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File metadata and controls

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Extension Points of Coming

Mining provides a set of Extension points which allow to override the default behavior of Coming or to add new functionality. A code walk-through of Coming is presented here.

Input Reader

The value of argument -input can include the name of a class that explores a source of information (e.g. a Git repo, a SVN repo, a file system). The class must extend from RevisionNavigationExperiment and must be added to the classpath.

Accepted values:

a) git: Analyzes a git repository

b) files: Analyzes a set of files

c) class name of the input reader to execute.

Input Location

The -input argument must be complemented with the argument -location, which indicates the location of the input (e.g. the location in the file system of the Git repository to analyze).

Execution modes (Analyzers to run)

The value of parameter mode can have the class names of the Analyzer to consider. That class must implement the interface Analyzer. You can add more than one Analyzers by separating them using the char Classpath separator (e.g., ':').

Accepted values:

a) diff: AST diff analyzis

b) mineinstance: mining of change pattern instances

c) class name of the analyzer to execute, e.g., myapp.core.MyClassAnalyzer

Commit Filters

The value of parameter filter can have the class names of the filter to consider. That class must implement the interface IFilter. You can add more than one filter by separating them using the char Classpath separator (e.g., ':').

For example -filter bugfix:myclasses.Filter1:myclassesFilter2, indicates the use of 3 filters: bugfix, included in Coming, and two news myclasses.Filter1 and myclassesFilter2. Those classes must be included in the classpath.

Post-Processors and Outputs

The value of parameter -outputprocessor can have the class names of the filter to consider. That class must implement the interface IOutput. You can add more than one filter by separating them using the char Classpath separator (e.g., ':').

A output processor can have one or more of the following goals:

a) to apply a post-processor of the results from the analysis of each commit (e.g. to present the most frequent changes, change patterns, present commits with a given feature)

b) to present the results from specific analyzers (e.g., to export instances of change pattern in a given format such as JSON, XML)

Creating your own post-output processor

The interface IOutput defines two methods to implements:

public interface IOutput {
	 * Compute output for the final results
	public void generateFinalOutput(FinalResult finalResult);

	 * Compute the outputs for the results of a revision
	public void generateRevisionOutput(RevisionResult resultAllAnalyzed);

One of them, generateRevisionOutput(RevisionResult resultAllAnalyzed) receives the results from a revision (e.g., commit) and is invoked just after this revision is analyzed. The other method, generateFinalOutput(FinalResult finalResult) received the results from the analysis of all the revision. This method is invoked at the end of the execution, i.e., once all revision were analyzed.

By default, Coming does not generate the output just after analyzing the revision (i.e., it does not call method generateRevisionOutput). Coming stores the results in memory and at the end it calls method generateFinalOutput. To store the result by revision, pass the property outputperrevision:true (using command line argument -parameters outputperrevision:true:P1:V1:P2:V2 ). Moreover, to avoid saving the results -which can be memory consuming for large repositories- , pass the property save_result_revision_analysis:false

API for manipulating the results the results

The method run from Coming (which is invoked by the method main) returns the final results. For example:

    ComingMain cm = new ComingMain();
		Object result = String[] { "-location", "repogit4testv0", "-hunkanalysis", "true" });
		CommitFinalResult cfres = (CommitFinalResult) result;
		Map<Commit, RevisionResult> commits = cfres.getAllResults();

There, the map commits has the results of each commit.

Coming also provides a call back to obtain the results of each revision just after it is analyzed.

  ComingMain cm = new ComingMain();
  Boolean created = cm.createEngine(new String[] { "-location", "repogit4testv0", "-hunkanalysis", "true" });
	cm.registerIntermediateCallback(new IntermediateResultProcessorCallback() {
	int currentIndex = 0;
			public void handleResult(RevisionResult result) {
				System.out.println("callback " + currentIndex);
		// Start the analysis
		FinalResult finalresult = cm.start();

Analyzing the Result from one revision.

Coming allows to apply different analyzers to a particular revision. The entity RevisionResult contains the results from each analyzed appyied to a revision. It is a Map where the keys are the class names of the analyzed applied over the revision, and the values are the results that each analyzer produces. (Coming also provides a method getResultFromClass that receives a class and returns the result from that class).

For example:

AnalysisResult resultFromDiffAnalysis = previousResults.getResultFromClass(FineGrainDifftAnalyzer.class);
  DiffResult diffResut = (DiffResult) resultFromDiffAnalysis;

All results inherit from class AnalysisResult. Then, it's possible to cast the results according to the analyzer.

Format of the Pattern Specification

The value of argument -patternparser can include the name of a class that loads a change pattern. The class must implement the interface PatternFileParser. By default, Coming uses a XML parser (value xmlparser).