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Boiler Plate Application

This is some boiler plate for creating web applications.

1. Libraries Used

  • Node

    Because I like Node, and it has over 37,000 modules ready to use.

  • Express

    Seems like a solid web application framework, with plenty of support.

  • Jade

    Makes writing HTML much less painful.

  • Stylus

    Makes writing CSS much less painful. Another option would be Less. I decided against Less purely based on personal preference and my familiarity with Stylus.

  • Coffeescript

    This makes writing javascript much less painful. I was considering using Typescript instead. I decided against it because I plan on using this to repidly develop many small projects where the benefit of using types will not outweigh the benefits of being able to generate javascript more quickly using coffee script.

  • Backbone

    I am using this mostly for routing a single page web application. It also has nice functionality to describe and persist models to databases.

  • Grunt

    Very simple and powerful build tool.

  • Require

    This is a nice clientside dependency management system for javascript. I believe this is incredibly important because it allows you to properly build an application split up into many modules that depend on other modules within your application.

  • React, JSX

    React allows you to easily make components that render onto the page that are very dynamic and when updating, update the DOM efficiently. JSX is used often in React and makes the code much cleaner.

    Another option here would be AngularJS. I believe AngularJS is very heavy weight and bloated for what it does, (just compare the apis of each framework: React, Angular) but it would server a similar purpose.

  • Jquery, Underscore

    These two libraries are like the swiss army knife of web development.

2. Setup

  1. Install global packages: sudo npm install -g grunt-cli coffee-script
  2. Install local packages: npm install
  3. Build application: grunt
  4. Start application: npm start
  5. Navigate to: localhost:5000/#/index

3. Language

Most of the code in the boiler plate is coffeescript. Unfortunately JSX doesn't play well with coffeescript, yet?. To use JSX transformer use the .jsx filetype, and make sure to include the jsx header. The build system will compile coffeescript and jsx to plain old js.

Look at html/ and html/jsx/hello.jsx to see how to use jsx and coffeescript.

4. Jade

There is a very simple jade file to act as an entrance point into the application. view/index.jade doesn't have any major layout code. My intention is that you will mostly render the page through different React modules that you can mount onto #content, see html/ for an example.

5. Startup

There are two startup scripts located in scripts. Executing npm start launches the server by using scripts/ and is intended for testing. To launch a server on port 80 that will persist even if you close the terminal you can execute npm run prod with root privileges. This starts the application with scripts/ and will also write all logs to a file.


Boilerplate for my webapps






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