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Sound Static Analysis of C for Memory Safety (Undefined Behavior)

Quick start

System requirements

  • Platform: macOS or Linux The CodeHawk C Source Code Analyzer consists of two parts that are run separately, and may be run on different platforms:
    • parser (parseFile); this program is an extension of the CIL parser front end developed by George Necula and his students at UC Berkeley (and now available on GitHub).
    • analyzer (canalyzer); this program generates the proof obligations, and performs invariant generation by abstract interpretation, which are then used to discharge the proof obligations. Both programs are provided in executable form for macOS and linux.
  • Bear: The front=end parser makes use of the utility bear, available from GitHub or from package managers. This utility records the actions of the Makefile when compiling an application; the recording is used to emit the necessary artifacts for analysis
  • Other dependencies: All interactions with the analyzer are performed via python scripts, so python is required. The analyzer and python environment make use of JAR files, which requires a working Java installation.

General use guidelines

An analysis consists of two phases that may be performed on different platforms:

  1. Parsing: This phase takes as input the original source code, a Makefile (if there is more than one source file), and, in case of library includes, the library header files resident on the system. This phase produces as output a set of XML files that completely capture the semantics of the application; these files are the sole input of the Analysis phase.

    Because of the dependency on the resident system library header files, it is generally recommended to perform this phase on a Linux system, because of its more standard library environment than macOS (the CIL parser may also have some issues with some of the syntax of the macOS header files).

  2. Analysis: This phase takes as input the XML files produced by the parsing phase. As long as the source code is not modified, the analysis can be run multiple times without have to repeat the parsing step. The Analysis step can be run on either macOS or Linux, independently of where the parsing step was performed, as it operates solely on the XML files produced and is not dependent on any external programs of library headers.

Getting started

All interactions with the parser and analyzer are performed via python scripts. Separate sets of scripts are provided for different use cases.

  • Regression tests: A first quick test of how (and whether) the parser and analyzer work as expected is to run the regression tests included in this repository:

    > git clone
    > export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/CodeHawk-C
    > cd CodeHawk-C/chc/cmdline/kendra
    > python

    If everything works okay this should produce an output like this.

  • Single C file: To analyze an application consisting of a single C file (without Makefile), located at, say, cfiletest/test.c, first parse the file:

    > export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/CodeHawk-C
    > cd CodeHawk-C/chc/cmdline/c_file
    > python ~/cfiletest/test.c

    This produces, in the the same directory as test.c, a preprocessed version of the c file, test.i and a directory called semantics that has two subdirectories:

    1. chcartifacts, which holds all of the semantic artifacts necessary for analysis, and
    2. sourcefiles, the original c file and the preprocessed version, with extension i.

    Now the file can be analyzed:

    > python ~/cfiletest ctest.c

    Notice that this script requires two separate arguments: the parent directory of the semantics directory and the name of the c file.

    The analyzer saves all of its results in the semantics/chcartifacts directory. To view a summary of the results:

    > python ~/cfiletest ctest.c

    To view the full results, including proof obligations and invariants for proof obligations that were not automatically discharged:

    > python ~/cfiletest ctest.c --showcode

    Proof obligations are shown with indicators with the following meaning:

    <S> : (safe:statement) the proof obligation was discharged based on
          information belonging to the statement itself (and possibly function
          and/or global declarations);
    <L> : (safe:local) the proof obligation was discharged based on local
          invariants generated for the function (without assumptions on
          the values of arguments);
    <A> : (conditionally safe:api) the proof obligation was discharged by
          making assumptions on the arguments passed to the function; these
          assumptions are added to the function api assumptions (listed at
          the top of the function) and are imposed as supporting proof
      	obligations on all callers of the function;
    <*> : (violation) the proof obligation was shown to be false. This
          usually means the proof obligation is false for all possible
          computations (universally false). In some cases, it may
      	indicate the existence of a (presumably tainted) value that
      	falsifies the proof obligation (existentially false).
    <?> : (unknown) the analyzer was not able to either prove or disprove
          the proof obligation. In some cases a diagnostic message may
          provide an indication of what information is lacking for the
  • C project (with Makefile) To analyze a larger C application that consists of multiple source files and whose compilation is accomplished by a Makefile, first make sure that the application builds by invoking make. If necessary, perform a .configure step to produce the Makefile and/or system-dependent header files. Do a make clean before performing the parsing step, to make sure the compilation of all source files is recorded:

    > export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/CodeHawk-C
    > cd CodeHawk-C/chc/cmdline/c_project
    > python <path>

    where <path> indicates the name of the top-level directory that holds the Makefile. This step produces in the same directory a directory namedsemantics with two subdirectories:

    1. chcartifacts, which holds all of the semantic artifacts necessary for analysis, and
    2. sourcefiles, which holds all of the original source files (.c files) and their preprocessed versions (.i files), organized in the same directory structure as the original c application.

    When analyzing a legacy project that will not be modified it is convenient to save the semantic artifacts in a tar file. This tar file can then be shared with others to facilitate a collaborative analysis with the guarantee that all have the same starting point (different computers may have different installations of linux, and/or gcc, resulting in different header files and different proof obligations). To create the tar file add the following command-line option to the parsing step:

    > python <path> --savesemantics

    This will produce the file semantics_linux.tar.gz. It is recommended to always generate this file, to enable restarting the analysis with a clean slate, without having to reparse the application.

    To analyze the project:

    > python <path> --verbose

    This step will first generate the proof obligations for each source file, then generate invariants for each source file, and attempt to discharge the proof obligations. All of these actions are local to each source file. If during the proof obligation discharge any api assumptions were generated, the python infrastructure will collect these assumptions and generate supporting proof obligations for all call sites. These are added to the set of proof obligations, and the analysis is run again on all individual source files. This sequence is repeated a number of times (default: 3).

    Depending on the size of the application this step can take from a few minutes to several hours.

    To view a summary of the results:

    > python <path>

    To view more comprehensive results for a single file:

    > python <path> <filename> --showcode

    where <filename> should include the full path relative to the <path> directory.

    More scripts are available in the chc/cmdline/c_project directory to investigate the open proof obligations or generate suggestions for contract conditions. A more detailed description of these scripts is given here.

  • Juliet Test Suite A separate repository, CodeHawk-C-Targets-Juliet, has been prepared with a large number of C-language test cases from the Juliet Test Suite (originally developed by NSA's Center for Assured Software and now maintained by NIST). Scripts customized for these tests are provided in chc/cmdline/juliet.

    To run these tests, first obtain the repository:

    > git clone

    and set the path in chc/util/ (if not present, copy from ConfigLocal.template) in the targets property, e.g.,

      juliettargets_home = os.path.expanduser('~')
      config.targets = {
         "juliet": os.path.join(juliettargets_home,

    (modify juliettargets_home to reflect your local path to the CodeHawk-C-Targets-Juliet repository).

    To check the configuration and analyze one of the tests:

    > export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/CodeHawk-C
    > cd CodeHawk-C/chc/cmdline/juliet
    > python
    > python CWE121 CWE129_large
    > python CWE121 CWE129_large
    > python CWE121 CWE129_large

    Analysis of individual tests takes a few minutes or less than a minute if using multiple cores (use the --maxprocesses commandline argument to indicate the number of processors). More detailed descriptions of the scripts available for the Juliet tests are available here.

Source code

This repository contains the source code of the python infrastructure that invokes the parser and analyzer and interprets and reports the results. The source code for the parser and analyzer (written in OCaml) is provided on GitHub at in the CodeHawk/CHC directory.

Related repositories

Pre-parsed analysis targets are provided in separate repositories:


The development of the CodeHawk C Source Code Analyzer was sponsored in part by the Department of Homeland Security and the Air Force Research Laboratory under contract #FA8750-12-C-0277. The content of the information does not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the Government and no official endorsement should be inferred.


CodeHawk C Analyzer: sound static analysis of memory safety (undefined behavior)







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