records.each{|r| r.associations[:special_genres] = items}
a = EagerAlbum.eager(:special_genres, :special_tracks, :special_band).all
a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)
a.size.should == 1
a.first.should be_a_kind_of(EagerAlbum)
a.first.values.should == {:id => 1, :band_id => 2}
MODEL_DB.sqls.length.should == 4
MODEL_DB.sqls[0].should == 'SELECT * FROM albums'
MODEL_DB.sqls[1..-1].should(include('SELECT * FROM bands WHERE (album_id IN (1, 2)) ORDER BY name LIMIT 1'))
MODEL_DB.sqls[1..-1].should(include('SELECT * FROM tracks WHERE (album_id IN (1, 2))'))
MODEL_DB.sqls[1..-1].should(include('SELECT * FROM genres INNER JOIN ag USING (genre_id) WHERE (album_id IN (1))'))
a = a.first
a.special_band.should be_a_kind_of(EagerBand)
a.special_band.values.should == {:id => 2}
a.special_tracks.should be_a_kind_of(Array)
a.special_tracks.size.should == 1
a.special_tracks.first.should be_a_kind_of(EagerTrack)
a.special_tracks.first.values.should == {:id => 3, :album_id=>1}
a.special_genres.should be_a_kind_of(Array)
a.special_genres.size.should == 1
a.special_genres.first.should be_a_kind_of(EagerGenre)
a.special_genres.first.values.should == {:id => 4}
MODEL_DB.sqls.length.should == 4


describe Sequel::Model, "#eager_graph" do
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