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File metadata and controls

48 lines (38 loc) · 1.47 KB

Jota is a minimal log system for Clojure


After (require [jota.core :as log]:

(ns myapp.core)

(log/debug "Value=" 42)
(log/error "Value=" 43)

will output:

myapp.core:debug: Value=42
myapp.core:error: Value=43

To suppress the debug-level output: (set-level! 'myapp.core :error) or (set-level! :root :error)


Jota supports :trace, :debug, :info, :warn and :error, with the correspondign functions log/trace, log/debug etc.


The standard writer is println. You can set or add a writer:

   (set-writer! 'myapp.core (fn[x] (print x)))
   (add-writer! :root (fn[x] (print x)))

TODO: support logback appenders


Jota will search the level and writer for the namespace where log is called. If not found, it will fall back to the settings of :root. When setting levels or writers, you can use namespaces, keywords or symbol, all are mormalized to keywords. THe following are equivalent:

(set-level! *ns* :error)
(set-level! 'myapp.core :error)
(set-level! :myapp.core :error)
(set-level! "myapp.core" :error)

On startup, Jota will search jota-setting-test.clj and jota-setting.clj and will print the file path from which it initialized: jota initialized from /Users/kolov/projects/jota/test/test-config.clj

A sample settings file:

{:root           {:level :info}
 :myapp.core     {:level :debug :writer print} }