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Project was generated from rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber-template with some modifications to get by a couple of errors caused by edge rails.
rails new deals -m -T

Clone Project

git clone
switch to tag

update database.yml.template
update gem file for sqlite or mysql

$ bundle install
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate
$ RAILS_ENV=test rake db:migrate
$ rake db:seed

rake cucumber:wip
2 scenarios (2 failed)
15 steps (2 failed, 8 skipped, 1 undefined, 4 passed)

You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets:

Then /^the deal should be saved$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had

Implement Step Definitions

$ touch /features/step_definitions/deal_steps.rb

Then /^the deal should be saved$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had

rake cucumber:wip

p. Ok let’s make this pass

Can’t find mapping from “the new deal page” to a path.
Now, go and add a mapping in /Users/jonathanspooner/Dropbox/active/bdd/deals/features/support/paths.rb (RuntimeError)

p. We don’t need to add anything to paths.rb because we can just use the catch all path.

page_name =~ /the (.*) page/

rescue Object => e
raise “Can’t find mapping from \”#{page_name}\" to a path.\n" +
“Now, go and add a mapping in #{__FILE__}”

h3. Let’s make the mapping work for “the new deal page”

resources :deals

and run rake cucumber:wip

Scenario: Create a new deal # features/deals/create_deals.feature:12
Given I am on the new deal page # features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:44
uninitialized constant DealsController (ActionController::RoutingError)
./features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:45:in `/^(?:|I )am on (.+)$/’
features/deals/create_deals.feature:13:in `Given I am on the new deal page’

p. Now the mapping works and cucumber is driving the next step. It wants a DealsController!

Generate the DealsController

Okay let’s cheat a little and use a rails generator to speed things up.
BDD want’s us todo this
* rails g controller Deals new
* rake cucumber:wip
* RED When I fill in “Title” with “Mega skateboard deals”
* Add form to new.html
* rake cucumber:wip
* RED And I press “Create Deal”
* Add DealsController#create

This would be the right method with a very custom feature but this one is SUPER basic so we’ll skip a few steps and use the scaffold generator.

* be rails g scaffold deals title:string start_date:datetime end_date:datetime quantity:integer description:text number_sold:integer

h4. No let’s drop a down a gear and take a look at our specs.

* Add default value for number_sold in 20110823170906_create_deals.rb
* Add a spec for our default values.

describe “init” do
it { eql(0) }
it { eql(0) }

then add default values to 20110823170906_create_deals.rb t.integer :quantity, :default => 0 t.integer :number_sold, :default => 0

* rake db:migrate
* RAILS_ENV=test rake db:migrate
* rake spec

h4. Look at the deals_controller_spec

* rake spec:controllers

* Let’s use FactoryGirl to make our lives easier later.
* Why FactoryGirl?

Factory.define :deal do |d|
d.title ‘Mega Skateboard deal’
d.start_date (
d.end_date (
d.description ‘Mega ramp skateboard by Jake Brown is on sale.’
d.quantity 100
d.number_sold 0

* “deal = Deal.create! valid_attributes” and replace with “deal = Factory(:deal)”

Update valid_attributes to use FactoryGirl

def valid_attributes

def valid_attributes

* rake spec – Everything should be green
* now back to the BDD cycle

  • rake spec:controllers

rake cucumber:wip

When I fill in “Start date” with “2011/9/1”
cannot fill in, no text field, text area or password field with id, name, or label ‘Start date’ found (Capybara::ElementNotFound)

The rails generator by default gives us select boxes but we want a text_field.

We’ll update datetime_select with text_field for start_date and end_date.

rake cucumber:wip

Then the deal should be saved
TODO (Cucumber::Pending)
./features/step_definitions/deal_steps.rb:2:in `/^the deal should be saved$/’
features/deals/create_deals.feature:19:in `Then the deal should be saved’

Let’s implement this step definition

Then /^the deal should be saved$/ do
page.should have_content(“Deal was successfully created.”)

rake cucumber:wip

Looks Green!
Scenario: Create a new deal
Given I am on the new deal page
When I fill in “Title” with “Mega skateboard deals”
When I fill in “Start date” with “2011/9/1”
When I fill in “End date” with “2011/9/1”
When I fill in “Quantity” with “1000”
And I press “Create Deal”
Then the deal should be saved
Then I should see “Mega skateboard deals”

Now let’s move our @wip tag down and fix this “title can’t be blank error”

Then I should see “Title can’t be blank”

Looks like this should be valid so let’s drop down a gear and update the Deal model.


describe “validation” do
it { have(1).errors_on(:title) }

rake spec:models

Deal validation
Failure/Error: it { have(1).errors_on(:title) }
expected 1 errors on :title, got 0

  1. ./spec/models/deal_spec.rb:9:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>’


validates_presence_of :title

rake spec:models

Finished in 1.73 seconds
16 examples, 0 failures

Looking Green! Let’s go back up to Cucumber.

rake cucumber:wip

The —wip switch was used, so I didn’t expect anything to pass. These scenarios passed:
(::) passed scenarios (::)

Let’s remove that @wip tag from the .feature file

rake cucumber

Looks good. Time to commit and move on to the home_page.feature

  • Move @wip from completed steps.
  • add @wip to home_steps.rb


rake cucumber:wip

Let’s implement some step definitions.

  • create /features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb
  • add @wip tag to home_page.feature

rake cucumber:wip

Given there are 4 past 4 current and 2 future deals # features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:1
TODO (Cucumber::Pending)
./features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:2:in `/^there are (\d+) past (\d+) current and (\d+) future deals$/’
features/home/home_page.feature:7:in `Given there are 4 past 4 current and 2 future deals’

Implement background step. “Given there are 4 past 4 current and 2 future deals”

  • variables
  • FactoryGirl

$ touch features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb

  • past these steps
Given /^there are (\d+) past (\d+) current and (\d+) future deals$/ do |past, current, future| past.to_i.times do Factory(:deal, {:start_date =>, :end_date =>}) end current.to_i.times do Factory(:deal, {:start_date =>, :end_date =>}) end current.to_i.times do Factory(:deal, {:start_date =>, :end_date =>}) end end

rake cucumber:wip

Given I am on the home page
Then I should see 4 deals
TODO (Cucumber::Pending)
./features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:14:in `/^I should see (\d+) deals$/’
features/home/home_page.feature:11:in `Then I should see 4 deals’

Implement step to count deals

Then /^I should see (\d+) deals$/ do |arg1|
page.should have_selector(“”, :count => arg1)

rake cucumber:wip

Scenario: Create a new deal
Given I am on the home page
Then I should see 4 deals
expected css “” to return something (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)

Let’s drop down a gear and update the model.


Add named scope for current deals.

describe “queries” do
before(:each) do
past = Factory(:deal, { :start_date => 30.days.ago, :end_date => 29.days.ago }) @current = Factory(:deal, { :start_date => 5.days.ago, :end_date => 5.days.from_now }) @future = Factory(:deal, { :start_date => 5.days.from_now, :end_date => 10.days.from_now }) end it "should find current deals" do deals = Deal.current deals.should have(1).item deals.first.should eql(current)

rake spec:models

Failure/Error: deals = Deal.current
undefined method `current’ for #

Let’s add this to app/models/deal.rb
scope :current

rake spec:models

Deal queries should find current deals
Failure/Error: deals.should have(1).item
expected 1 item, got 3

Ok now we need to get the query right.

scope :current, where(“Date(start_date) <= ? AND Date(end_date) >= ?”,,

rake spec:models

Finished in 0.1878 seconds
17 examples, 0 failures


We need a lambda around the query so the date isn’t cashed.
scope :current, lambda{ where(“Date(start_date) <= ? AND Date(end_date) >= ?”,,}

rake spec:models

Finished in 0.1878 seconds
17 examples, 0 failures

Looks Green! Let’s bounce back up to cucumber.

rake cucumber:wip

Scenario: Create a new deal
Given I am on the home page
Then I should see 4 deals

!We need to display the deals on the home page.

Let’s use our Deal.current in the home_controller


it “should set the current deals” do
deal = Factory(:deal)
get :index
assigns(:deals).should eq([deal])

rake spec:controllers

1) HomeController GET ‘index’ should set the current deals
Failure/Error: assigns(:deals).should eq([deal])

Edit home_controller.rb
@deals = Deal.current

rake spec:controllers


Finished in 0.42225 seconds
20 examples, 0 failures

rake cucumber:wip

Let’s add some html

open app/views/home/index.html

<% @deals.each do |deal| >

<= deal.title %>

<% end %>

and pop back up to cucumber

rake cucumber:wip

Looks Green! Almost!

The customer actually wants the deals to be linked to the deal page.

Let’s update the step_definition to look for links to /deals/

Then /^I should see (\d+) links to deals$/ do |arg1|
page.should have_selector(“ a[href^=‘/deals/’]”, :count => arg1)

rake cucumber:wip

Then I should see 4 links to deals # features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:13
expected css “ a[href^=‘/deals/’]” to return something (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)

Let’s add the links


<% @deals.each do |deal| >

<= link_to deal.title, deal %>

<% end %>

rake cucumber:wip

Looks Green!


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More Information

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Required Gems

This application requires this gem:


To use this application, you will need:

  • The Ruby language (version 1.8.7 or 1.9.2)
  • Rails (version 3.0.4 or newer)

Installing the Application

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Getting Started

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Documentation and Support

This is the only documentation.


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Similar Projects

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If you make improvements to this application, please share with others.

  • Fork the project on GitHub.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Commit with Git.
  • Send the author a pull request.

If you add functionality to this application, create an alternative implementation, or build an application that is similar, please contact me and I’ll add a note to the README so that others can find your work.


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