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- mooltisetec allow you to create a multiselect combobox, and also to make it sortable or set a maximum of options That the user may select.

How to use

1.	Create the element list, that will become the mooltiselect. 
	<ul id="ulList">
		<li class="liOption" rel="1">Option 1</li>
		<li class="liOption" rel="2">Option 2</li>
		<li class="liOption" rel="3">Option 3</li>
		<li class="liOption" rel="4">Option 4</li>
		<li class="liOption" rel="5">Option 5</li>
2.  Call mooltiselect.
	var list = new mooltiselect({
		list: 'ulList', // id of the container of the option elements, default list.
		options: 'liOption', // class of the option elemnts, default option.
		selectedClass: 'liSelected', // selected class, to be applied to selected items.
		name: 'liSelected Options', // name of the form element, that will be send, using POST/GET method 
		sort: false, // boolean, true allows sorting of the option elements, and is sent via POST/GET in order, firts the top one, end descending.
		drag: true, // boolean, defaults to true, allows multiple selection, by dragging the mouse over, and maintaining the mosue clicked.
		maximum: 0,	// int, maximum selectable options, 0 means no limit.	
		errorMessage: 'You already selected the maximum of %MAX% items', // Error message displayed if max options already selected, the %MAX% wilcard, will be replaced with the number 
		onMaxSelected: '' // Function to be executed once the maximum number of options is selected, if no function is passed, the default behaivour is to alert the erroe message


2.0 - Added onMaxSelected property
1.5 - Made mooltiSelect compatible with mootools 1.3;
1.5 - Made text unselectable when dragging enable (tested on IE7,IE8, FF3,FF2, Opera 11, Safari 5 and Chrome 2);
1.5 - Removed the extra step apply();
1.3 - Added selection by dragging the mouse over various options;
1.2 - Added custom error message alert;


Mootools plugin, the allows to have a multiselect combo, easier to use, and beign able to set the maximum number of choices selected and sort options.






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